by Stacey Lennox
How many more times are journalists going to use “But Trump” as an excuse for not doing their job when it comes to issues that should be apolitical? The most recent example of this is the COVID-19 lab-leak hypothesis. For some reason, Democrats and the legacy media thought it too absurd to consider the idea that a pathogen that causes illness in humans could have leaked from a Level IV laboratory in the same city in which the infection first appeared.
These great thinkers could not see that there were three options their political adversaries were considering. People like Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) were always ready to accept proof of natural origin. However, they were also open to other possibilities—including an accidental release of a wild virus or an engineered virus—and insisted that all options be investigated given the lab’s proximity to the origins of COVID-19.
The last two possibilities seemed to be supported by members of the administration, including the president and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The corporate media boiled this down to allegations of a bioweapon and dismissed it as a conspiracy theory. As with everything else, once President Trump, a member of his cabinet, or a Republican who appeared aligned with him said something, our firefighter class lost all ability to deal in nuance.
Our intellectual betters attributed these allegations to some deep-seated xenophobia among Republicans. Based on virtually no scientific evidence, some opinion letters were held up as evidence of a natural origin. The corporate media and social media censored all dissenters. According to the approved expert class, the idea was so thoroughly debunked that anyone who uttered it risked being banned or censored.
This nonsense went on for well over a year, despite legacy media companies having science reporters who were more than capable of doing the work Nicholas Wade finally did. In early May, Wade wrote a long and detailed post on Medium detailing the evidence for all three of the initial arguments. Unfortunately, the evidence for natural release was thin at best.
Tucker Carlson highlighted Wade’s reporting on his show–and like magic, BuzzFeed released Dr. Anthony Fauci’s e-mails to the public within days. Dozens of eggs met the faces of reporters in the legacy media. Immediately they went into damage-control mode. To a person, the excuse was basically, “Well, Trump said it, so it was not incumbent on us to take it seriously.” As if the fact Trump was president excused them from doing their job.
Jonathan Karl at ABC News used this excuse. Maggie Haberman from the New York Times used it in a CNN appearance. David Frum, in an attempt to defend the media’s misconduct, wrote an entire think piece blaming Trump and his supporters for the pandemic. Then he accused the proponents of the lab-leak hypothesis of politicizing the issue. There are just a few problems with this defense.
First, not all supporters of the lab-leak hypothesis were Trump supporters. Evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein always gave a reasoned argument for that position and asserted he could not rule out man-made features. So did other knowledgeable guests on his “Dark Horse” podcast. These scientists could hardly be described as hardcore Trumpers. Weinstein was not shy about saying so:
I’m sure there are some nuts in your mentions, @davidfrum, but you are using them to dodge responsible critique. Your piece excuses journalistic and scientific malpractice by painting the many courageous people who fought for truth as politically motivated Trumpists.
— Bret Weinstein (@BretWeinstein) May 19, 2021
The other big problem is that the turnover rate of those in our intelligence agencies and the federal bureaucracy is, in general, not high. Only the presidential appointees running the agencies and a few of their immediate staff change when the administration changes. But the worker bees don’t. This phenomenon is why Dr. Fauci has served every president since Reagan. So the people providing the intelligence and analysis for the Trump administration are essentially the same as those collecting and summarizing it for the Biden administration.
So, what they are saying is the need for propaganda to denounce Trump overrode their duty to provide the truth to the American people. There was an ideological necessity to not necessarily object to the lab leak (most likely) scenario but to promote the propaganda that the President of the United States was always wrong.
In actuality, the media was almost always wrong and Trump was almost always right. Anytime you choose ignorance over intelligence, you inflict damage and that is all the left has been doing. They did it under Trump to make him look wrong and they now have to do it under the idiot Biden to try and make him look right. Both cases harm the nation.
The current scientific consensus is that the virus is most likely of zoonotic origin, from bats or another closely-related mammal.”
Meanwhile, news from Trump’s alternate reality:
June 12, 2021 – Trump Demands China ‘Pay Reparations’ for COVID, Says $10 Trillion Not Enough
“China and the China virus—they have to pay reparations. We’ve been hurt so badly in terms of death, human life,” Trump said in a video message live-streamed during Lindell’s MAGA Frank Free Speech rally at the River’s Edge Apple River concert venue in New Richmond.
