Blocked OIG Report Confirms Kamala Secret Service Role in Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Cover Up

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by Revolver

Revolver News has for several years been at the forefront of exposing the RNC and DNC pipe bomb hoax as one of the key smoking guns of the January 6 insurrection. Recent events have elevated the significance of our reporting to still loftier heights, as a result of national attention on the Secret Service in the aftermath of the Butler, PA assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and increased attention on Kamala Harris in light of her becoming the presumptive Democrat nominee for President. As our reporting has highlighted in damning and multifaceted detail, both Kamala Harris and the Secret Service are directly relevant to the pipe bomb hoax.

Now, based on conversations with several individuals with direct knowledge of the DHS Office of Inspector General’s report on the Secret Service’s activities on January 6, we can confirm definitively that Kamala’s Secret Service detail played an immediate and direct role in the cover-up of the DNC pipe bomb hoax on January 6th. The OIG report in question is authored by DHS’s Inspector General Joseph Cuffari (remember the highly corrupt and politicized DHS oversees the Secret Service). Despite the hostilities of the DHS, there are indications that Joseph Cuffari is an honest broker, not the least of which is the fact that prominent Democrats hate him, as documented extensively by Julie Kelly

We were able to confirm the following based on several conversations with those with direct knowledge of this report. First, the Secret Service did in fact have a canine unit that swept the DNC area prior to then Kamala Harris’ arrival at 11:25 A.M. on January 6th. A major suspicious factor we’ve covered extensively is how bizarre (and convenient) it was that the DNC pipe bomb, planted the evening before, had been sitting out conspicuously for nearly 17 hours in the open by a bench near entrance to DNC building, and was even missed in the Secret Service sweep with canine dogs. This we can now confirm based on the OIG report— that there was a canine sweep of exactly two canine teams, and that the canines were Secret Service (not CIA or some other agency as has been previously speculated).

Furthermore, we can confirm that the OIG report seems to have caught the Secret Service operations team in a lie. The OIG’s team asked why there was not the full EOD personnel that would be expected to detect and handle explosive devices. The EOD team is supposed to advice the canine units on where to conduct a sweep. The Secret Service operations unit agent claimed that he could not get EOD personnel because such requests for EOD personnel typically need to occur within 72 hours in advance.  The OIG report immediately exposes this as a misrepresentation (lie) and gives several previous examples of that very same detail getting EOD support with much less than 72 hours advance notice.

Given that the EOD team typically advises the canine teams on where to conduct sweeps, the lack of the EOD team is indeed suspicious in this instance. Perhaps the Secret Service was hoping that this “mix up” would serve as a convenient excuse for the Secret Service’s inexplicable inability to detect the pipe bomb which was sitting right out in plain view. Indeed, the OIG report confirms that there was an SS agent standing within feet of the pipe bomb for over five hours who managed to miss the bomb. When one takes into account how conspicuous the pipe bomb was, and how close to Kamala’s path to the DNC building (Kamala passed within 20 feet of it as she drove through the DNC parking garage) it is impossible to imagine that two secret service canine units could have missed the bomb, even without an EOD team telling them exactly where to sweep. The case is analogous to the Butler, PA assassination attempt. Sure there may have been fewer personnel and this fact alone is suspicious, but it doesn’t require an expert to know that you need to protect a roof 150 yards from where Trump was speaking, just as it doesn’t require an EOD team for two secret service agents with canines to find a pipe bomb sitting as conspicuously out in the open as the DNC pipe bomb was.

Take a look at the image and see for yourself how conspicuous this bomb that two SS canine units missed. Note the rear entry door is right by the parking garage where Kamala’s SS detail entered.

The image below shows placement of the “RNC pipe bomb” on left vs the DNC pipe bomb on right.

For a more detailed sense of where the DNC pipe bomb was in relation to Kamala and the DNC building, and how conspicuous it was, we encourage the reader to consult our detailed video walkthrough. For the full context and significance of the pipe bomb hoax it is imperative that readers consult our definitive reporting, including our earlier report on Kamala Harris, the Secret Service and Pipe Bombs.

Why is it a big deal that the Secret Service missed the DNC pipe bomb in its initial sweep in the morning of January 6th? Let’s suppose they found the pipe bomb during this morning sweep at around 11:30 A.M. on January 6th. A discovery of an explosive device near the capitol this early likely would have resulted in beefed up security in and around the Capitol, and very likely this beefed up security would have prevented the initial and decisive Ray Epps orchestrated breach of the West perimeter of the Capitol that occurred at 12:55 P.M.

Instead, something very different happened. Rather than being discovered during the SS canine sweep at 11:30 AM, the DNC pipe bomb was discovered by a plain clothes Capitol Police officer at 1:05 P.M., barely 15 minutes after Capitol Police began responding to the “RNC pipe bomb” was discovered in a back alley by the Capitol Hill Club at 12:40 P.M. by a random pedestrian. In other words, both the RNC and the DNC pipe bomb had been lying in their respective locations, undiscovered, for nearly 17 hours only to both—independently—be discovered within a narrow 15 minute timeframe that perfectly coincided with the first, decisive Ray Epps orchestrated breach of the West Perimeter of the Capitol that began at 12:52 P.M.

The synchronicity between the discovery of the DNC and RNC pipe bombs and the unfolding attack on the Capitol was so perfect that former Capitol Police head Steve Sund theorized that the pipe bombs were planted not to detonate, but rather to divert critical resources from law enforcement just as the attack on Capitol was unfolding—a scenario that bears striking resemblance to an oddly and suspiciously specific prediction that came from the office of Trump-hating head of Homeland Security and Intelligence Donnell Harvin’s office.

In fact, some security officials are on record as saying that the reason there weren’t more bike rack barriers at the Ray Epps Breach point is that they couldn’t deliver them at the critical moment due to law enforcement responding to the discovery of the pipe bombs! The following is from the official J6 committee report no less.

Those following our reporting will know that an even bigger scandal than Kamala’s Secret Service not finding the pipe bomb during their initial sweep is their reaction when the DNC pipe bomb was discovered. We encourage readers to get the full, unbelievable story by reading our comprehensive classic piece that dives deep into the surveillance footage.

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Since these pipe bombs had kitchen timers that could only be set to 60 minutes or less, the bombs were obviously fake if they sat in place for 17 hours.
And, isn’t it odd that those old kitchen timers, while iconic, are hard to come by for us regular folk as digital replaced them on Amazon, but that the Intel Community used them when they were doing practice runs?
Anyway, yes, it stinks to high heavens and helped in the J6 set up to steal the election.
Was Kamala in on it, or a dupe?

Funny how the USSS with dogs couldn’t see them but just some random people could. Did they need special glasses?