Brennan used unofficial intelligence from unofficial channels and then fed this information repeatedly into the FBI as a tactic to push the FBI into starting a Counterintelligence Investigation.

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Brennan lied under oath and should be prosecuted. He is one of the Human scum Trump referred to.

He laundered lies like a crook launders money
Commie bastid

Seditious Brennan will play the victim card and claim he was a “victim” of Russian disinformation. That will be the MSM’s excuse as well. They were reporting on what they were being told so they didn’t lie for three years. The FB,I, DOJ, and Mueller scumbags will claim that they were in the dark on all of this. All lies. Everyone of them knew what was going on yet they continued their coup. They used Russian disinformation to influence the 2016 election and when that failed they used it to try and overturn the election. The MSM pushed the narrative for them and Congressional dems tried to cover up the wrongdoing starting with their lie riddled “report” that Schitthead came up with. Time to take out the trash.

brennan is human feces in brain and soul. he has repeatedly lied to Congress. muller’s mother wrote the report and he was clueless as to the content. so what is feces brennen still doing in DC. his security clearance has been removed so no cushy board jobs in corp. no different than crapper.

There was no truth to support their coup so lies had to be created and Brennan and the Democrats were manufacturing them on an industrial scale, far more polluted than any industry on earth.