By Bruce LeVell
Does anyone know who Vice President Kamala Harris really is?
It’s been 18 days since Kamala Harris was installed as the Democratic Party’s nominee.
She still hasn’t taken a single question from the press.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party and the legacy media machine continue to weaponize race in America to scare voters, especially Blacks, into not supporting the Republican ticket and former President Donald J. Trump.
Instead of prioritizing the most qualified candidates to run our country, today’s Democratic Party prioritizes a misguided woke-identity-focused agenda that has led to complete chaos— a broken southern border, out-of-control inflation, growing conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Mideast.
And that’s just a start.
When our cities were burning, particularly in urban communities with high concentrations of Black Americans, Kamala Harris did not call for law and order.
Instead, she supported funding to bail out people who were destroying communities like Minneapolis, Minnesota where rioters looted and destroyed countless small businesses, many of them owned by Blacks.
Now, she’s selected Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., as her running mate, a man who literally enabled the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests of 2020, allowing the violence to continue for days before sending in the National Guard.
Gov. Walz not only put the rioters and looters ahead of the small business owners and local residents during the riots of 2020; he’s also a strong supporter of driver’s licenses, free college, and free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Walz quite literally prioritizes criminals and illegal immigrants over law-abiding American citizens.
It’s not just dangerous policies on immigration and crime that makes Walz unfit to serve.
He has also overseen some of the most radical youth transgender surgery laws in the country, where teenagers can get their breasts chopped off and sterilized all under the guise of, “healthcare.”
He also signed into law what LBGTQ rights groups referred to as a “trans refuge bill,” which “protects transgender people and their families from legal repercussions for traveling to Minnesota to receive transgender healthcare.”
The governor did so despite objections that the law might undermine parents in other states who disagree with these medical procedures by allowing the child to travel to Minnesota without full parental consent.
Black Americans, especially Black men, have been under the control of the Democratic Party for over 60 years.
However, a new trend is emerging.
Many now notice a stark contrast between the current state of affairs and the successes of the Trump administration.
The Democratic Party playbook has consistently painted President Trump as the big bad boogeyman to scare Black voters away from supporting him.
Yet, this tactic is losing its effectiveness as they continue to fail the very communities they claim to look out for.
In response, the Democratic Party will rely on a strategy they’ve employed before, opening the check book.
It’s election season, and so they’ll show up as they do every four years around this time.
Another way Democrats hold back the Black community, especially black men, is through the complete weaponization of emasculating Black men going back to the late 1950s and early 1960s with their failed policies that devalued the important role of the male in homes with children.
If you want to see black voters prevented from voting, wait till more begin supporting Trump’s polices as opposed to the poverty-inducing policies of the Democrats.