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Bidenomics, Baby! Salaries Have Fallen 8.2% Over the Last Five Years

by Amy Curtis

The Biden administration keeps telling the economy is great — the best ever, Jack! — and we’re just not looking in the right places to see it.

The problem is, Americans are looking in the right places — gas, groceries, mortgages — while the political class has decided to ignore those very big things.

And here’s another big of bad news for Bidenomics:

Wait. Biden himself told us wages were outpacing inflation.


He lied? We’re shocked.

We’ve been reassured he’s the truth-teller in this election.

Yes it is.

Isn’t it grand?

She lied too!?

We’re stunned.


They touched on it in the last debate, but the GOP needs to hammer home the fact that inflation is a regressive tax on everyone, but especially the middle- and lower-class.

Credit cards. That’s how.

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