BREAKING: Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook CONFIRMS He Knew About Wiretaps

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Cristina Laila:

As Obamagate heats up, more and more people are admitting that they had knowledge of the wiretaps.

Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager, Robby Mook confirmed to Fox News that he had knowledge of wiretaps being used during the campaign.

Of course he knew; Hillary tweeted about the wiretaps one week before the election.

Fox News reporter:

“Today Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager told Fox he had knowledge of wiretaps being used during the campaign but he suggested they were targeted at Russian officials, not directly at Trump Tower.”

It’s funny to watch Democrats split hairs as they try to dance around the wiretapping scandal. It’s hard to believe that Mook really thought the wiretaps were meant for Russian officials when the entire reason for the wiretaps was to take down Trump – the man running against his boss, Hillary.

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Well, as the screw turns, the truth comes out!

More clinton dirty work more reasons you can never trust a draft dodger ora wife of a draft dodger

Anyone that would run guns to Mexican cartels to weaken the 2nd Amendment or use the IRS to attack political opponents would certainly wiretap an opposition candidate. With his corrupt reputation it is up to Obama to prove he is guiltless.

Robbie mook
What’s a mook?

Entirely lawful FISA-authorized wiretap surveillance on foreign nationals who are known Russian intelligence contacts recorded multiple conversations where the other party turned out to be some high-placed person inside the Trump organization.

So, shall we just stick our fingers in our ears, put our hands over our eyes, zip our lips shut, and pretend that didn’t happen?

I don’t think so. Such inadvertently recorded conversations may not be inadmissible as evidence in criminal prosecutions, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be full considered in evaluating a public official’s trustworthiness, or considered in evaluating the existence and severity of a potential national security threat. Failure to take them into account would be just plain stupid.

For someone sworn to protection the security of the nation, failure to take them into account would arguably be criminal negligence, dereliction of duty, or possibly borderline treason. An investigation is not optional. It’s obligatory.

FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Intelligence sources say that the FBI investigated a computer tied Donald Trump’s business but there’s no evidence to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates. The months-long FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump’s businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates.

Former Secret Service Agent: Obama Operatives “in Panic Mode”

by Sharon Rondeau

(Mar. 7, 2017) — On his Monday radio show, “The Renegade Republican,” former Secret Service Presidential Protective Division agent Dan Bongino discussed the mainstream media’s initial claims that Trump associates were under investigation for connection to the Russian government followed by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s denial on Sunday that any wiretapping of Trump Tower was ordered “to his knowledge.”

Bongino is a former New York City police officer who, after being accepted into the U.S. Secret Service in 1999, provided protection to President George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama, particularly on overseas trips. On Sunday, Bongino announced on Twitter that he would begin releasing information he acquired on the Obama regime during the coming week. “It’s time,” he said.

Following Trump’s startling tweets on Saturday morning claiming that Obama “ordered” his Trump Tower office wiretapped in October, the media visibly circled its wagons to deny that Obama had been involved. However, former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey and others have stated, respectively, that the wiretapping likely or definitely occurred and that given the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978, which authorizes the attorney general to approve a wiretap application through the FISA court, Obama would have known about it.

Approximately two-thirds through the 30-minute broadcast posted at Conservative Review, Bongino turned from his excoriation of the mainstream press to his observations of the Obama regime while he traveled on the same aircraft and worked in close proximity during the course of his Secret Service duties.

While Bongino said that he is not claiming that all of Obama’s political appointees were “bad,” he said that he saw indications that Obama surrounded himself with people concerned about Obama’s welfare “and not loyal to the United States of America.”

He suggested that in their adoration of Obama, the acolytes see Donald Trump “as some kind of a fraudster who is evil and has to be taken down.”

“They’re not operating on facts in the world of reality,” Bongino said, which he said could include “leaking information, lying to the media, committing federal felonies, submitting affidavits for wiretaps that leave out exculpatory evidence, continuing investigations even though we know they are dead ends…”

Readouts of Trump’s conversations with the Mexican president and Australian prime minister, as well as the contents of telephone calls conducted between Trump’s then-national security advisor Michael T. Flynn were leaks to The Washington Post and The New York Times, causing a maelstrom of criticism and hyperbole which eventually led Flynn to resign on February 13 after only 24 days in his position.

“These are not good people,” Bongino emphasized. His co-host, Joe, responded by repeating Malcolm X’s motto, “By any means necessary,” which Bongino then affirmed.

During the last few minutes of the show, Bongino speculated, based on his observations, that Obama operatives are now fearful that their actions during the Obama years, including those involving Russian connections, will be exposed due to Trump’s unexpected November victory.

“Believe me, there are staffers listening to this who know exactly what I’m talking about,” he contended. “There’s information out there about what Barack Obama did, what some of his people did when they were in office, that they don’t want uncovered that’s going to make them look very bad.” He said that had Hillary Clinton won, the operatives believed their actions would have been “buried.”

“Now that they lost, they are freaking out. They’re in panic mode right now…” Bongino said. He speculated that Obama operatives feel they “have to get Trump out of there before this information comes out and some of the activities these people were involved in.”

He then invoked a Forbes article published on Monday detailing connections between the Democrats and the Russian government, including the sale of 20% of the U.S.’s uranium supply to the Russians. As of press time, The Post & Email has not located the article, although the uranium sale was widely reported by the mainstream press in April 2015.

Bongino concluded his show by urging listeners to tune in to his Tuesday show, after which he repeated, “I’m going to leave you with this: These are not good people.”

Those wishing to subscribe to the show may do so here.

Graham ready to subpoena for Trump wiretap information

Please proceed, with all due haste. Pull that loose thread, and keep pulling until you get to the end of it. Let’s see what all unravels.