Dr. Gal Luft, co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS), has been in hiding with a testimony of the Biden corruption, including high crimes committed by the criminal family. While it should be one of the biggest stories out there, the Mockingbird media will do everything to censor it and debunk it. However, we’re bringing it to you, the People.
Check out his testimony.
Here’s a transcription of the above video.
My name is Dr. Gal Luft. For the past 20 years, I’ve been the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, a Washington based think tank focused on energy security. For the past 15 years, I’ve been a resident of Israel. And for four years, I was senior advisor to the China energy company CFC, at the same time of its dealings with the Biden family.
Under normal circumstances, I would be testifying before Congress about my experience with CFC. Sadly, due to circumstances I shall describe here in this video, I am forced to tell you this story via video.
My ordeal goes back to a fatal decision I made in March of 2019 to share with the US government my knowledge about the Biden family’s relations with CFC. As I said it was in March of 2019 in a two day session at the US Embassy in Brussels. I insisted that the meeting take place in March because at the time there were rumors that Joe Biden was planning to run for president.
I saw it as my civic duty to alert the government beforehand and given enough time to probe the issue. I want to be clear, I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I have no political motive or agenda. I did it out of deep concern, that if the Biden’s were to come to power, the country would be facing the same dramatic Russia collusion scandal. Only this time was China. Sadly, because of the DOJ is cover up. This is exactly what happened.
The DOJ sent to Brussels a delegation of six people, two prosecutors from the Southern District of New York by the names of Daniel reichental, and Catherine Ghosh. And for FBI agents. One of them was Special Agent Joshua Wilson from the Baltimore Field Office, which also happens to cover the state of Delaware. Or you want to ask yourself, why did the government dispatch to Europe so many people? Why six? Why not to? The answer is that they knew very well that I’m a credible witness. And I have insider knowledge about the group and the individuals that enrich the Biden family.
Over an intensive to you to the meeting, I shared my information about the Biden family’s financial transactions with CFC, including specific dollar figures. I also provided the name of ROB Walker, who later became known as Hunter Biden’s bagman yet as we now know today from the whistleblower testimony. Gary Shapley, it took the DOJ whole 21 months to probe the issue and to actually talk to Walker. But perhaps the most alarming information I revealed was of a mole within the DOJ who shared classified information with Hunter Biden and his Chinese partners.
I told the DOJ that Hunter was closely associated with a very senior retired, retired FBI official who had distinct physical characteristic. He had one eye one of the FBI agents at the time, even told me, you know, that would be very easy for us to find there aren’t that many one eyed people in the bureau. information I provided the FBI in March of 2019 was fully corroborated nine months later, when the famous laptop belonging to Hunter Biden which contained all the emails and receipts was handed to the FBI. And guess who seized the laptop from the computer repair shop. It was special agent Joshua Wilson, who was with me in Brussels earlier.
In other words, the FBI knew about from me about Biden’s CFC deals before they got ahold of the laptop way before they had enough time to investigate the issue. But they did after Brussels, I never heard back from DOJ. But instead of showing appreciation for my whistleblowing I became public enemy number one.
Over the past four years that followed me, my family, my friends, my associates, were all harassed, intimidated and finally, I was prosecuted. Despite all that, on the eve of the 2020 elections, I sent my lawyer to Washington to meet with them. Acting Deputy Attorney General Mr. Richard Donahue to ensure he was informed about the information I had given his department in Brussels 19 months earlier, and also to warn him that there may still be a mole within the DOJ. Mr. Donohue confirmed to my lawyer that he was aware of my claims, but now we learn from the IRS whistleblower that it was reached on are you himself who suspended the investigation few weeks earlier, on September 4 2020. On the grounds that it was, quote, too close to the elections.
Finally in February, this year, I was arrested in Cyprus on an extradition request from the Southern District of New York. The very same office that met with me in Brussels. Seven count indictment said I violated the export arms export control act.
If I convicted I would face up to 100 years in prison.
An Democrats thought it was pretty funny that this guy was shut up, “went missing”. They know the truth, but they don’t WANT to know the truth. They simply accept the corruption of their party.