Biden’s Debate Blunder: Setting the Stage for Western Political Carnage

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by Jeff Childers

There’s an old saying that goes, When America sneezes, the world catches pneumonia, and booster shots don’t work. Biden’s Disastrous Debate Debacle ignited a smouldering Western crisis far beyond the Democrat party’s internal political problems. The entire West is suddenly and unexpectedly in shambolic disarray. A panicked NBC ran this morning’s first example under its headline, “Far-right ‘at the gates of power’ after historic France election result.

It didn’t work.

After conservative candidates surged in the European Union elections two weeks ago, French President Emmanuel Macron tossed a political hand grenade into the political scene, surprising everybody except Joe Biden (who he called right after naptime) by unnecessarily dissolving the French parliament. That teed up snap elections for control of France’s government, which this weekend went disastrously for the photogenic French president.

Macron wasn’t the only key Western ally who misread the politics and called for a snap election. It’s happening in Britain, too. In late May, British Prime Minister and WEF globalist Rishi Sunak surprised supporters by calling for snap elections, which forebodingly for Sunak, will wrap up on July 4th. It now appears certain that Rishi, if that’s his real name, has completely and historically destroyed his Ukraine-supporting, globalist-loving political party.

This morning, the Intelligencer ran its story headlined, “The End of the Tories—The Conservative Party’s hopeless, hapless campaign signals the conclusion of a misbegotten era.” The hilarious account of Sunak’s campaigning mistakes compared favorably to Biden’s debate disaster:

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Two weeks ago, German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz went all-in on Biden. Politico ran this awkward, prophetic headline:

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Ruh-roh. I bet Scholz wishes he could take that back. In the history of bad takes, Scholz’s assurances about Biden’s critical leadership skills will surely earn him at least a runner-up award.

If Chancellor Scholz expected any political assistance from Team Biden, he’s sunk. Whatever else happens, Biden’s leaky ship of state has its own problems and is sailing toward Cloud Cuckoo Land. The best you can say is, unlike President Macron and Prime Minister Sunak, Chancellor Scholz was not dumb enough to call for snap elections after Germany’s EU vote shellacking by “far right” parties:

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The emerging global picture is a scene of total NATO disarray. At best, Biden is a political spent force. Every decision he makes from here on out will be instantly dissected under the harsh light of his enfeebled mental state, and will be tied down by an army of tiny Lilliputian questioners asking whether Hunter gave him that advice. And what world leader wants to side with a battered and mocked dementia patient?

The three biggest and most important NATO members, France, Germany, and Great Britain, are all now mired in the slough of “far right” despond, the Ukrainian Rasputitsa. And the anti-Proxy War parties are ascendant throughout Europe.

There’s lots more bad news for Biden and his neocons. For just one example, Hungary’s solidly anti-Ukraine, anti-immigration, pro-Trump Prime Minister Viktor Orban is taking his seat as the European Union President. His slogan? “Make Europe Great Again.” I am not making that up:

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At the start of the year, the globalist neocons appeared unassailably installed in world government. But now, just a few months later, it is falling apart faster than Ukraine’s shrinking army. Thank Heavens.

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biden is without a doubt the most spineless weak leader in American history. He alone has made the world more dangerous and chaotic. Some of it may ge his views but, a bigger part is that his is compromised by the CCP. His allegiance is not to America. It is firstly to his captors and second to himself.


A puppet, by definition, HAS to be spineless. That’s why he is supported by his enablers. This is why it takes election fraud to get such a weak, incompetent disaster past the American electorate.