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Biden like Clinton and Obama a Democrat and a Traitor to serve China not America Impeachment is the relief

China’s getting their money’s worth, am I right?

biden kowtowed xi. xi humiliated biden as the freckles dementia riddled old man that he is. xi totally disrespected biden by calling him his “old friend” and not addressing him relative to the office to which he was installed.

For the Chinese, to not acknowledge one with their respective title is to cast total disrespect.

biden is a disaster.

There greg, go report that to google

In January 2023 if biden and garland are still around, the new America first congress should initiate simultaneous impeachments on both biden and garland.

And, they should use the democrat impeachment playbook. They will tell the democrats, not too interested in having you participate.

xi never would have treated President Trump the way he treated biden. What a complete embarrassment for Americans that biden is such a weak and freckless piece of shit.

xi told biden not to have any thoughts about defending Taiwan when the CCP goes in the take over. And biden said ok master.

The CCP certainly has gotten their moneys worth and they bought off biden on the cheap.

Xi openly and brazenly disrespected idiot Biden by calling him “my old friend”, knowing that would cause idiot Biden embarrassment. He scores big points at home by making idiot Biden look stupid, though it should be viewed like someone kicking a crippled dog.

Idiot Biden gets paid for laying down, but Xi still like to rub his stupid nose in it. An embarrassment for the entire nation.

Russia is waiting on China to move and China is waiting on Russia. When one goes, so will the other knowing the woke US military leadership and idiot Biden will never respond; they’ll just dig up some “Trump plan” and blame that for their telegraphing our adversaries that we are weak, incompetent and afraid.

China can blackmail Joe forever, but, they are hurrying because he may not last much longer in office.
Look for them to take over Taiwan and to drain our Strategic Petroleum Reserves, asap.
You didn’t know?
Joe’s been sending record amounts of our SPR to China over the last three months, up to record amounts of 3.1 million barrels a week.
This fact was first noticed by investment groups and financial papers.
It is slowly leaking into marginalized (hidden by Google) parts of our media like American Thinker, Fox Business News and Bloomberg.

If you’d seen the videos of Hunter Biden having his foot fetish satisfied by a Chinese “actress” while he gets higher you know China has 10-times worse you haven’t seen that Joe needs kept under wraps.
And he’s not paying China off…….you and I are.

With Sam Faddis

Excellent interview by Frank Gaffney with Sam Faddis

SAM FADDIS, Former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, former Congressional Candidate, Editor,, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis

What els can he do?!?! Our military has BEEN WOKE FOR 20 years! As this Summer clearly proved.

Upfront: WPost has been a KGB front org for 70 years!

but they did a very good article (at the time I thought they were just bashing GWB) article on how we have been lied to my the pentagon and 1600 for 20 (it was only 15 then) years. We were always getting our asses kicked; but lied to by DEEP STATE (my term). This Summer proved, BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, the we were always losing; and DEEP STATE was disingenuous 19 years ago and every year since!

(I have some direct , personal experience fighting Chm Mao’s boys! I am not WOKE! But well over 75!)

My friend, we are so close to the intended destruction by the left of America. Yes, the military has become more woke.
The majority of the military rejects the woke indoctrination. I believe at a time when it become necessary, those volunteer enlisted will uphold their oaths to defend against ALL enemies foreign and domestic.

bidens son hunter as big a piece of shit as the old man

NY Times Breaks This News One Year After Election: Hunter Biden Helped Facilitate Sale of World’s Richest Cobalt Mines from US Company to Chinese Communists

NY Times Breaks This News One Year After Election: Hunter Biden Helped Facilitate Sale of World’s Richest Cobalt Mines from US Company to Chinese Communists

biden is owned by the CCP

Hillary enables the sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia for $150 million.

Hunter: “Hold my crack and hooker.”

“Those Who Play with Fire Get Burned” – China’s Message to Joe Biden for Including Taiwan in an Online Call

Message from emperor XI to his subject biden. Look for the CCP to aggressively go after Taiwan when the Winter Olympics have concluded.

biden will do nothing except maybe jet off to the 30 million dollar estate in Nantucket.

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Do We Have A Chinese Spy In The White House?

In the runup to the 2020 Presidential election news broke that Hunter Biden’s laptop had been abandoned at a repair shop and subsequently turned over to the FBI. Copies of the hard drive of the laptop began to circulate. The information on the laptop was explosive with the potential to derail Joe Biden’s campaign.

The lapdog corporate media swung into action. The laptop was branded a fake. Dutiful retired “intelligence officers” signed on to a carefully worded letter, which did not really say much of anything factual but suggested that the laptop was likely the creation of the Russians and constituted “disinformation.”

