Biden Sounds Ridiculous Trying to Tell Story: ‘Back in the Turn of the Ce-, In the 19- 1920 in That Area’

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by Isa Cox

Another day, another bizarre, bumbling rant from President Joe Biden.
His speech patterns are turning out to be rather metaphorical for his leadership style, don’t you think?
A clip of President Biden babbling for nearly 30 seconds sped around Twitter on Tuesday, causing Americans to collectively ask, “Wait … what?” — and not for the first time, either.
“Parenthetically,” Biden began, “when you build a charging station, it’s like back in the day when my grandpop worked for an American oil company back in the turn of the ce-, in the 19- 1920 in that area, they went from, ga-, state to state convincing people that they put- a lot of them put 20,000 gallons of gasoline under the ground, they didn’t want them around.”

Check out the cringe-worthy moment:

I mean … huh?
President Biden loves to tell stories like this, but they’re often what get him into trouble.
For one, he’s told the same story about an Amtrak employee congratulating him for all the miles he’d logged on the rails on several occasions — a story that has been thoroughly debunked each time as absolutely none of the details add up, and it seems impossible that it happened at all.
Yet it’s one of his favorites — he was caught ramblingly telling it to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson just last month.
Then there’s his dumpster fire of a story about a “bad dude” named “Corn Pop,” who was apparently some manner of thug Biden managed to confront and thwart when he worked at a Delaware swimming pool in the ’60s, which is as unbelievable as it is indecipherable.

It’s not just Biden’s rambling stories that give one pause. It’s his rambling, period, as well as the stuttering, awkward pauses while talking, and frequent habit of worrying aloud that he’ll “get in trouble” if he takes too many questions from the media.
There’s also the forgetfulness — on the campaign trail, he often forgot where he was, and after being inaugurated, he once forgot the name of an entire federal agency, cabinet position, and the person he’d appointed to fill the post.
And the random bursts of outrage — we never seem to remember that he once threatened to fight a voter while campaigning and has blown up at reporters for asking tough questions.
We also can’t ignore the fact that there’s ample evidence to suggest his handlers have a specific protocol to follow when they want to shield Biden from the media, from his own admissions that he might get scolded for answering their questions to the several instances in which his live feed has cut out before he gets the chance to go off-script.

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I know copy machines, the deceased and false ballots can’t feel shame, but the 40 million or so that actually voted for this unmitigated train wreck certainly should.

I can still remember at out =r GRammer School still had the old style Fire Extingishers that had to be turned upside down the hand crank Mimiagraphs and the Lavitary Blue Door for Boys Pink Door for Girls and the old stype liquid Handsoap dispencers

‘Incompetent’ Biden Crashes to 38 Percent Approval in Brutal Quinnipiac Poll

Joe Biden crashed to a new low of 38 percent approval in a Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday. The brutal poll shows Biden losing support across the board on issues with his numbers on immigration and the border in the 20s and a solid majority (55 percent) saying the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.

Excerpt from Q-Poll press release:

…Joe Biden receives a negative 38 – 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he’s received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac’s last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 – 50 percent job approval rating.

Today, Republicans (94 – 4 percent) and independents (60 – 32 percent) disapprove of the job Biden is doing.


Biden received negative scores in the double digits on all but one key issue when Americans were asked about his handling of …
the response to the coronavirus: 48 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove;

the economy: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove;

his job as Commander in Chief of the U.S. military: 37 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;

taxes: 37 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove;

foreign policy: 34 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;

immigration issues: 25 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove;

the situation at the Mexican border: 23 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove.

More than half of Americans say 55 – 42 percent that the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.…

1,326 U.S. adults nationwide were surveyed from October 1st – 4th with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Doug Schwartz, Ph.D. since 1994, conducts independent, non-partisan national and state polls on politics and issues. Surveys adhere to industry best practices and are based on random samples of adults using random digit dialing with live interviewers calling landlines and cell phones.

The internals show Biden losing support among African-Americans with 66 percent approval and 19 percent disapproval, with 15 percent offering no opinion indicating a transition from approve to disapprove. In contrast, only seven percent of Whites and Hispanics offered no opinion of Biden. Whites’ approve/disapprove of Biden is 32/61 while Hispanics’ is 42/51.

Biden’s strongly disapprove numbers are high across the board.

Strongly disapprove among groups: Men: 49, Women, 39; Independents 48; Ages 18-34: 35; Ages 35-49: 41; Ages 50-64: 53; Over 65: 45.

White and Hispanic views on Biden’s handling of the border and immigration are remarkably similar: Approve/disapprove on Biden’s handling of the border: Whites: 18/73, Hispanics: 24/68; on Biden’s handling of immigration: Whites: 20/73, Hispanics: 23/69.

