Biden Slides Into Series of Unhinged Rants During Detroit Remarks on Jobs

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By Nick Arama

One of the things that is just so infuriating is when you look at the way Democrats and Republicans are treated in the media, in particular, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris versus former President Donald Trump.

They are constantly telling lies and repeating hoaxes about Trump, yet the media not only doesn’t call them out on it, they repeat it and spread the hoaxes without question. Then they say Trump lies. It’s a constant propaganda war machine to indoctrinate the public. The good thing is now, with the rise of new and independent media, that we can push back against all this nonsense.

Joe Biden was at it again in Detroit on Friday–that is, before he disappears on yet another weekend vacation in Delaware. He signed an executive order, while he was there, pertaining to jobs.

Biden told that lie he’s always telling about “creating” 16 million new jobs. “Fact!” he shouted, while lying:

However, most of those jobs were recovered when people went back to work after the pandemic; he had nothing to do with it. Biden didn’t “create” the recovered jobs. He spoke about the August jobs report that just came out, which was actually less than anticipated. What he didn’t mention was how they’ve had to revise the prior job claims down, including the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) having to scale back the claims of jobs by 818,000. Biden also didn’t mention the statistics about the loss of jobs for native-born Americans that also came out.

Then, this was pretty incredible: Was he bragging here, about spending that would make inflation worse? That’s what it sounded like. Look at the crazy eyes as he ranted:

He claimed they reduced the budget at the same time, which is nonsensical; he’s driven up spending. Does he even know what he’s saying?

Biden then made a silly comment that he thought proved there was global warming, in addition to having Trump live rent-free in his brain:

Biden thinks Arizona being hot is proof of global warming. Pro tip? It gets hot in Arizona, especially in the summer.

But he can’t even keep straight in his head how to pronounce Kamala’s name, so I guess we can’t expect him to grasp such concepts about summer being hot:

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Biden surrounds himself with others for the Propaganda effect just like Hitler, Stalin Castro and Mao