The story was buried. Most Americans probably went to the polls without ever having heard of it.

A year into Biden’s term in the White House the vow of silence is beginning to fade away. Led by the New York Post, which never backed off on the story, the media is beginning to slowly release the sordid details of what is on Hunter’s laptop. A twisted world of drugs, prostitutes, and obscene amounts of foreign money is beginning to emerge.

And, yet, still, the full impact of what is on the laptop somehow continues to be ignored. The ultimate question, one with implications for the entire world, remains unasked. Do we have a Chinese spy in the White House?

Miranda Devine of the New York Post has written a book called “Laptop from Hell.” Excerpts[] from the book are being published now by the Post.[] Those excerpts illustrate precisely what is still not being confronted and the enormity of the danger we may face.

One of the many business dealings Hunter Biden entered into with Communist China concerned the creation of a company called SinoHawk Holdings, LLC. This is the company with which Tony Bobulinski was involved. Bobulinski[] has provided testimony linking Joe Biden directly to Hunter’s business dealings. SinoHawk was a global investment firm. It was seeded with Chinese money.

The Chinese money came from Ye Jianming, chairman of a Chinese company known as the Chinese Energy Fund Committee (CEFC).

Ye Jianming and CEFC were part of what is known as the Chinese United Front[]. This is a worldwide effort by Chinese intelligence to buy and coopt the leadership of target countries. This practice is referred to by the Chinese as “elite capture.” At the top of the list of nations targeted by the United Front is the United States.

Everything about the SinoHawk deal fits precisely with the known method of operation of Chinese intelligence in buying the cooperation of foreign leaders in furtherance of Beijing’s foreign policy and national security objectives. In this case, it would seem logical that the target of that effort was not Hunter Biden, a cocaine addict with no skills and no track record of accomplishment. That target would be the then Vice-President himself, Joe Biden.

CEFC engaged in United Front work worldwide as did its chairman Ye Jianming. Outside the United States, CEFC[

United Front activities have been documented[] in several African states, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Serbia. The CEFC also worked hard to push the United Nations to adopt Chinese views and erase all references to human rights and the role of civil society from United Nations language.

Patrick Ho[], who was also part of CEFC was allegedly referred to by Hunter Biden as the “spy chief of China.” He was the target of at least one Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in February 2018. Ho was convicted in March 2019 and sentenced to three years in prison for bribing African leaders at the United Nations on behalf of CEFC.

The United Front is not fiction. It is a hard reality. The United Front works worldwide to mobilize China’s friends to strike its enemies. Its express goals[] include undermining social cohesion, exacerbating racial tension, the use of psychological warfare, the spreading of fake news, and legal warfare against the target nation’s institutions.

Ye Jianming and CEFC did not climb into bed with Hunter and the Biden family because they believed they were going to make money together. Every indication is that Ye and CEFC did with the Bidens exactly what they did in multiple other nations and for which Ho ultimately went to prison. They bought influence. They dished out boatloads of Chinese Communist Party cash in furtherance of Beijing’s objectives[’s%20Overseas%20United%20Front%20Work%20-%20Background%20and%20Implications%20for%20US_final_0.pdf]. They did here what they did in Serbia, in Africa, and in countless other places around the world.

The questions remain. What exactly did the CCP get in return for its investment? How many other ways did the CCP funnel cash to the Bidens? The Chinese are not fools. They do not simply spray cash at a problem. If they continued to do business with Hunter and continued to finance the relationship, what were they getting in return?

What might the CCP still be getting in return for its investment today?

This is not a story about drugs, hookers, and Hunter Biden’s demons. This is a story about foreign “elite capture” operations reaching to the very highest level of the United States government. This is about finding an answer to questions whose answers are essential to the security of the republic.

Did the Chinese buy Joe Biden? Do we have a Chinese spy in the White House? If so, what is Joe doing on Beijing’s behalf today?


Doubtless that idiot Biden (his puppet masters) have interests other than the United States at heart. Apparently, though, the CCP didn’t get idiot Biden to sign an exclusivity contract; he cheats on them with Russia and Ukraine.

biden is totally owned by the CCP

“His Cognitive Decline is Too Much. If He’s Not Capable of Being President, He Needs to RESIGN” – Former Presidential Physician Calls on Biden to Step Down

Joe Biden Still Has No Plans “At This Point” To Visit Waukesha After Last Week’s Horrific Christmas Parade Terror Attack That Killed 6 Americans

China Threatens It Will Attack Any US Troops Attempting to Protect Taiwan if a War Starts with the Tiny Island Country

Not to worry. The CCP investment in biden has been fortuitous. XI has told Joe to stand down and Joe will dutifully do so.