“And in terms of monetarily, to a level that they have to pay us,” the former president continued. “And frankly, if they paid us $10 trillion that wouldn’t cover it. But they really have to pay the world because this started in the world—the entire world has been, not only disrupted, but it’s almost been destroyed.”
Compared with President Biden, Donald Trump is a bombastic fruitcake, spewing inflammatory nonsense. He’s been doing so since COVID-19 emerged. Finger pointing and assigning blame is a center part of his modus operandi.
You need to get out more or, at least, stop worshiping at the altar of CNN and MSNBC. The consensus has turned towards the likely probability that it was made in the WIV and leaked. Any other probability entertained ignores massive amounts of circumstantial evidence, not the least of which is the amount of evidence destroyed and covered up by the CCP. Destroying and covering up evidence, in addition to refusing to cooperate in investigations is a sure sign of guilt (sound familiar?).
The most likely scenario is that is leaked from the lab, either accidentally or intentionally. Then, the Democrats here exploited it to maximum effect to support the idiot Biden and draw attention from the massive failures of Democrats to ever accomplish anything worthwhile and desirable by taxpaying citizens that love this country. Still, an unprecedented amount of election fraud was required to make it appear the idiot won.
Now we watch as the world takes advantage of this drooling moron. Dr. Jill awaits in the wings to take over once his incompetence becomes too obvious.
Why shouldn’t China have to pay for the damages they caused? Idiot Biden has to worry about his investments, but what logical reason is there for them skating on their responsibility?
“The consensus has turned towards the likely probability…” The consensus among WHOM? Your propaganda and disinformation outlets? It’s nothing more than a POSSIBILITY. New strains of virus are emerging CONSTANTLY. We have new influenza strains EVERY YEAR. Every so often a virus comes along that has the potential to create a human disaster. SARS-CoV1 emerged in 2003. It too it thought to have originated in bats, and is thought to have found its way into the human population by way of civets. Civets are suspected as the intermediary between bats and humans with SARS-CoV2 , AKA COVID-19, also, but the original source of both viruses is uncertain.
You simply want to turn scientific uncertainty into a phony propaganda certainty. You don’t actually KNOW that China caused a damn thing, but Trump spouted some bullshit to place blame, so NOW you think reparations are in order.
In fact, a Chinese researcher, Zhang Yongzhen, was the first to fully sequence the COVID-19 virus. He promptly made his sequencing data public, on January 5, 2020.
As usual, you are exactly backwards. We’ve already gone through the period of Trump-hating China-excusing left wing politicians (including Fauci) and media making the argument that even though the virus came from Wuhan, where one of only 4 viral labs of its sort resides, even though it is extremely rare for a virus to jump so quickly to humans from animals, even though the virus has a definitive signature of having been man-made, even though China destroyed evidence and refused to cooperate with any investigations, even though they lied about when the virus erupted and its transmissibility between humans, that there is NO WAY it came from the WIV. Now reality is beginning to set it and all your left wing lies are being exposed.
No scientific evidence? Maybe you should end your practice of not reading or watching any reports you fear might damage your prior biases and prejudices. This was provided right here on FA.
Strong scientific evidence COVID19 came from a lab
We aren’t talking about a new strain or variant of an already and long-lived virus. This is a NEW virus, a “NOVEL” virus. You may be easily duped because of your willful ignorance but not everyone suffers that way.
Because Democrats had to politicize every aspect of the pandemic and epidemic (as they do with EVERYTHING), it has become difficult for actual facts to come through to the people. Because Democrats have failed so miserably in every aspect of government and leadership, lying and exploitation has become a mainstay of theirs. Because Democrats chose to promote a weak candidate that can be manipulated, controlled and exploited, one that had no chance to win a fair election, Democrats have to commit fraud and lie about the origins of the virus, blocking out any scenario that does not place and focus all blame on Trump.
In case you haven’t noticed, you routinely cling to the wrong side and least logical side of every argument. You might want to take a look at that.
“How many more times are journalists going to use “But Trump” as an excuse for not doing their job when it comes to issues that should be apolitical?”
Short answer is, “Until they can no longer get away with it; which bodes to be well nigh forever!”
And as long as they are making excuses for massive losers like idiot Biden and whore Kamala.
