Cain “Reassessing” Continuing Campaign Run

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He’ll make a decision “in the next few days.”

My theory is that all of these guys are haunted by the Ghost of Tim Pawlenty, and most will be very reluctant to get out of the race until, say, Florida, or after. In a volatile race, you’re just one news cycle from being on top. Or being on the bottom.

No one can really know.

Cain might get out because there are other factors here (like just not wanting to deal with these questions, and strains on the homefront), but as a general matter people are going to be very reluctant to formally drop out. Even no-hope candidates will keep a skeleton, “notional” candidacy going, because, you never know.

Campaigns may be suspended, but won’t be ended, and I don’t even think they’ll be announced as suspended. At least not until it’s well-nigh-inarguable that someone is really, definitely not going to have a swell of sudden support, and I don’t know how you would have that confidence.

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Well, sadly, it looks like it is now either going to be Newt or Romney. God help us with those establishment hacks being all we have to offer.

What say you Kurt on Newt?

Ace has linked to an update with the entire transcript of Mr. Cain’s conference call with staff.

It is here:

Does not sound like he’s quitting….yet.
The female body builder, ex-partner of this accuser says she never mentioned Cain ever in all their years.

@Nan G:

Does not sound like he’s quitting….yet.
The female body builder, ex-partner of this accuser says she never mentioned Cain ever in all their years.

Irrelevant. In this day and age the accusation is enough to destroy a Republican.

Openly reassessing is also pretty damaging to a campaign. If he were serious about continuing, I would expect any reassessment to be done very privately.
As for continuing a skeleton campaign – yes, of course he could. But I expect one of the other campaigns to offer him some inducement to get him to drop out and endorse. That’s the way it usually works.