Biden Has A ‘Whole Of Government’ Plan For Everything … Except Rescuing Americans From Afghanistan

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by the I&I Editorial Board

After the Supreme Court decided not to stop a Texas abortion law from going into effect, President Joe Biden promised that he’d “launch a whole-of-government effort to respond to this decision.” No one knows what that means, exactly, but Biden has promised “whole of government” solutions for everything under the sun. Everything, that is, except rescuing Americans stuck in Talibanistan.
In his eight short months in the White House, Biden has made the already empty phrase “whole of government” a nauseating cliché.
He has a “whole-of-government agenda” to fight COVID, to tackle global warming, to “create good-paying, union jobs for Americans.”
His administration announced a “whole-of-government process that will lift up the voices of federal scientists of many perspectives and backgrounds.”
He promises a “whole-of-government effort” to promote competition in the American economy.
He says he will deliver “an ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda.”

Breitbart has done the yeoman’s work of gathering up as many of the things Biden says the “whole of government” is doing. The list is 55 items strong and includes the above plus everything from China, supply-chain bottlenecks, Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities, Ebola in Africa, Russia’s poisoning of an opposition leader, offshore wind energy, and on and on and on.
Of course, none of this makes any sense. What does “whole of government” even mean? Does that mean that the 51 full-time employees managing the federal government’s helium fund are now involved in Texas’ abortion law?
More to the point, how can the “whole of government” be used to tackle any of Biden’s priorities, when so much of it is devoted to other vital projects such as tackling the invasive medusahead rye species. Or tai chi classes in senior centers. Or story time at laundromats, sex education for prostitutes in Ethiopia, and providing live-streamed eclipses.
Presumably, Biden means “whole of government” the way people misuse “literally” – as a stupid way to over-emphasize something.

Even so, there is still one thing that is curiously missing from the list of Biden’s “whole of government” projects. Biden has never, and apparently never will, promise the American people that he will deploy the “whole of government” to bring home the hundreds of Americans he left stranded in Afghanistan, much less rescue the thousands of our Afghan supporters now being systematically hunted down by the Taliban.
As a matter of fact, a bipartisan Honoring Our Promises Working Group of congressmen actually begged Biden to do so back in June, writing in a letter to the White House that “we are increasingly concerned that you have not yet directed the Department of Defense be mobilized as part of a concrete and workable whole-of-government plan to protect our Afghan partners.”
The group warned Biden that “If we fail to protect our allies in Afghanistan, it will have a lasting impact on our future partnerships and global reputation, which will then be a great detriment to our troops and the future of our national security.”
Their plea obviously fell on deaf ears.
The White House did promise one “whole of government” program related to Afghanistan.

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All true.
Joe also has no “whole of government” plan to secure our border, either.

Idiot Biden has created the “Hole of government” where trillions of dollars and numerous lives are flushed. Obama’s purpose was to weaken the United States so it couldn’t “oppress” anyone else. Idiot Biden seems bound and determined to continue that agenda, if not destroy the country completely.

Biden just ENDED a war that cost over $2.26 TRILLION, 20,000 US troops wounded, and over 2,352 killed.

All this idiot ended was trust in the US and our national security. He ended the Taliban’s need for military equipment for a long, long time. He ended the power of a threat from the US.

He also ended the lives of 13 brave soldiers.

taliban joe surrendered to the taliban.

He committed treason by aiding and abetting the enemy.

He purposely stranded Americans in a terrorist run country.

Flights out of Afghanistan carrying non-Afghans, including US citizens, resumed around 10 yours ago.

Absolutely NO thanks to idiot Biden and his regime of incompetent morons.

…ten HOURS ago…

taliban joe is lying his ass off at this very moment.

He claims he has the teachers backs if they suffer financial harm should they fail to get vaccinated

A few years ago some Hollywood Airhead told us that the Democrats was OF THE PEOPLE,BY THE PEOPLE,FOR THE PEOPLE just shows how little liberal Hollywood Airheads know about anything beyond their own little Drug and Booze world

Rep. Meeks just called the right on it’s Afghanistan bullshit. Where was the protest when…? A damn good question.

Trump negotiated a plan where the Taliban had to meet certain requirements. Trump held them to those requirements. The moment idiot Biden took office, the Taliban tested him with attacks and idiot Biden telegraphed his weakness and incompetence. The withdrawal would have been nothing like idiot Biden’s disaster under Trump.

