Brainwashing: Scholastic’s incomplete take on the Occupy movement

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As a little girl, I liked to flip through the pages of the Scholastic book catalogue — and I was one of the few students who read whatever news bulletins our teachers gave us from cover to cover. Now, I wonder what propaganda pills I inadvertently swallowed as a youngster just because I was earnest and interested to learn what Scholastic had to teach.

A Michelle Malkin reader was understandably concerned when his child brought home the December edition of Scholastic News, one of many offerings from the venerable publishing company. The issue tackled the Occupy Wall Street movement — with notable finesse. Read the article and you’d come away with the impression that the 99 percent are a pretty peaceable plugged-in bunch.

It’s not necessarily that what the author of the article wrote was wrong so much as it was incomplete. Nowhere, for example, does the article mention the rampant misbehavior of the Occupiers, even though the tally of the various incidents of violence and vandalism has reached 417. The closest to a mention was the final paragraph of the article: “All Americans have the right to speak out. But as these protests continue, mayors in some cities are worried about the strain on their cities’ resources. For example, extra police officers and cleanup crews are needed to make sure the gatherings remain peaceful and orderly.”

On the flip side, Scholastic didn’t scruple to exclude these types of paragraphs from its earlier coverage of the Tea Party:

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Bill Whittle’s cool video comparing and contrasting the TEA Party with the OWS movement.

Tea Party vs OWS