BuzzFeed Has Done Very Little Follow-Up Reporting On Trump Dossier

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Chuck Ross:

When BuzzFeed published an unsubstantiated 35-page dossier about Donald Trump last month, the website explained that its goal was to allow “Americans can make up their own minds” about the salacious allegations laid out in the document.

And if informing the American public was its true goal, readers might have expected BuzzFeed to continue reporting on the dossier by providing updates on any developments that might show whether or not the document is accurate.

But a review of the BuzzFeed website shows that the news outlet has done almost no follow up reporting to help the American public answer that question. That despite information that has come to light over the past month that casts further doubt on the veracity of the dossier.

The alleged source for the most salacious claims in the dossier is the head of a small Russian-American trade organization of questionable background. The opposition research firm that hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to compile the memos recently worked on a lobbying campaign backed by a former Russian intelligence agent and supported by the Kremlin.

BuzzFeed has reported none of that. Nor has it, as have other outlets, interviewed national security experts or former intelligence officials to find out what they think of the veracity of the dossier. One intelligence community veteran told The Daily Caller that the dossier appeared to be a “complete fraud.” (RELATED: Intel Vets Say Trump Dossier Is ‘Complete Fraud’)

Asked why BuzzFeed has not stayed on top of a story it brought to the public’s attention, a spokesperson for the company said only that “we’re pleased that publication of the dossier has helped advance the story, including providing readers context and updates — including a BuzzFeed News report that foreign intelligence is investigating its allegations — as well as debunking some specific claims.”

“However, success in verifying or debunking its claims does not diminish the compelling public interest in the story — or the presumptive right of the public, and not just the elite, to see this document,” the spokesperson added.

BuzzFeed has published some additional coverage of the dossier. It has also edited its original story to add several denials of claims made in the document.

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Buzzardfeed just like all typical leftists run web sites are typicaly all liberal and leftists lies 24/7

The calculated release of unfounded rumors has ceased because the the election is over. That doesn’t mean the investigation ended. An investigation is being quietly conducted by agencies of the U.S. intelligence and law enforcement community.

Trump’s enemies in the GOP won’t allow a cover-up. They’re motivated both by their national security concerns regarding the possibility of a compromised president vulnerable to extortion, and by their desire to take back control of their own party and the White House. If evidence is found, they’ll be the ones to take Trump down, not anyone on the left.

6 different agencies have come together to investigate Trump’s possible Russia ties

Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

Vox and the ny slimes, fake news, troll

Go pound sand

@Greg: This fake news came out AFTER Trump won, so it had nothing to do with campaign politics and everything to do with liberals lying when they cannot fine something bad to use against him. Since liberals believe the phony false stories simply because they WANT to, there is no need to update with corrections or retractions.

Liberals lie; it’s what they do.

@Bill, #4:

Bullshit. Serious questions about Trump’s Russian connections existed and were being raised long before the election took place. People high up in his campaign structure were replaced when their own questionable ties to Russia became public knowledge. Do you know who Felix Sater is? There’s a connection that should have been looked into.

A Google news search will verify that to be so as quickly as you can type in Trump, Russia, and a range of pre-election dates. An investigation was already underway before the election. It hasn’t been concluded. It now involves multiple agencies.

Trump’s seriously faulty appraisal of Vladimir Putin is also well enough documented. He doesn’t seem to get the fact that Putin repeatedly deals with his political opponents by way of assassination. Trump continues to voice the same oddly positive opinions regarding Putin. He has done so again recently, in connection with the second poisoning of Putin critic Vladimir Kara-Murza. He doesn’t seem to get the fact that Russia is behind the Russian separatists presently conducting open warfare against Ukraine.

From The National Review, December 22, 2015: When it comes to Russian politics, Donald Trump is a useful idiot.

@Greg: I guess you didn’t notice what the article was about. Not a general “Russian connection” (though nothing like Obama promising to give Putin everything he wants after he doesn’t have to worry about any more elections or he and Hillary selling 20% of US uranium) but a totally false story about Trump romping with whores.

What the left does is create a huge lie, support it and promote it and then, when it collapses, just pretend it never happened, imagining everyone is as ignorant as they are.

Sure. It’s about the Trump dossier.

Buzzfeed didn’t compile it. Buzzfeed simply reported it. The report was compiled by a professional investigator who formerly worked in the UK’s intelligence. He was contracted by Trump’s republican opponents. Take it up with them.

I don’t know if the allegations are true or false. I do know that this won’t be swept under the carpet by a disinformation effort. The 4Chan claim that it was a hoax they created, for example, immediately fell flat on it’s face because their timeline was nonsensical. The Russians might have a videotape. They might not. Who knows?

The sordid little tale isn’t really the point. All that actually matters is the possibility of Russian influence. An investigation is being conducted, out of public view, presumably looking into that possibility from all angles. There’s smoke. It would be insane not to look closely to rule out the possibility that there’s a fire about to break out. It would be unpatriotic not to do so. It would be a case of criminal negligence. For the GOP, it could also be suicidal.

Fake news, zipperhead

“Fake news” is neologism the Trump party has turned to it’s own dishonest use. “Alternative facts” is another neologism, which is completely nonsensical, and which I believe they may actually have invented.

The Trump dossier is neither. It’s a real document, and part of a real news story. Serious outlets that have properly covered the story have not asserted that it is either true or false. That has yet to be determined.

The right is so full of it. They’ve rolled out bogus stories about their political enemies for years as if they were established truth, never acknowledging uncertainty. They’ve continued to promote numerous stories, even when evidence clearly establishes that they’re false. I’m not always certain whither the stink surrounding such claims is that of lies of hypocrisy.

Fake news moron

No one except the brain dead are talking about it

If you had a brain you would be in the street playing with it