Bill Maher to Major Garrett: Why Not Just Scream the N-Word, you A$$hole!

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Jim Hoft:

You just knew this was coming…
Liberal crank Bill Maher accuses CBS reporter of racism for asking Obama about US hostages in Iran.

On Wednesday Barack Obama lashed out at CBS reporter Major Garrett.
This was after Garrett asked the president about the four Americans he left behind to languish in Iranian prisons.

iran prison americans
Former Marine Amir Hekmati, Saeed Abedini and Vahid Salemi are being held in Iranian prisons. (Breitbart)

Obama was defending his nuclear deal with Iran when he called on Garrett.
The president did not like it that he was asked about the American hostages held by Iran.

Obama: I got to give you credit Major for how you craft those questions. the notion that I’m content as I celebrate with American citizens languishing in Iranian jails. … Major, that’s nonsense and you should know better.

Of course, that is exactly what he did.
The Obama administration did nothing to free American hostages during their talks with the Iranian regime.


In response to the question, Bill Maher accused Major Garrett of being a racist “a$$hole”.
Because you’re racist if you ask Obama a direct question on his foolish policies.

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“Oh, you noticed Obama has, again, failed to look out for the best interests of America and Americans? RACIST!!”

It’s the classic liberal response.

@DrJohn: Isnt it odd that, while everyone else is always the racist, it is always the liberal that first conceives the racist response?

Obama borrows Bill Clinton’s ”compartmentalization” when it suits him….like in this instance.
But in other instances Obama spreads the blame all around to people and things that had nothing to do with an act……like when the Charleston church goers were murdered…..or when a black man dies while interacting with police.
In those cases ALL whites, ALL gun owners, ALL police are to blame.

Never, never, never is ALL Islam to blame even as it fills men’s heads with institutionalized hatred, misogyny and supremacy.

@Bill: I’ll bet that Major Garrett didn’t even have a thought about ‘racism’ in his mind when he asked the question. It likely never occurred to him that ‘racism’ might have been involved. Now who would be thinking about ‘racism’? A racist perhaps? That would be Bill Maher, right? I frequently say that when you hear the word ‘racist’ that it is by a racist. Someone that has it on their mind regardless of what the situation is. So is it fair to label Maher a racist? I’d say it is always fair to label a racist as a racist.

Garrett finally asks the same type of tough question that reporters would have asked of a Republican president, a completely legitimate question mind you, and jackass Maher tries to turn it into a racist attack? I always considered Maher to be little better than the kind of low-life that crawls out from under swamp rocks. With that nonsense he has now reduced himself to “festering sewer scum.”

I’ll second Bill Maher’s observation. Major Garrett was behaving like a major a-hole. His question was worded to express an opinion, not to get an answer.

Whoever posted the video to YouTube isn’t much in the answer either. The video was cut short before Obama had finished hanging Major A-Hole out to dry with a very-much-to-the-point reply. Here’s the full reply, if anyone is actually interested in the answer.

@Redteam: I would bet that, though he knows he never intended any racism at all, he was well aware that any question of Obama other than, “Do you, Mr. President, see any limits to the level of your greatness?” would be viewed as a racist question posed only because of hatred of blacks.

@Greg: One wanting ask the important questions of a person who routinely dodges anything but praise usually turns into a a-hole. However, it is a necessity of the job. However, the response of, “how could you think that” is not exactly sufficient. Why did they not make the release of those Americans (remember “we don’t leave Americans behind”?)? Why could we, the United States, squeezed one minor concession out of Iran? Why did we have to allow them to fully have their way with us?

Obama says it would not have been appropriate; Kerry says it was brought up at every meeting. Someone’s lying, Greg. Either we were afraid to bring it up for fear the Iranians would walk away and no Nobels for anyone or Kerry kept bringing it up and Iran kept telling him go to f___ himself.

Either way, this administration is a failure.


Obama says it would not have been appropriate; Kerry says it was brought up at every meeting. Someone’s lying, Greg.

Hmmm, I’d go with ‘both of them’. Probably it was brought up one time, the Iranians stepped on their toes and they never mentioned it again. So both were likely lying. As usual.

Either way, this administration is a failure.

it was that as soon as the votes were counted.

@Bill, #8:

However, the response of, “how could you think that” is not exactly sufficient.

It is entirely sufficient. There’s no need for Obama to dignify with a public defense a backhanded attack on his character by someone who has stepped out of the proper roll of a journalist. Journalists ask straight questions. They don’t use their privileged opportunities to ask them to make sly editorial comments.

The right, in their collective fantasy world, have reduced the complex human being who is currently President to little more than a malignant cartoon character. In taking that caricature as reality, they are reducing themselves to a cartoon.


is currently President to little more than a malignant cartoon character.

Oh, you give him too much credit. He is not ‘more’ than a malignant cartoon character.

Garret asked a perfectly logical question. Why didn’t he get the prisoners released. It embarrassed the hell out of Obama because he knew he already looked like a major buffoon over the whole deal and that was just topping on the cake.

