Biden Endorsed By Million Muslim Votes Summit, Pledges To End Travel Ban “On Day One”

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Karen Townsend @ Hot Air:

Joe Biden is measuring the drapes in the Oval Office and filling up his to-do list for Day One. He spoke to the attendees of the Million Muslim Voters Summit Monday and added another task for his first day as president – he pledged to end the “Muslim ban”. Biden is fond of promising the sun and the moon for his first day in office to audiences to whom he is pandering.

Monday was just another day ending with ‘y’ for Status Quo Joe. He is desperate for some enthusiasm among voters. He spoke to the summit from his home studio and a funny thing happened. He used a misnomer as he trashed President Trump with accusations of “Islamicphobia”, not the correct term, Islamophobia. It wasn’t just a one-time mistake, he continued to use “Islamicphobia” over and over.

In a rambling speech, the presumptive Democratic nominee also railed against what he called “Islamicphobia” in the call attended by a handful of Muslim political activists — including anti-Zionist Sarsour who told Americans to rise up against what she called a “fascist administration.”

“Under this administration, we’ve seen an unconscionable, an unconscionable rise in Islamicphobia and incidents including kids being bullied in schools and hate crimes in our communities,” Biden said, repeating the misnomer over and over.

“He’s named people with a history of open Islamicphobia — open, straightforward, who have no business serving in high positions in our government — to key leadership roles in our Department of Defense and the US Agency of International Development,” he continued.

Do tell, Joe. He dishes out the hyperbolic rhetoric yet he isn’t quite bold enough to name specific names.

Emgage Action hosted the summit. It is the largest Muslim-American PAC in America. While Biden pandered about the “Muslim ban”, which is more accurately described as a travel ban, he didn’t bother to mention that Trump’s travel ban simply expanded the one in place from the Obama-Biden administration. How convenient, right? I guess that makes Barack Obama and him “Islamicphobes”, too. You have to imagine that Biden can’t show a desire to be strong on national security if his base doesn’t even want police departments in America. He may as well pledge to ban funding for national security, too.

Biden pandered to those concerned about education by lamenting that more isn’t taught in schools about the Islamic faith. He accused Trump of “fanning the flames of hate.” That takes some conjones, considering how the left has done its level best to take out any reference to Christian faith in public schools. Joe Biden is shameless.

Most importantly, the PAC is promising to get out the vote in the swing states crucial to a Biden victory – Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida in November. Former Bernie Sanders supporter, Linda Sarsour, gave her endorsement to Biden, too. She is the Jew-hating socialist that even the far-left Women’s March founders kicked out of their organization. She is a loyalist to Louis Farrakhan. Nonetheless, she’s with Joe now.

“This is not about who you like and who you don’t like, it’s about whether you want to defeat fascism in America,” she said.

“This election for me is not about Joe Biden,” she continued before quickly steering the conversation toward the Palestinian territories.

Brooklyn-born Sarsour was dumped from the Women’s March movement she helped found in September 2019 after her views were made public, including her praise for Rasmea Odeh, a Palestinian terrorist convicted in 1970 for her role in the bombing of a Jerusalem supermarket.

“Our community is committed to ending the occupation of the Palestinian people, our community is committed to Muslims who are oppressed all over the world,” Sarsour said, vowing to push Biden to support her anti-Israel agenda.

“We want to see Joe Biden in the White House but we also want Joe Biden to know that we will hold him accountable to our communities,” she continued.

So, this is where Joe Biden is today. He is beholden to the far left and promising to undo everything he can think of from the Trump administration’s time in office. His supporters like to pretend he is a moderate Democrat yet everything he says is a sop to the far left. Now he wants to pretend it was Islamophobia that motivated Trump to put a stronger travel ban into place.

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Just another reason we don’t want Biden in the Oval office and still living in America

We should note: there were only 6, count ’em, SIX people at this “Million” Muslim votes summit.
They were only listening because they are already Dems: Dil ar s Alweed, Linda Sasour, Nihad Awad, Rizwan Hasan, Aysha Ahmed, and Salami al Marway.
It is NOT as if a million Muslims were listening in.
They told him, Biden, they might be able to get him a million Muslim votes, so he spoke to them.
They wrote him.
In addition to the above, these guys signed the letter:
Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, all Democrats.
As to the travel ban, Biden had promised much more than that!
He has promised to open all our borders, to fold ICE and Border Patrol.
To not bother catching then releasing, but to allow unfettered open immigration to all people of earth!
His promise appeals to at least 1 billion people who might actually come here within his 1st few months.
That 1,000,000,000 people.
In a country with only 332,000,000 people!
He would allow the USA to become one of the most populous countries on earth!

China is 1,394,015,977 people, more than the USA would be by a bit.
India is 1,326,093,247 people, a tad less than the USA would be under Biden’s open borders plan on the 1st day.

Our debt today, per citizen is over $80,000.
Our det today PER TAXPAYER is over $212,000.
Can we really take in a BILLION people just so Biden gets a few Muslim votes???

Every ethnic, racial, and religious minority group that Trump has repeatedly attacked or offended will Remember in November. This is what comes of treating everyone who disagrees with you or is unlike yourself as your enemy. They finally become so, uniting against the antagonist that they all have in common.

“Racism” is bad, according to the left, but apparently anti-Semitism is a Democrat trait.

Biden and Waters Dumb and Dumber in 2020