Black Friend Defends Shooter of Florida Teen

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SANFORD, Florida (Reuters) – George Zimmerman cried for days in remorse after shooting dead a black Florida teenager, a family friend of Zimmerman said on Sunday, offering a sympathetic portrayal of the man at the focal point of a national uproar.

Zimmerman, 28, a white Hispanic, shot Trayvon Martin, 17, in what he said was self defense during an altercation in the gated community Zimmerman was watching on February 26 in Sanford, Florida. After barely going noticed for weeks, the case has since galvanized the country and renewed a national discussion about race.

“He couldn’t stop crying. He’s a caring human being,” Joe Oliver, 53, a former television news reporter and anchor in Orlando who has known Zimmerman for several years, told Reuters in a telephone interview.

“I mean, he took a man’s life and he has no idea what to do about it. He’s extremely remorseful about it,” Oliver said, relating stories told to him by Zimmerman’s mother-in-law, a close friend of Oliver’s wife.

Oliver’s account counters the withering criticism Zimmerman has sustained from demonstrators across the country who have demanded his arrest and accused him of racial bias in targeting Martin. Celebrities have taken up the cause of justice for Trayvon, and President Barack Obama said “all of us have to do some soul-searching” as a result of the tragedy.

“I’m a black male and all that I know is that George has never given me any reason whatsoever to believe he has anything against people of color,” Oliver said.

Sanford police did not arrest Zimmerman, saying the evidence could not disprove his account of self-defense, though the case is under review by a state special prosecutor and the U.S. Justice Department.

Zimmerman dropped out of public view shortly after the shooting and his whereabouts were unknown. The New Black Panther Party, an African American organization taking its name from the radical group of the 1960s, has placed a $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman.

“All these people who are threatening George, what makes them any better than the person they think he is?” Oliver said. “You’ve got all these people wanting to lynch the man and they don’t know the whole story. There are huge gaps that are being filled in and interpreted without evidence.”

Oliver tried to reach Zimmerman after the shooting but he had not spoken with him until Saturday in a conversation arranged by Zimmerman’s lawyer.

As a black man, he said he understands how minorities are often unfairly treated, but he believed Zimmerman was simply doing his job by growing suspicious over an unfamiliar person walking through a neighborhood that had suffered some break-ins. Martin lived in Miami but was with his father on a visit to his father’s fiancée’s home inside the gated community.

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Wow, the cracker haters are going to come after this guy.

when did they start dividing the Hispanic by shade of skin?

“Zimmerman, 28, a “white” Hispanic, shot Treyvon Martin”

Notice, the press is qualifing Zimmerman’s Hispanicness by calling him a “white” Hispanic, but does not list a race behind Treyvon Martin’s name. This folks, is intentional. It is designed to create the illusion that Zimmerman is NOT really Hispanic, since his skin tone is light. But from the pictures of Zimmerman I have seen, his skin tone looks very much like every Tejano friend I have (and I have lots of them). Zimmerman very much looks Hispanic in his photos.

The press, and the race hustlers, are playing with fire here. They do not want to set blacks against Hispanics and Hispanics against blacks, and frankly, they are running the risk of doing that. Florida has a large Hispanic population, and they are not going to appreciate the New Black Panthers calling for kidnapping George Zimmerman. Sooner or later, Hispanics will rally around George Zimmerman simply because he is Hispanic and Spanish speaking. You want to see race riots that leave nothing but ashes, pit the Hispanics against the blacks and then place your bets. The Crips and Bloods against the Zeta and La Familia. It will not be pretty.

Jackson, Sharpton and yes, even Obama, are trying to show that there is still prominent racism in this county because, in Jackson and Sharpton’s case, they think it will line their pockets. In Obama’s case, it is pure political expediency to divert the number of black Americans that are now unemployed due to his disasterous regime.

We should refer to Obama as an Arab African White Black.

One wonders if the NBPP will want him killed as well


Dr. John, in Miami there is a trial going on for the murder of two white British tourists by a black kid that just turned 17. Where is the outrage over that crime? Why did not the henious crimes committed against Channon Christian and Christian Newsome not get national attention? Or are we to think that when we read about “black on white” crime, there is nothing new there so it it not worth our interest?

