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The puppet needs new strings.

A willing suspension of disbelief is required to honestly think the pudding brain has any grip on reality. One to many brain surgeries has let the empty headed biden, well empty headed.

It must be getting pretty rocky for those M.S. Media bottom Feeders and the rest of the Biden Supporters to continue to support Biden as his pols sink to the bottom

Being there must have scared him . Because he already has one foot in the grave now .

Too bad there are no investigative reporters who could get the low down on who’s pulling joe’s strings and who’s pumping him full of off-label-use drugs.
From what I learned from a nurse who takes care of senile people, joe’s medical treatments border on malpractice.
Whoever pushes these treatments on joe is involved in elder abuse.

I do worry that the old Clinton trope will be trotted out when joe dies, that the biden crime family spree is over, nothing to see now, move along, old news.
In other words the rest of the crime family skates.

ridiculous !!!!