@Greg: Actually, asking why, after months of negotiations, after all the giving in the US did, asking exactly what they were thinking when the did not even TRY to get our hostages back, particularly when he traded 5 hardened terrorists for a deserter and held a celebration in the Rose Garden to grab headlines.

Either they didn’t care (no “legacy points” for getting hostages back) or the Iranians told them to shove it, deep.

@Bill, #12:

Actually, asking why, after months of negotiations, after all the giving in the US did, asking exactly what they were thinking when the did not even TRY to get our hostages back, particularly when he traded 5 hardened terrorists for a deserter and held a celebration in the Rose Garden to grab headlines.

Why do you believe there have been no official efforts to get back the U.S. citizens being held prisoner in Iraq?

What Obama has said, and what other officials have said, is that this is not a part of State Department efforts to negotiate a nuclear program agreement with Iran.

People should be able to grasp the fact that these are properly being dealt with as entirely separate issues.

That most people can grasp this is undoubtedly the reason the illustrative video of Obama’s answer was cut short, rather than running for the additional few seconds it would take to show his complete response. The one chosen is a typically dishonest presentation, clumsily edited to keep viewers from having too much to think about.

@Greg: We have had Marines held in Mexican prisons for NOTHING and this President did nothing to get them freed; why would the prisoners in Iran be any different? We actually had LEVERAGE in getting them freed, but the Iranians knew Obama would give up everything to get his legacy deal, so they had no incentive.

Why have we released an Iranian we held prisoner? Why do we just give up and roll over? Why is Obama worthless to the American people.


Why do you believe there have been no official efforts to get back the U.S. citizens being held prisoner in Iraq?

Because if he had, he would have his minstrels out singing about it.

What Obama has said, and what other officials have said, is that this is not a part of State Department efforts to negotiate a nuclear program agreement with Iran.

That’s but one of the things that put him in the ‘stupid or worse’ category

People should be able to grasp the fact that these are properly being dealt with as entirely separate issues.

Just like Bergdahl was a separate issue, but Obammy through in 5 terrorists, just ‘for the hulluv it.”

The one chosen is a typically dishonest presentation,

Cry us a river about dishonest press reporting.

Amir Hekmati’s case is problematic, owing to his confession of espionage. Amir Hekmati has been employed by DARPA and private defense contractors, which probably struck the Iranian’s as suspicious. Saeed Abedini, an Iranian-born convert from Islam to Christianity, was evidently actively involved with Christian organizations in Iran; as absurd and as fundamentally wrong as it seems to us, apostasy is actually a crime in Iran. Robert Levinson is a former DEA and FBI employee and may have been working for the CIA. It’s not known specifically what Jason Rezaian’s problem is, since the trial proceedings aren’t public. He’s known to have directly offered his services by letter to the Obama administration. He may have made himself a person of great suspicion to the Iranian government by doing so.

These aren’t completely straightforward situations, factually or legally. The complications involved with each can’t become part of the nuclear negotiations, unless you want the nuclear negotiations to become far more complex and difficult than they already are. That would be stupid.

Such stupidity would of course be entirely acceptable to people who want nuclear negotiations with Iran to fail. Many of them don’t actually care a whit about the four beyond their usefulness as political pawns. Not much attention was being paid to their plight until they could be tied to the nuclear deal.


These aren’t completely straightforward situations, factually or legally.

While you’re practicing blowing smoke, give us a rundown on the activities of the 5 terrorists that Obammy released for Bo Bergdahl. Was it determined by the admin that they were all fine upstanding young men and were worthy of us releasing them so they could kill some more Americans?

The complications involved with each can’t become part of the nuclear negotiations.

Well, I guess we should all be thrilled that Obammy didn’t let the complexities of those terrorists situation get in the way of turning them loose.

Such stupidity would of course be entirely acceptable to people

that don’t really give a damn if more Americans get killed by them or not.

Next time you try to make up an acceptable excuse, at least go to the bathroom first and get rid of some of it that way.

This has become a waste of time. Give retire05 my regards.

@Greg: Negotiating exchanges of prisoners or releasing hostages is an age-old practice between governments. Again, while we were giving away the farm, we could have EASILY gotten these souls freed. Instead, we showed how weak our position was (being, once again, desperate for headlines) it was either regarded as pointless to even ask or, as I said, the Iranians just laughed and gave us the finger.

But, you just keep on trying to put a shinny lining on this failure. Eventually, even YOU may even believe it.


This has become a waste of time. Give retire05 my regards.

When you are involved, it’s always a waste of time. ‘there is no cure for being an idiot’.


But, you just keep on trying to put a shinny lining on this failure. Eventually, even YOU may even believe it.

Spraying perfume on a pile of sh*t will not solve the problem.


When you are involved, it’s always a waste of time.

That is reflective of why I am loath anymore to even bother feeding the trolls by posting a reply. My life is busy enough without wasting precious hours on those who are only here to change the subject or forward their leftist spin. In fact the majority of time wasted here, is in seeming never-ending arguments with those trolls.