I’m warning the race hustlers like Sharpton, Jackson and the NBP they are building a fire they are not going to be able to put out. Always before, it was some poor black person being treated unjustly by a white person (think Chrystal Gail Magnum, who now awaits trial for the murder of her boyfriend). The entire media, including the Duke University staff, proclaimed those young men guilty before they even went to trial. A black woman claimed to have been raped by tony rich white boys and just the claim was good enough for the press and every liberal in the country. This time is different. Hispanics are pretty slow to move, but eventually, the race hustlers are going to make this case of a Hispanic man willfully murdering a black kid and the Hispanics will gather ’round their own. After a few NBP heads are sent in bags to Malik Shabazz by some Latin gang members, it won’t be so funny.

None of us really know what happened that night of Feb. 26th. We were not there. And I for one, am not going to accuse the police of doing a sloppy job when I don’t know all the facts, nor am I going to say that Martin was in the right and Zimmerman was in the wrong, or vise versa. I don’t know. But I do believe that the case is being so tainted by those with an interest in lining their pockets over it, that we may never know the truth. And that saddens me. Justice needs to be served; either for Treyvon Martin or George Zimmerman.

For all: The drum roll must continue on obama’s rejection of any person of color who is not Black. This, just like the Sandra Bluke case, will have significant unexpected negative consequences for the democrap pity. As another retiree 05, this weak, unemployed 11% of our population cannot win an election for the White-Black-Egyptian-Arab-African poser president. One thing for sure is that his X chromosome is 100% white mother with his blackness somewhere less than 50%. So as the NBPP does their dirty work for this White-Black president, will they wake-up when they realize he sold them out to the rich old white guys club (Buffett, Soros, Pelosi (her husband), Ayers, Corzine, Immanuel, Axelrod, and the list goes on).

There was a significant black power statement made at the 68 Olympics by Tommy Smith and John Carlos as they stood on the winner’s platforms with black gloved, clenched fist raised above their heads. In those days, the rest of the communities of young American athletes redrew the the picture as a raised black fist with a white hand on top of it with the caption “Black Power with White Control”. Imagine this same scenario for today’s poser of a black president. He is owned by the rich old men of Chicago, New York, Boston and a rich old white woman (Oops! Pelosi has been written off recently as being used by obama to carry his pity stick in the Congress to pass obamacare in order to read its 900+ pages of handouts to his white friends).

Gil Scott-Heron had it all wrong. The revolution will indeed be televised and it will be started by White America not Black America when they get tired with all the double standards and pure hypocrisy. That day is a lot closer then you think

Shouldn’t law enforcement be visiting the NBPP for offering a bounty on someone? Is that not illegal?

@ThomNJ: Yeah, except that Eric Holder doesn’t prosecute Black Panthers. The establishment of a bounty on George Zimmerman is a violation of Zimmerman’s civil rights but do you hear one word from Obama or Holder about it?

Al not so Sharpton was bragging about some untold black Africans who built the Sphinx and the Pyramids. If so, it was probably done at the end of a whip. There’s a long history of blacks subjugating blacks into slavery. According to PBS, the Pyramids were now built by motivated Semitics and Arabs. According to the Old Testament, Hebrews built the Pyramids, with untold pain and suffering. Who do we believe? Who is inventing history?
Now some current history. Worse than the slavery problem in young America, abortion has killed more than 53 million of the innocent unborn. Blacks abort the innocent at a rate of 5 times, compared to other ethnic groups. Where’s race hustler Al on this? Its all about choice- ya right. You’re a reverend- ya right. How can I get the title of reverend? Can I order the title by using the internet? Does it give me the right to twist history? How do I get a soap box on MSNBC?

oil guy from Alberta
some news to carry the next few months, the lynching plan from an elect official,
and I wonder what he said to the RUSSIAN PREMIER, WAIT TIL MY NEXT ELECTION