OK, so Comrade Greggie is going to provide us with more of his indoctrinated bullshit that it is not OK to think China, and the Chinese Communist Party, be responsible for the human and financial damage they unleased on the entire world just last year. What do you want to bet that Comrade Greggie supports reparations for black Americans because “slavery”, that ended 156 years ago.
And let’s not forget that the “experts” said that we needed two weeks to bend the curve. It’s now been 65 weeks and Biden’s Kung Flu guru is saying we pathetic rubes just didn’t sacrifice enough. Never mind that America is built on small businesses, 60% which will never reopen, thanks to Comrade Greggie’s beloved CCP.
Maybe Comrade Greggie can point out Beijing Biden’s awesomeness at the G-7 meetings and how wonderful it is that Dr. Jill is there to be sure to lead him around by the hand.
And under idiot Biden’s watch, 200,000 people died. I guess that’s “blood on his hands”.
600,000 Americans are now dead from COVID-19, and the vast majority of those died before President Biden was elected, let alone inaugurated.
The truth you’re trying to bury is that Trump was downplaying the seriousness of COVID-19 and spouting all manner of dangerous nonsense about the threat throughout 2020.
Democrats lied about and the left suppressed cheap, effective and widely available treatments. Democrats promoted continuing large groups congregating while Trump was meeting the threat of the pandemic. Democrats politicized all aspects of the virus, treatment and preparation.
Every death is the sole responsibility of China. Many have Democrats as co-conspirators, mandating stupidity which got thousands killed. But the idiot Biden, so quick to blame Trump for deaths, promised to end the epidemic and save lives, yet only Trump’s vaccines made a difference. So, as the left blamed Trump, every death that tragically happened after idiot Biden’s fraud worked its magic is right on idiot Biden’s hair-plugged head.
Furthermore, even once the science and data showed that masks, distancing and shutdowns were ineffective, the left continued with these disastrous policies to maintain control over lives and livelihoods. Democrats also delayed much needed aid to citizens to wait until they had more political power and could squeeze more waste, graft and corruption out of the US taxpayer.
Trump followed Fauci’s advice and direction. FAUCI downplayed the virus, downplayed masks, downplayed how long it would take to get past the virus, downplayed the difference between the common flu and the virus.
FAUCI. YOUR god, not Trump. “Follow the science.” Disastrous when the science is being politicized and weaponized. Follow the TRUTH. That exposes the Democrat’s cynicism, corruption, lies and failure.
Comrade greggie poo: you have been drinking the propaganda Koo-Aid for a very long time. the 600,000 that you quote is a media number. there is no specific number. have you ever seen a death certificate?? NO. There are three lines for the cause of death, the alleged virus is not an acceptable cause of death on either lines 1 or 2. most states require a positive test for the virus as to line 3. But you must understand that over 40% of the people tested were false positive. People do not die from the virus, they die from systemic complications. individuals that are compromised with underlying medical conditions have a higher rate of death. newly diagnosed HIV patients have a 60% higher mortality.
drink more propaganda Kool-Aid, it is good for your mental health.
COVID-19 has infected 34,365,985 Americans, and killed 616,150 of us. The EXCESS MORTALITY figure EXCEEDS the number of COVID-19 deaths during the period for which data is available.
Where do you think all of the excess deaths resulted from? Did we have a sudden surge from slips on the soap in the shower?
You people make me tired.
I don’t know how many times you have to be informed before you learn something. We have no idea how many people had COVID or how many died of it. Due to the left wing politicization of the epidemic, millions of false positives were counted as cases and every death for every reason was listed as a COVID death. Notice how deaths due to flu just disappeared?
Democrats at first continued to promote continuing to gather and spread the virus and denounced all of Trump’s actions to meet the epidemic. Then they opposed all the methods to treat the infections and prevent further spread. Once data showed shut downs of indoor and outdoor activities were not effective, they continued to insist the economy be crippled and blamed Trump for the economic damage. Democrats insisted on blaming Trump for the virus and ignore or even defend the Chinese responsibility for making the virus and letting it loose on the world.
Even now, even after the lack of effectiveness of masks is well known and that masks are certainly not necessary if one has been vaccinated, these idiots STILL insist on their idiotic virtue signaling wearing their stupid, pointless masks.
Democrats have NO BUSINESS being involved in our government. They are a pestilence.