They are masking their displeasure with criticism, but fail to offer feasible alternatives.” Exactly. BECAUSE TRUMP HAD NONE.

Kash Patel is lying. If he were not, they could easily release the full details of this imaginary “plan”. They haven’t even concocted something retroactively, because the Doha Agreement made no sense to begin with. The Trump administration actually pulled out troops and released Taliban prisoners in return for nothing more substantial than Abdul Ghani Baradar’s signature on a piece of paper. That was all done before Biden was sworn in.

Trump’s deal with the Taliban, explained:

Trump had a plan that required the Taliban to meet specific conditions. Trump forced them to comply. His plan would have gotten all citizens and allies out of Afghanistan. When idiot Biden took over, the Taliban knew they had a weak, incompetent fool and took advantage of his stupidity. The failure a d disaster is all on Biden 100%.

As part of a deal made with the Taliban in 2020, the Trump administration agreed to the release of up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners in exchange for the release of up to 1,000 prisoners “of the other side.”

It’s about efforts to change history to enable Trump return to office. That will happen when hell freezes over.

biden own defeat in Afghanistan.

He unconditionally surrendered to the taliban.

Spin all you want
This is on biden

Read the Doha Agreement. That farcical document was ENTIRELY the Trump administration’s doing, and the Trump administration ACTED ON IT, in return for NOTHING but empty promises.

Even more farcical than the title is part #1, which states the single most important thing that is totally missing: an enforcement mechanism.

By the time Biden took office, that enforcement mechanism consisted of only 2500 remaining troops—not even enough to protect our bases, our equipment, and our Kabul embassy. Biden had to extend Trump’s deadline and more than triple that number just to have enough troops and time to secure the Kabul airport perimeter and cover an evacuation. WITH TRUMP’S MAY 1st DEADLINE NO PLAN HAD BEEN MADE FOR ANY OF THAT.


2500 was a recommendation from the military to protect bagram and the embassy

You are a €unt

If the Trump deal was so bad, why didn’t idiot Biden with all his diplomatic geniuses fix it? Well, that’s because idiot Biden tossed Trump’s plan and ran his own because he wanted to exploit the politics of the withdrawal. He f**ked it up completely, along with our national security.

Trump had ALREADY announced a full departure date, had ALREADY withdrawn all but 2500 troops, and the Taliban had ALREADY cut deals and reoccupied territory. A completely “f**ked up” situation ALREADY existed when Trump bugged out to Florida, ranting about a rigged election.

If one is to stipulate biden inherited a completely f**ked up situation, he had time to fix it.

After all, he spent the majority of his time in the senate as the head of the foreign relations committee.

And, he managed to be unable to negotiate a status of forces agreement in Iraq as VP.

And, he strongly advised obama against killing OBL.

The Persian Gulf War In 1991, Biden voted against the successful Gulf War though most historians now believe it was a well-executed, agile use of American power.

The Iraq War Biden voted for the Iraq invasion of 2003. He has since said it was a mistake to invade the country.

Carving up Iraq In 2006. he made a full-on push to carve Iraq into three semi-autonomous regions, saying the idea that the Iraqi people would unite behind a strong central government was “fundamentally and fatally flawed.”
And the stooge who recommended this disaster was none other than, wait for it, tony blinken.

His bona fides speaks volumes as to his acumen in foreign policy.

Don’t underestimate joes ability to fu@k things up…

The entire Afghanistan debacle is on biden and biden alone. Failed attempts to blame President Trump are tired and worn out.

You are obviously a stupid idiot that cannot understand simple concepts (well, you did vote for this idiot). Trump’s plan was conditions based. If the Taliban had been taking over provinces during his withdrawal, there would have been no withdrawal. Thus no chaos. Thus no mad scramble to get people out. Thus no $85 billion in military equipment donated to the Taliban. This no 13 dead soldiers. Thus no disaster.

Idiot Biden just wanted out so he could brag about getting out, just as Obama did in Iraq. No consideration for the bad results, just a propaganda coup.

