Bradley Manning is still a traitor. And he’s also still a man

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Matt Walsh:

The Democrats have, for several months now, been in a state of convulsive rage over WikiLeaks. They tell us that WikiLeaks is in league with Putin. They tell us that WikiLeaks subverted our system and destabilized the very foundations of our democracy. WikiLeaks stole the election. Sabotage! So on and so forth.

With this in mind, it seems a little odd that right in the midst of this apocalyptic hand wringing over WikiLeaks, the president would choose to commute the sentence of a guy who went into a war zone, stole reams of classified files, and gave them to WikiLeaks. Bradley Manning didn’t merely release email correspondences between DNC officials where they complain about Bernie Sanders and talk about spirit cooking. These weren’t embarrassing revelations about a political party. These were hundreds of thousands of secret documents relating to national security, appropriated during a time of war, and “leaked” indiscriminately with no regard to how it would undermine our war efforts and even less regard for the lives it put at risk. The Democrats apparently want us to believe that humiliating Hillary Clinton is a far worse crime than jeopardizing the safety of our troops, intelligence officers, and allies. The word “outrageous” does not even begin to describe what’s going on here.

It would appear self-defeating as well. Why would the Democrats — who have almost unanimously applauded this move, by the way — suddenly decide to undermine their own case against WikiLeaks? Shameful hypocrisy has never slowed them down before, granted, but even by their standards this is a rather extreme case of it. They must know that they’ve made it impossible for anyone to take them seriously the next time they whine about email leaks and “election hacking.” It so discredits them, makes so little sense, makes them look so utterly foolish, renders their own arguments so fantastically irrelevant, that you may conclude that the entire Democrat Party has gone into a state of collective psychosis.

That’s not a bad theory. Not too far from the truth, either. But there is, you might say, a method to this madness. And you can understand the method once you understand that, in the world of modern leftism, the letters “LGBT” override anything and everything. At the very top of the progressive Victimhood Hierarchy sit the members of this elite club. Any opportunity to advance their cause must be exploited. Any time the Great Cause and some other concern collides, the Cause wins out. These are the priorities of leftism nowadays. Its only one priority, really. Nothing — and I truly mean nothing — is more important than its sexual agenda.

So, Bradley Manning, a traitor to the United States who gave assistance to the enemy, a convicted spy who would have been put in front of a firing squad not too long ago, will now be a free and celebrated man for one single reason: he pretends he’s not a man. Because Manning “came out” as “transgender” after committing his act of treachery, he became a hero to the Left. A trans hero, specifically, which is the most heroic kind of hero. That’s why he will be getting out of prison. For that reason and no other.

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The demac-RATS are willing to bring this nation to a stand still over the fact that their no longer in power whats needed is for all of them to leave america right now let them go live in the amazon for ever and even longer

Liberals love traitors. Liberals have always celebrated those who harm the nation, which explains the worship of Obama.

The only time security leaks are bad is when they expose liberal lies.

Oh… and, “a man”? Let’s just call him “male”.

I expect no less on woManning’s release than for the wacky West-coast left to give “it” a hero’s welcome. Perhaps even a ticker tape parade in San Fransisco, rainbow flags lining the street, and given a master key to every restroom in the city.

@Ditto: Did anyone notice the Girl Scouts marching in the parade with the words ‘GIRL SCOUTS’ spelled out in rainbow colors? What was that about?


Beats me. I missed that part of the parade.

Another reason traitors like Manning should be executed when convicted.

@Ditto: They better start taking up a collection for him for, if he gets a dishonorable discharge, he loses all his benefits… the rest of Chelsea is on HIS nickel.

@RedTeam: That was probably the payment so they would not have their jamborees fire bombed.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Obama only commuted his sentence, he did not give woManning a pardon. Therefore, “it” stands committed on the charges and found guilty. The military will not be giving him an Honorable Discharge.

@Ditto: He will receive a Dishonorable Discharge and will have no medical or any other kind of benefits.