California school district facilitating gender transitions on children without parental consent

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by LibsOfTikTok

Documents obtained through a recent FOIA request reveal that a California school district partnered with a healthcare facility to provide children with gender transition hormones and surgeries without parental consent. The school district, DJUSD and CommuniCare are providing these services under the guise of a “mental health program” for K-12 students. According to CommuniCare’s website, they offer cross-sex hormone medications like testosterone, estradiol, and spironolactone, letters for medical clearance to undergo transition surgeries, and assistance with legal name and gender documents.

Libs of TikTok found through examining several school contracts between DJUSD and CommuniCare, the clinicians must obtain written parental consent for limited primary health care BUT makes an exception for “confidential sexual and reproductive health services” for students. So basically, the school, in conjunction with clinicians, can provide sexual health services to minors without informing parents.

After becoming suspicious of the program, one parent submitted a FOIA request in an effort to get to the bottom of how deeply the school was involved in the gender transitions of students and what this program really entailed.
Sure enough, the FOIA request revealed that DJUSD will allow students as young as 12 years old to be treated by CommuniCare clinicians regarding their gender transition, and parents will not be notified unless the child consents!


“If a student is 12 or older and consents, a parent/guardian will be provided with the name of the clinician seen by the student.”

You might ask, who is funding these services? The K-12 Partnership is funded through the Mental Health Student Services Act (MHSSA) – aka California taxpayer money. CommuniCare is receiving funding from Yolo County Health & Human Services which was awarded the grant and is responsible for distributing funding to promote this program in schools. If you live in California, your tax dollars are funding secret gender transitions of kids in state-run schools.
We spoke with several outraged parents in the school district over the program. One parent summed up her reaction to learning about this program; “I am horrified that my child can receive counseling and medication to begin transitioning at school. It’s my kid, not theirs. Consent is needed for basic care but when it comes to decisions that will have ramifications for the rest of their lives, they don’t require our consent. They don’t even let us know.”
Another concerned mother spoke to Libs of TikTok regarding the program saying, “Once our kids are connected with these community centers we are virtually helpless. They are offering these groups and legal services to our children who aren’t even teenagers.”

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Time for Home education and pulling their child out of this Indoctrination center we once called A School

These people won’t breed. Science-adhering Christians will.

Problem solved.

“All we want is “gay marriage”. Let us have that and we’re happy.”

makes an exception for “confidential sexual and reproductive health services” for students. 

In other words, if they need an aspirin, they’ll contact the parents. If it’s something the parents will probably, rationally, logically reject, they’ll hide it from them.

LGBTQ fascists demand respect yet do not respect the rights of parents. They do not, therefore, deserve any respect.