Biden Set to Face Hard-Hitting Questions From Character Witness Mika Brzezinski

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Former vice president Joe Biden is finally ready to talk about Tara Reade, the woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her in 1993. Five weeks after Reade’s allegation was made public, Biden will appear on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday and is “expected to be asked” about his former Senate staffer, according to New York Times media columnist Ben Smith.

Biden’s campaign, the senior members of which are well-versed in the art of flacking for creeps, could not be happier with the outcome. After sitting for 20 interviews without being asked a single question about Reade’s allegation, Biden will get to discuss the issue with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, who has been one of the most reliable defenders of prominent men accused of sexual misconduct.

After her former MSNBC colleague Mark Halperin was fired amid allegations of sexual misconduct, Brzezinski suggested that Halperin’s accusers were engaged in “hypocrisies” by refusing to meet with Halperin so he could apologize. “They don’t want to talk to him,” she said. “If we just want to strike people down for political motivation or for anger, we’re not going to get anywhere.” She was forced to apologize.

Brzezinski and her cohost husband Joe Scarborough were among the few people who attempted to help revive Halperin’s career. According to a Daily Beast report published in May 2019, the couple sought to produce an online show with Halperin on the 2018 midterm elections. The plan did not go over well with NBC execs, who were not consulted about the proposed collaboration and had recently dismissed Halperin as an on-air political analyst.

Brzezinski, who has been described by President Donald J. Trump as “dumb as a rock,” also lamented the 2018 resignation of Sen. Al Franken (D., Minn.), dismissing his accuser—who provided photographic evidence of Franken pretending to grope her as she slept—as a “Playboy model who goes on Hannity, who voted for Trump,” and who was primarily motivated by politics.

“In this #MeToo environment, you must always just believe the women, and I think that there’s a lot of reasons why we need to look at the women seriously and believe them,” Brzezinski said. “I’m just wondering if all women need to be believed.”

More recently, Brzezinski came to Chris Matthews’s defense after the longtime Hardballhost abruptly announced his resignation in March amid allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior. While acknowledging the “important changes around this so-called cancel culture,” Brzezinski wondered if “there might be a better way” to handle situations in which powerful men are accused of misconduct.

Brzezinski has even defended Joe Biden’s long history of aggressively touching women and girls, describing the former VP as “extremely flirtatious in a completely safe way.”

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Didn’t the MSNBC Morning Joe duo both cheat on their own marriage mates before finally divorcing them and marrying one another?
She’s perfect for softballs.

Boy, Biden must be sweating bullets anticipating such harsh questioning. Has their version of Donna Brazile delivered Biden the questions yet?

@Nan G:

YEP! they both cheated. she is a puss ball on her husbands butt. the #MeToo is a democrap sponsored organization, designed to eliminate ?? democraps and all republicans. her monologue with AD ridden joe was so poorly scripted. creepy joe’s responses were all to quick and he had to have rehursed his portion of the script.