Idiot Biden did it HIS way and his way is failure. You are desperately trying to validate this incompetent idiot. That’s impossible. He is what he is and that is a failure and disaster.

bidens Afghanistan blunder is the largest military blunder in American history, bigger than the bay of pigs

Sky News Journalist Offers to Write a Check To Anyone Who Can Decipher What The Heck Joe Biden is Saying

He should make it out to the National Association for Retarded Citizens, since everyone else understands him.

All anyone understands is that idiot Biden is a moron.

The YouTube comments are hilarious:

“He quite clearly wants a boxing match with Robert E. Lee in Florida and a rematch in Afghanistan. Send me that cheque.”

“He’s saying if Robert E. Lee doesn’t box him, then he ain’t a real black man. Send me my cheque, thank you please.”

“Listen, I’m Robert E. Lee, from Afghanistan, and I want pudding instead of apple sauce today.” That’s CLEARLY what he is saying.”

Joe Biden Succeeded Where Benedict Arnold Failed, and Our Deep State Was In on It
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I just read Jason Jones’ account — based on leaks from high-level intelligence sources — of the sheer extent of the high-tech, strategic loot Joe Biden handed the Taliban and al Qaeda, closely allied to China. The facts beggar belief. By intentionally abandoning billions of dollars of military equipment and facilities, Biden has transformed a backward country into a major military power, aligned with Communist China and radical, terrorist Islam. Here are a few choice quotes:

“This is the greatest loss of military equipment in the history of warfare by one power. What America has just given to the Taliban is equivalent to 85% of all the military aid Washington has given to Israel since 1948.”
The U.S. Government “is so used to burning and wasting American taxpayers’ hard-earned money that no one from our government can be even bothered to address the fact that 85-90 billion [dollars] in military equipment has been left to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.”

“This is larger than the annual military budget for every nation around the world except the U.S. and China. So the Taliban, thanks to the U.S. Government, this year has a larger military budget than Russia, the U.K., India and France.”

Worse Than 9/11

My mind is actually reeling. Crowded out are all my memories of being in New York City on 9/11. I’m trying to summon back the gut-churning fear, the reek of incinerated bodies and shattered buildings, the sense of utter helplessness before further attacks from the sky.

But the recollections just won’t come. Instead I smell treason. I feel as if I wasn’t a civilian in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001, but a soldier at West Point, NY, on September 21, 1780. And I got to watch Benedict Arnold turn that crucial American fortress over to Britain. (In real life, he tried and failed.) That’s how far back we must go to find a high-level American willing to sell out his own country on this scale to foreign paymasters.

Worse Than Benedict Arnold

No, the parallels aren’t exact. Great Britain’s regime was by no means as violent and evil as the Chinese Communist Party, the Taliban, and al Qaeda. General Arnold wasn’t a venal bumbling hack, but a genuine hero, who’d saved the American cause single-handedly at Saratoga, and won other crucial battles. America had treated Arnold shamefully and ungratefully, letting lesser men steal his credit and refusing to pay what it owed him. The U.S. has been nothing but generous to the dim-bulb, greed-stoked Biden, who amassed a family fortune in the business of politics. Hundreds of millions of that money came via Hunter Biden from China.

I can almost forgive Benedict Arnold. But George Washington couldn’t. He moved heaven and earth to try to capture his old friend, and put him to death by hanging. Sadly, Biden won’t hang either, but will go right on serving Red China’s interests for as long as his Deep State handlers think they can keep up the façade that his frontal lobes still are firing.

Who Controls the Nuclear Football, Grandpa Simpson? Really?

Stop for a moment and ask yourself: Who is actually running this country? Do you know? Neither do I. Is it Jill Biden? Kamala Harris? Some shadow committee?

My best guess is that the real power’s getting wielded by elements of the Deep State, the bipartisan coalition of self-serving hacks and spooks who cooked up the Russia Collusion Hoax. And framed General Mike Flynn. And sent provocateurs to fake the plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and infiltrate peaceful protestors on January 6.

The Old WASP Elites Finally Sold Us Out

These long-serving, self-dealing mercenaries are the real power right now. And I find it terrifying how unpatriotic they’ve turned out to be. Assuming they think America is their “thing,” not the people’s, how could they sell it out so completely to its enemies?

