In a baffling moment of Biden’s Thursday address, the president said he always knew his sanctions would do nothing to halt Putin’s attack, despite his administration repeatedly insisting that the sanctions were dangled over Putin’s head to deter him from attacking.
‘No one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening. It’s going to take time. And we have to show resolve so he knows what’s coming,’ Biden noted. ‘He is going to test the resolve of the West to see if we stay together.’
‘President Biden says he knew for MONTHS that Russia was planning to attack Ukraine and still made no strong move to prevent them from doing so,’ Rep. Lisa McClain wrote on Twitter.
And while Republicans set their sights on the U.S. president’s failures, Biden went after Putin.
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‘Putin is the aggressor. Putin chose this war. And now he and his country will bear the consequences,’ Biden said in remarks at the White House.
More at The Daily Mail
Remember when Carter pulled America out of the Moscow Olympics after their invasion of Afganistan?
Putin watched how Biden solely botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, giving 80 Billion in weapons/gear to our enemies and getting Americans killed.
Now he invaded Ukraine because he knows he can. Biden is incompetent.
Xi is watching how the US can’t possibly stop Russia from taking one of the most important strategic resource-rich countries in the world. (Their farmland alone can feed 600 million people).
Xi will invade Taiwan because he knows he can. Biden is incompetent.
Trump would have stopped this.
The Ukraine blow-up is more a humiliation for “Joe Biden” and his faction than for the US per se, for the truth is that we have scant interest in that corner of the world and what goes on there is none of our business, and never was….
It is fair to say that the “Joe Biden” government dearly wanted a Russian invasion of Ukraine in order to divert attention from the “Joe Biden” government’s war on its own people in the United States.
Financial collapse is at hand, and “Joe Biden” doesn’t want you to pay attention to it. The Ukraine melodrama is a compelling distraction.
This afternoon the DOW is up 808.86 points, a 2.43% gain for the day. Putin’s forces are taking heavy losses to subdue a resisting nation too big for him to keep without continuing losses. He has protesters on the streets at home and sanctions coming that are not going to improve his popularity. But China is his friend. For the moment. China will watch and wait, expending none of its strength.
I’m afraid money can’t pay for the dead, you scum-sucking piece of sh*t.
Putin is certainly more popular with his people than Biden is.
You went to the DOW? Who are you, Donald Trump? That’s what he said his entire presidency.
I know what your likely problem is, beta-boy, but I’m too polite to mention it. FOX has been interesting this morning. Suddenly they find themselves on the wrong side of stupid. They’re trying to wave a Ukrainian flag as they continue tearing down Biden. It’s kinda pathetic.
Oh, you’re as beta as they come. Words can’t change that, you traitorous scum.
Tell me more about how WWII is a good thing, and how Biden actually prevented it when we watched him, IN REAL TIME, cause it.
I don’t watch FOX News, but apparently you do. That’s how they keep you ignorant.
Yep, I stepped on a sore toe. But I didn’t stomp it, which was a temptation. You should free your mind of all the social media bullshit. You’ve obviously got a brain. You should take control of it.
You have no argument and your points have been completely destroyed. You’re OBSESSED with a false version of the “right” and “trump” so much so that actually watch rightwing news sources to renew your sense of hatred and idiocy.
Sounds like a good time to declare “victory” when you look like the dumb c*cksucking hypocritical moron that you are.
Guess you took a page from Biden’s plagiarized book, afterall.
The only thing that sore is your butthole, because you’re getting banged in it by the very people you’ve supported for decades. Biden and Democrats are failing you. It hurts and you’re projecting.
Now people are geing killed in the street because your ideology and your false understanding of the world is wrong.
The only thing you’ve stepped on is your own selfish pride.
You f*cked up.
Own it.
Can anyone tell me why we wouldn’t blame Biden for all of this?
Do we only blame Republican Presidents for every single bad thing in the world that happens, then cover and deflect for Democrat Presidents when actually cause things?
All your base are belong to us.
I’m off in search of an intelligent discussion. Have a good afternoon.
The Associated Press
BREAKING: Just 26% of Americans say the U.S. should play a major role in the Russia-Ukraine conflict in a new AP-NORC poll. President Biden has argued that fundamental American values are at stake in Eastern Europe.
Joe Biden Is Worse than Putin
The war in Ukraine is none of America’s business. Censorship and administrative edicts here at home are.
Vladimir Putin never mandated that I submit to nonconsensual medical treatment to keep my livelihood. Putin didn’t ban me from social media for criticizing the regime. It wasn’t Putin who eviscerated my years of saving with skyrocketing inflation.
Then stop watching CNN and fox, arguing with the voices in your own head, and projecting your unintelligent ramblings onto the rest of us.
I suggest you use the afternoon to find a good therapist.
You’re in sore need of one.
Glad to know I scared your dumbass off this very important and very real discussion about a new world at war.
Says the guy who goes to FOX news, then attacks me for what they reported like I said it.
Talk about a deranged, clueless turd.
That won’t pay for the dead in Ukraine, you imbecile.
Since when do Democrats cite the DOW as the measure of success?
Hey genius how much is it up from 1 month ago? I have seen video of Russian forces dancing with Ukrainian forces. You are correct China will do nothing to help Putin stop corruption and gain of function labs.
Putin is a despotic evil man that wants to rebuild the USSR landmass. From what I have seen Biden did nothing to deter him. Is his newest Admiral in the Black sea?
This afternoon the DOW is down -597.65 points, a -1.76% loss for the day.
This afternoon the DOW is down -797.42 points, a -3.62% loss for the day.
They shouldn’t have waited for the attack. They should have imposed sanctions until Putin drew down his forces and moved them back from the border. But idiot Biden is owned by Putin. Putin is not dissuaded by more “red lines”. Thanks to idiot Biden killing our energy independence and the “global economy”, Putin is confident no sanctions will be imposed that will cause idiot Biden FURTHER political problems than those he has already caused.
Even if they lower the boom on Putin with the harshest sanctions available and they cause Putin to draw back, the fact is that idiot Biden’s (and NATO’s) weakness is what caused the invasion of Ukraine. All those buildings will still be destroyed. All that money will still have been wasted.
And all those people will still be dead.
I’d argue we should have decided on either Europe or Russia, and not leave it open ended. Putin was right to see Ukraine joining Nato (Nato IS the USA) as an act of aggression.)
We should have accelerated Ukraine joining, or say “no” and let Russia have them.
Tough to say that, but this is the usual USA policy of “don’t fight, but don’t surrender” bullshit that has plagued us for so many decades.