Ann Coulter:
Death Penalty Month at has already been interrupted by the psycho in Santa Barbara, and now it’s being interrupted by the Buddhist in Bagram.
Keeping to the spirit of Death Penalty Month, let’s review the execution of Pvt. Eddie Slovik. Slovik’s offense: desertion in wartime. (See the tie-in?)
Unlike Bowe Bergdahl, who deserted his unit, according to the accounts of his comrades, Slovik never actually deserted. He also didn’t call America a “disgusting” country or say he was “ashamed to be an American.”
Slovik was just a chicken.
In October 1944, as Allied forces were sweeping through France, Slovik left his position on the front lines, walked to the rear of his unit and handed a note to the cook, confessing his desertion. The letter explained that he was “so scared” that he had already abandoned his unit once, and concluded: “AND I’LL RUN AWAY AGAIN IF I HAVE TO GO OUT THERE.”
Slovik was like Bradley Manning minus the lipstick and eyeliner.
A lieutenant, a company commander and a judge advocate all tried to persuade Slovik to shred the letter and return to his unit, warning him that he’d be tried for desertion otherwise. Slovik refused.
In the middle of World War II, the military court-martialed Slovik, tried him and sentenced him to death.
Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower denied Slovik’s pardon request, saying it would encourage more desertions, just as the fighting was getting especially hot. Slovik was executed by firing squad and buried among the numbered graves of court-martialed rapists and murderers in an American military cemetery in France.
Contrast Slovik’s story with the beloved troop whose return just cost us the release of five of the most dangerous terrorists in the world.
Three days before he walked off his base, Bergdahl emailed his parents:
— “I am ashamed to be an american.”
— “The US army is the biggest joke … It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools and bullies.”
— “These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid.”
— “The horror that is america is disgusting.”
These emails were given to the author of a 2012 Rolling Stone article on the case by Bergdahl’s own parents.
The overwrought soldier’s father, Bob, emailed back: “OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE!” And then, according to the Rolling Stone profile reporting these emails — as well as the Army report on the incident — Bergdahl “decided to walk away.”
Bergdahl’s unit commander, Evan Buetow, told CNN’s Jake Tapper that intercepted Taliban “chatter” soon revealed that Bergdahl was looking for a member of the Taliban who spoke English. (Other than his father.)
Buetow said he couldn’t prove it, but he believed Bergdahl began helping the Taliban attack his own unit. After that, Buetow says, the assaults were much more direct, and Bergdahl would have known the unit’s tactics and how they would respond to an attack.
Sorry folks but this Bergdahl ‘story’ is getting morphed, and it is all over the place, and aside from speculation and mind reading… I honestly have no clue to the answers Bergdahl seeking or asking…
Bowe Bergdahl: “These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid.”
1 – “These people” exactly who are ‘these people’ ?
Exactly what do they ‘need help’ with?
And who is suppose to be providing ‘that help’?
What is he talking about?
What has been said, and by whom to imply these people are ‘stupid’ and are ‘nothing’ (this is the evil ‘west’ speaking I presume that is meant?)
“I am ashamed to be an american.”
2 – And I (Bergdahl) would rather be a ____ citizen of what country? (He can fill in the blank)
And I would be more ‘proud’ less ashamed of _____?
Or did he co-opt this from Moochele?
“The horror that is america is disgusting.”
3 – My question: What “horror”? (vague anyone?)
Again, what is this guy talking about????
Horror compared to what – where?
These statements were written ‘before’ Bergdahl walked off into the sunset…. towards the enemy…. I am truly not understanding just what the hell this guy is talking about?? These are all very ‘vague’ statements – he does not (at least here) elaborate on any statement he wrote. Where does the sympathizing come from? His father? (as this article suggests) .
What puzzles me is why is his father not being ‘looked at’ in the realm of what our DOJ deems a potential threat (homegrown terrorism)? I know, I know that is a rhetorical question…we all know the ‘real’ threat here in the U.S. is the Tea Party, Christians and Conservatives (sarc),
I would be interested to hear him elaborate after 5 years just what he meant by these statements and if he still stands by them. Homegrown Taliban (sympathizer) anyone?
After many soldiers have perished or have been injured or maimed searching for Bergdahl… I think their families, his fellow troops, and countrymen deserve an answer to these questions and why he walked….how his actions are now looked upon as him being a traitor .
Surely no one believes he is a ‘hero’ that’s just absurd.