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Brian Williams likes watching his daughter film sex scenes

On the CBS Late Show Thursday, Girls star Lena Dunham said that not only is NBC’s Brian Williams often on the set for the filming of this sex-packed HBO program, the cast jokes about having a “BriWi-cam” on him to gauge his reactions to his daughter Allison’s sex scenes.

DAVID LETTERMAN, HOST: We had Brian Williams on the show the other night. His daughter, one of your lovely stars.


LETTERMAN: Yes. And I didn’t talk to him specifically about it, but from the shows that I have, if I were the father of one of the women on the program, I’d, you know, maybe just a little, whoa.

DUNHAM: It’s true.

LETTERMAN: You know what I’m saying?

DUNHAM: He’s surprisingly jaunty about the whole thing. I mean, my Dad sort of takes a perverse pleasure in it. Like people will say to him like, “God, you must be so upset watching Lena get naked and have sex in all these odd positions.” And he kind of goes like, “No, I love it, I’m so proud.” He like really wants to defy people’s expectations. And but Brian is like, Brian’s on the set more than some of our PAs.

LETTERMAN: Actually showing up!

DUNHAM: He comes and sits in video village and acts really proud of us. He calls me “Leans.” It’s not a reality I ever thought I’d exist in.

LETTERMAN: Yeah. Well, I mean, we have to be adult and proud and happy about the circumstance, and it is, again, acting. It is entertainment. It is a business.

DUNHAM: Yeah, we had our premiere last night and we always make jokes about how when there’s a sex scene with Allison we want to have like a BriWi-cam, like just like a camera on his face where we can register it all.

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This isn’t news for Williams either

Yes, even the bracing sex scenes, which included a moment in this past Sunday night’s episode that saw Allison’s character, Marnie, head into a public restroom to masturbate. Williams said he felt “unmitigated joy” watching Marnie’s “awkward sex scenes.”

And they say Musberger is creepy

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