Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced that she would overturn the Obama-era rule that anyone accused in college kangaroo courts must prove their own innocence, and were assumed guilty otherwise.
Biden, unbelievably, rushed to say he’d return to the presumed guilty standard. Even as he claims he himself must not be presumed guilty.
This is incoherent, even for Biden.
a septuagenarian, mentally compromised sexual predator with overt pediophil tendencies who wants to be the leader of the American people. wonder if anyone has him on video?? wonder if warren ever sat on weinstein’s casting couch??;
Yeah, but what about Biden as the alternative to all of that?
I’ve never seen any suggestive photographs of Joe Biden with either of his daughters dressed in short, tight dresses sitting on his lap. If you mention such a photo of Trump, you have to specify which one you’re talking about.
The same can be said regarding accusations by women. With Trump, you have to narrow it down to a particular one from a known 25.
And try to find a video of an excited Biden ogling the pretty young things at a party with Harvey Weinstein. You won’t.
But never mind any of that. Idolizing The Leader has never had any more to do with reality than the attacks on his opponents and critics.
I predict that not a single, solitary Democrat will see the laughable irony of Biden’s idiotic statement.