There is also close concurrence among Whites and Hispanics on Biden’s deporting illegal aliens:

Question: “In your opinion, has the Biden administration been too aggressive in deporting undocumented immigrants, not aggressive enough, or has the Biden administration been acting appropriately when it comes to deporting undocumented immigrants?”

Too aggressive: Whites: 16, Hispanics: 20; Not aggressive enough: Whites: 54, Hispanics: 41; Acting appropriately: White: 24, Hispanics: 29.

On Covid, a majority oppose vaccine mandates for K-12 school children: 52 percent oppose, 44 percent approve.

More details at Q-Poll site.

Americans Give President Biden Lowest Marks Across The Board, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Majority Say The Biden Administration Is Not Competent

“Incompetent Biden” is the man who kicked Donald Trump’s sorry loser butt out of the White House.

Eric Coomer and some Igloo Coolers “kicked” Trump out of his duly elected Presidency. Now we have two countries.

Biden was and is a completely unelectable clown.

Aren’t you supposed to capitalize the word “his” when you’re referring to your cult leader’s presidency?

Is that how you justify in your vengeful mind the utter disaster this idiot has been in 9 short months? Revel in the success of your party’s fraud and corruption? Pretty pathetic.

comrade greggy poo, your mommie let you out to play today, so who’s butt have you wiped lately? sadly who’s ass have you kissed lately?

The Bloom is Off The Ruse, National FJB Sentiment Showing up in Biden Polling With 38 Percent Approval and Wide Majority Saying Administration Not Competent

he larger American awakening to the Potemkin Biden administration continues. Those attempting to prop up the regime have literally built a stage set in the Eisenhower Building where carefully scripted attempts to broadcast the White House occupant take place.
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There couldn’t be a better optical reference for a fake administration than using a prop-set to control the gibberish. Today they used the stage to broadcast an effort by Biden to push a debt ceiling increase and promote his Build Back Better agenda. It didn’t go too well. Meanwhile, the “Let’s Go Brandon“, aka “f**k Joe Biden” chants continue to reverberate coast to coast.

Quinnipiac released a poll today [Data Link Here] showing a massive drop in support for the fake presidency. Of course, the one-third of the support network and insufferable media crews are in denial. Actually, it’s not denial per se’; in reality, the coordinated effort is more akin to gaslighting the nation in an effort to prop up the puppet.

Biden approval has sunk to just 38% in the latest Quinnipiac University Poll. A large majority, 53%, disapprove.
By 2-1, independents disapprove of Biden, 60%-32%.
A larger majority 55% to 42% confirm the Biden administration is not competent.
50% believe Biden is not honest, while 44% said he is.
56% believe his leadership stinks, while 41% sense he has “good leadership”.
55% disapprove of his handling of the economy, 39% approve.
58% disapprove of his job as commander in chief, 37% approve.
67% said Biden is wrong on immigration and border issues, 23% approve.
Obviously, the crew using Biden don’t care about his polling numbers because he is, for all intents and purposes, a disposable puppet. However, the polling does show that more people can see it.

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The Bloom is Off The Ruse, National FJB Sentiment Showing up in Biden Polling With 38 Percent Approval and Wide Majority Saying Administration Not Competent

Within two to three weeks he will have a 2 handle approval. (in the 20’s)

Kamala Harris To Star In Space-Themed YouTube Special For Kids As Border Crisis Spins Out Of Control

Kamala Harris To Star In Space-Themed YouTube Special For Kids As Border Crisis Spins Out Of Control

It’s going to take a lot more than Spielberg special effects to make the whore Kamala look competent.

BREAKING – Dr. Shiva Responds To Maricopa County And Media Propagandists: “How Election Officials Use Media Proxies to Disseminate Misinformation & Disinformation to Avert Investigations of Election Malfeasance”

BREAKING – Dr. Shiva Responds To Maricopa County And Media Propagandists: “How Election Officials Use Media Proxies to Disseminate Misinformation & Disinformation to Avert Investigations of Election Malfeasance”

UPDATE: Dr. Shiva Set to Testify Before House Oversight Committee on Arizona Forensic Audit Then Suddenly Removed from Roster Later This Afternoon

The announcement of tomorrow’s hearing was presented in a press release slandering the Arizona audit and those involved, citing George Soros’s Brennan Center For Justice and other Soros News Propaganda for evidence.

EXCLUSIVE… Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri Caught in Leaked Recording: The Maricopa County Voting Machine Company Audit and Recount – “Was Pretty BULLSH*T By The Way”

UPDATE: Dr. Shiva Set to Testify Before House Oversight Committee on Arizona Forensic Audit Then Suddenly Removed from Roster Later This Afternoon

81 million votes?
