CAIR: It’s time to forget 9-11

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It wasn’t that big a deal. Get over it.

The head of a local Islamic-American organization says that after this year, except for remembering its victims, it’s time for America to move on from the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

As WBBM Newsradio’s Bernie Tafoya reports, Ahmet Rehab of the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations says many people still are under the false impression that Islam is a radical religion, and that its believers want to change the U.S. into an Islamic state.

Rehab says the United States needs to move on from that.

“It was always a gang of criminals, called al-Qaeda, who happened to be Muslim, who are trying to justify their acts through faith and through religion,” Rehab said.

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Reminder..for you who do not the Koran. The latter half condones and encourages the slaughter of who are not Muslim. Listen to Alan Jackson’s song “Where were you” or Paul Simons, The Sound of Silence”.
As a Marine Officer, I will never forget that day.

As long as I am alive and I can type on this machine, and a few people still read my rants, I can guarantee you that there will be some who will never forget or forgive. Never!

Enlisted, 0311, Semper Fidelis

We number in the hundreds of thousands and can pick up a rifle in a heart beat. Put that in your hash pipe and smoke it, CAIR. Once a Marine, always a Marine, don’t under estimate the home forces, CAIR. Don’t run CAIR, you’ll just die tired. Center of mass, let out half a breath, sight picture, center of mass, one shot one kill, does it sound like we are going to forget, CAIR! Hell No! Save your bullshit for the Liberals, you are wasting your time with us! Just think of the most dangerous thing in the world, a Marine and his rifle. Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful) You wont find a better friend or a worse enemy.

First of all, Americans are to take the ‘advice’ from anyone associated with CARE – kidding me right?

If this man speaks for all Muslims, this kind of irresponsible, arrogant comment (mindset) does nothing to ‘heal’ ANY ANIMOSITY or MISTRUST…. toward radical Muslims, American born Muslims turned terrorist, nor Muslims in general…. A comment such as his is very reveling of the ‘mindset of this ‘Muslim culture’… and “their total ignorance” and LACK OF RESPECT for the American culture and how Americans feel about life, death, family, friends and their fellow Americans…

Does this man ‘forget’ WE were attacked?? Fellow Americans were Murdered? No, Sir. We will not “forget and move on.” To forget and move on is playing into the hands of terrorists. Does this man deny the 100’s of intercepted and dismantled “attempts” for yet other attacks on American soil since 9/11?

America has become forever vigil. To become ‘complacent’ is exactly what you wish us to be. With our backs turned, allowing a stealthy swarm of Muslims “turned radical” in America (as if they are not already doing this]. Scheming to do exactly what Muslims have done to many other countries in the world, that is turn that country into a Muslim Nation. We are on to you CARE. You may want this for America but, America does not want this for America.

Apparently, and by his very words, this Ahmet is saying Muslims do not “cherish” life, family, friends…. ‘our own sense of and our own finding of happiness’ in this life…. a happiness not dictated by a book, a cleric, Imam, or a sharia law…a happiness and fulfillment inherent in each American and fellow Christians, Jews and others, freely given to us by “our Loving God” – or a Higher Power to others…

Their own actions of their brutality against their own flesh and blood, their oppression of women and ‘non believers’, is proof positive of the Muslim “fanatical” beliefs… that are hidden behind religion…

In many religions, people are given “guidance” from our Priests, Nuns, Cardinals, Pope, Rabbi’s, Ministers….. these people do not ‘dictate’ how we are to live, they ‘guide’ us as to how ‘God wishes us to live’…our consequences to do differently, with the exception of murder, is in God’s hands not man’s….God gave us free will, not man.

Would this man and all other Muslims “Forget” or even “Get over” the day if the United States was to drive an Airplane into one or several of their Mosques? No, it would be rubbed in our face for decades and decades…. Think of what you say Mr Ahmet.

A few years back, CAIR sued somebody (I forget who it was) because he had written about CAIR in what they considered an insulting way, claiming they were a false front organization for the Saudis.
The case was going forward until it came to the DISCOVERY stage.
CAIR dropped their lawsuit without any settlement simply to avoid having to open all their books to public scrutiny.
Later, for another case CAIR had to open those books anyway.
No avoiding it.
Turned out the claim that CAIR is ”America’s largest Muslim civil rights organization,” was completely false.
There were (on average) only a very few dues paying AMERICAN members of CAIR.
So few in fact that the family running each branch and maybe another person pushing the broom was the total of the members in that branch.
(I think the number was either 12 or 17 per branch of CAIR offices.)
So, where was the money coming from?
Overseas, as the man in the lawsuit had stated years before.
CAIR has lost its luster.
Not even the FBI is still listening to CAIR.

While CAIR has been successful in deflecting official investigations because of its DOJ agents, they have not done so well against a private investigation. The book referred to above is Muslim Mafia and should be read by anyone interested in CAIR’s growing influence…

As someone mentioned previously, the FBI has severed ties with CAIR, but bear in mind that is only officially. CAIR still has many supporters and advocates in the Bureau. Information is leaked to CAIR on a regular basis.