Make no mistake, that’s what they did. We know from TIME magazine that a vast elite conspiracy moved to “save democracy” from Donald Trump’s reelection. We saw the elaborate legal chicaneries used to sabotage voter integrity under the pretext of COVID panic. But most of all, we know something that ought to freeze our blood and make the hair stand up on the backs of our neck. We know that Joe Biden is compromised by Chinese intelligence interests. And we know that the very elites at the tippy-top of our own intelligence establishment were fully aware of that. But they didn’t care. They were willing to put their names and reputations on the line to lie about it, in order to swing the election.

The Spooks at the Top Are Traitors

Remember how virtually every medium in the country refused to report on the Hunter Biden laptop, and its spider web of ties between Chinese intelligence and the Biden family finances? How social media moved as a single conspiracy to silence such reports? But the worst and most frightening aspect of the Biden coverup was this: the willingness of America’s top security elite to lie to the public about it. And our media to lockstep report it without asking questions.

Please go back and read my March 5 column, “How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden Into Office.” In it I list the names of those Deep State veterans who willfully lied to assure the public that the Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation.” Go read their names and resumes again. Note how many of them were appointed by the Bush family. The same clan who promised us that Islam is a “religion of peace” and sent us on wild, nation-building crusades. The rot goes deep and wide.

Al Qaeda’s $85 Billion Reward for 9/11

Our elites sold out their country, and put in office a man compromised by China, who handed over to that virus hub and its allies not just Afghanistan, but $85 billion in military equipment. That’s the bounty al Qaeda has just collected, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, for attacking our country, and my home town.

And Joe Biden handed it over. And the Deep State supported him, after lying him into power. Our very tippy-top, astronomically high elites have sold us and bound us over to our enemies. If we don’t purge them now, we deserve what happens next.

Pentagon confirms nearly 450 Americans trapped in Afghanistan

The Pentagon stated Tuesday that nearly 450 American citizens are still in Afghanistan following August’s U.S. military withdrawal, more than the Biden administration has previously claimed.

IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE: Joe Biden Abandoned THOUSANDS of Americans and as many as 14,000 in Afghanistan When US Fled

Joe Biden and the Woke Generals abandoned THOUSANDS of Americans in Afghanistan and as many as 14,000 during their quick escape from the terrorist-controlled country.

And then they left the Taliban with $80 billion in US arms.

New figures released by the State Department reveal as many as 14,000 Americans were left to fend for themselves when Biden and the woke generals quickly fled the country due to their artificial timeline.

FLASHBACK: Watch Jen Psaki Lie Through Her Teeth About 100 Americans Left in Afghanistan – Now We Know Up to 14,000 Americans Were Stranded There (VIDEO)

FLASHBACK: Watch Jen Psaki Lie Through Her Teeth About 100 Americans Left in Afghanistan – Now We Know Up to 14,000 Americans Were Stranded There (VIDEO)

You think you “know” all sorts of bullshit—but it’s still bullshit. Gateway Pundit is a proven purveyor of false news, disinformation, and right-wing propaganda. Continued exposure will make you stupid, if you weren’t stupid already.

Comrade Greggie, we know, you’d prefer to listen to the claptrap of Jeffrey Toobin, the left’s favorite Masturbator-In-Chief. Nothing gets the left more excited than someone whacking their johnson in public.

Maybe you’d like to prove your claim that Gateway Pundit is a “proven” purveyor of false news? But I doubt it.

There’s little point in arguing with stupid people. Anyone who isn’t is welcomed to peruse the following Wikipedia article—which comes with footnotes to the sources.

What is Gateway Pundit, the conspiracy-hawking site at the center of the bogus Florida ‘crisis actors’ hype?

The bloodshed had barely ended in Parkland, Fla., last week when the Gateway Pundit added its own unique take on the students who had quickly become media-friendly gun-control advocates.

“EXPOSED,” read its headline. “School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg’s Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines.” It later doubled down, asserting — without any evidence to support it — that operatives linked to liberal billionaire George Soros had “selected anti-Trump kids to be the face” of the massacre.

The stories helped spread a debunked conspiracy theory about the students being paid “crisis actors.” This was a few days after the site initially claimed that the suspected shooter was “a registered Democrat.” A few hours later, it realized it had zeroed in on the wrong Nikolas Cruz but soft-pedaled its correction, merely amending its story to say he wasn’t a Democrat, as “some sources had reported” — a group that seemed to include news sites

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