Breaking! Prosser wins election…again

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A grueling statewide recount concluded Friday that Justice David Prosser defeated challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg to win another 10-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court in a race driven by the debate over Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s efforts to curb the union rights of the state’s public employees.

The recount that began on April 27 ended Friday afternoon after Waukesha County officials finished tallying their last remaining precincts. Unofficial results showed Prosser had 752,697 votes – 7,006 more than Kloppenburg’s 745,691.

State election officials plan to meet on Monday to verify the results. Kloppenburg will then have five days to challenge the results in court.

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And one of the headlines in the Wisconsin State Journal this morning “Citing anomalies and irregularities in count, Kloppenburg still not ready to concede election”.

Liberals in Wisconsin are the gift that just keeps on giving…I understand being shocked that some conservatives have actually won elections of late but somewhere along the way you have to put on the big boy pants and admit that there is a possibility that not everybody is a freaking socialist.

Poor baby liberal Democrats just can’t handle loosing!! I hope they get more used to the idea as 0-bama gives away the jewish vote by abandoning Israel.