BOOM, Trudeau Reversal Motive Surfaces – Canadian Banking Association Was Approved by World Economic Forum To Lead the Digital ID Creation

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by Sundance

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. A promotional video from the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) helps to neatly connect all the dots about why the Canadian government made such a quick reversal in their bank asset seizures in the last 24 hours {Go Deep}. And yes, as we suspected, it was almost certainly contact from the World Economic Forum to Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that triggered the change in position.
When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced they would use the Emergency Act declaration to target the financial support systems, banks and accounts of the people who were protesting against COVID mandates, they not only undermined the integrity of the Canadian banking system – but they also inadvertently stuck a wrench into the plans of the World Economic Forum and the collaborative use of the Canadian Bankers Association to create a digital id.
Against the backdrop of the Canadian government action, WATCH THIS VIDEO:
If the Canadian government can arbitrarily block citizen access to their banking institution without any due process, what does that say about the system the Canadian Banking Association (CBA) was putting into place as part of their Digital ID network?
If the CBA digital identity were in place, the same people targeted by Trudeau’s use of the Emergency Act would have their entire identity blocked by the same government measures. The realization of the issue, reflected by a severe undermining of faith in the banking system, is a dramatic problem for those working to create and promote the digital id.
It is not coincidental the financial targeting mechanism deployed by Trudeau/Freeland, the Canadian banking system, is the same system being used to create the digital identity. As a result of the government targeting bank accounts, Finance Minister Freeland just created a reference point for those who would argue against allowing the creation of a comprehensive digital identity.

The motive for the World Economic Forum and Canadian Bankers Association to immediately reach out to Trudeau and Freeland and tell them to back off their plan is crystal clear. THAT is almost certainly why Freeland appeared so admonished, shocked and incapable of getting her footing yesterday; {Go Deep} and why the Canadian government simultaneously informed Parliament they were unfreezing the bank accounts.
However, this undermined confidence and faith in the banking system cannot be restored quickly. The toothpaste cannot be put back into the tube. The horse has left the barn. This is now a moment for damage control by the Canadian government. That is why Justin Trudeau just dropped the declaration of the Emergency Act.
It all makes sense now. All of it.
Indeed, the government leaders who take their instructions from the multinational corporations in charge of the World Economic Forum, which is to say almost all of them, are so entrenched in their need to use COVID-19 as the prybar for the Build Back Better agenda, they simply cannot let it go.
Without COVID-19 they can’t keep the vaccination push. Without the vaccination push they can’t keep the vaccine passport process in place. Without the vaccination passport registration process to track and monitor human behavior, the governing authorities cannot fulfill the mission of a comprehensive digital identity and social credit tracking system. Indeed, everything they seek is contingent upon keeping the premise of COVID-19 alive.
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It is not accidental the World Economic Forum is at the epicenter of this
As we previously noted, the architects of the Build Back Better society (WEF) are guiding various governments on ways to create efficient registration and compliance systems, ie. ways that permit citizens to prove their vaccinated and compliant status. As these discussions are taking place, it is prudent to pause and think very carefully, wisely.
We all know, as we are reading this, under the guise of enhancing our safety, the U.S. Federal Government is in discussions with the medical community, multinational corporations and employers of citizens to create a more efficient process for you to register your vaccine compliance.
We know their conversation under the terminology of a COVID Passport. The current goal is to make a system for us to show and prove our authorized work status, which, as you know, is based on your obedience to a mandated vaccine.

Beta tests are being conducted in various nations, each with different perspectives and constitutional limitations, based on pesky archaic rules and laws that govern freedom.
For the western, or for lack of a better word ‘democratic‘ outlook, Australia, New Zealand, France and Europe are leading the way with their technological system of vaccination check points and registered state/national vaccination status tied to your registration identification.
New York City joined the vaccine checkpoint process, as their city now requires the vaccine to enter all private businesses. Los Angeles soon followed.
The Australian electronic checkpoints are essentially gateways where QR codes are being scanned from the cell phones of the compliant vaccinated citizen. Yes comrades, there’s an app for that.

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When the idiots on the left believe they are all powerful and ignore what is the right thing to do for their people, there are many unintended consequences. An attack on the funds of the people without proper process pitted the government against the banking system and investments. The Canadian idiot has backed off quickly. Now, we need to have Biden and the US lefties do what is right for us.

People with a totalitarian mindset fear what free citizens are doing that they don’t know about and/or can’t control. I can remember being naïve enough back in the ’80’s to believe that registering gun ownership would never hurt law abiding citizens. Look at what the left is up to now.

Another conspiracy theory that was only a spoiler alert.
Who was going to resist this the most? The virus took out many of those pesky eaters.
We are really the last generation who will remember traveling freely, buying what we chose etc.
MSM: “There is no such thing as “The Great Reset!!!”

Klaus Schwab: “Yes there is. It is our plan for the world and has been for quite some time. I literally wrote a book titled “The Great Reset”. Aren’t you people paying attention? It’s all I ever talk about.”

MSM: “okay but The Great Reset isn’t actually happening…”

Klaus Schwab: “Yes it is. We’ve been telling you for years that you will own nothing and be happy.”

MSM: “Okay but it’s not like the WEF literally controls governments.”

Klaus Schwab: “Yes we do. We have infiltrated all major governments including half of Trudeau’s cabinet. Many world leaders and highly influential people have been working for us for decades including Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron, Scott Morrison, Gavin Newsome, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg…”


Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

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