Bill Clinton thinks he deserves more credit for reforming welfare and balancing the budget.
“I go crazy every time I read the conventional wisdom,” he said Friday night at his presidential library in Little Rock, Ark. “So part of the Republican narrative is that I was ‘saved’ from myself by the election of the Republican Congress [in 1994] that ‘forced me’ to do welfare reform and ‘made the balanced budget possible.’”
Clinton said reporters and commentators “keep saying this, overlooking all relevant facts.”
The 42nd president said Arkansas had been a test case for reform during his governorship. At the federal level, he said 43 states received federal waivers to implement welfare reform before the GOP-controlled House passed the final bill.
“And yet I kept reading how this was ‘a Republican idea,’ just because President Reagan had a good story about a welfare queen and a Cadillac who didn’t exist,” Clinton said.
The feisty comments came during 20 minutes of unscripted remarks that immediately followed a one-hour panel discussion commemorating the 20th anniversary of Clinton announcing his run for president in front of the nearby state house. They showcased a Clinton determined to present himself as a transformational figure.
Reviewed his dysfunctional remarks on the economy and the demand for more “credit” Where does it come from and who will pay it back? The 42 ed “pres” was the biggest whore dog to occupy the wipe house outside of kennedy. He sold NSA and CIA secrets to the chinese during his administration. Where is the money? Beijing and Hong Kong kidding. Smile America the democ”rat” whore dog of a “pres” is continuing to bury this economy. Israel should take a 2nd look at bill. He threw them under the bus every chance he can..right up there with opie