California Goes Sanctuary State: Feds Respond with Alien Sweeps

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Brenda Walker:

Governor Jerry Brown apparently thought he was showing the pro-borders President Trump that California didn’t have to obey the nation’s immigration laws, even though it’s clear that the feds control who gets into the country. In fact, Brown’s illegal alien base and their supporters “cheered” when the gov signed the legislation making California a criminal-friendly sanctuary state.

The Trump administration didn’t let the challenge to law and sovereignty go unnoticed; in fact, it struck back with more arrests and a promise to expand, where garden-variety illegals will be swept up in the arrests.

Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan noted in his October 6 statement that Brown’s action “will undermine public safety.” He also declared, “ICE will have no choice but to conduct at-large arrests in local neighborhoods and at worksites, which will inevitably result in additional collateral arrests, instead of focusing on arrests at jails and prisons. . .”

So Jerry’s ploy may backfire on his favorite people.

ICE will target California neighborhoods in wake of state’s new sanctuary law, By Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, October 6, 2017

The head of the federal deportation agency said Friday his agents will now have to go out into communities in California even more frequently to round up illegal immigrants, now that the state has embraced a full sanctuary policy.

Tom Homan, acting director of U.S. I

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brown is an idiot. most forget his drug filled 8 years of gov. oh, most of the snowflakes were just swimmers in daddy’s semen when he had his first two terms in office. just wait until the President cuts federal aid in the 100 millions.

California has run off so many citizens, with their high taxes, fees and loony actions like this that they have to replace the citizens that skedaddled with illegal immigrants to prevent losing seats in the House. A law needs to be passed that only CITIZENS count towards the seats; THEN we would see how “compassionate” liberals are when there is far less political benefit to subsidizing illegal immigration.

@Deplorable Me: #2
Excellent idea. This would also affect how much taxpayer money is given to the states for social programs and the like.
We’ll really see how compassionate the liberals are when there is negative financial benefit to subsidizing illegal immigration.

Might I suggest E. San Jose, there are one or two there. They might want to arrest the Mayor and Police Chief for harboring them while they are at it.

Govenor Moonbeam needs to be arrested and removed from office the same with Newsom their traitors and crooks they both need to be lead out of Sacramento in handcuff or make that in chains into a paddy wagon and off to the penatentury maybe Sing Sing or Pelican Bay maybe Levinworth