Berkeley riots provoked by Freedom Center campaign

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Leftist UC Berkeley students and outsiders rioted last night to prevent Milo Yiannopoulos from delivering a David Horowitz Freedom Center-sponsored speech demanding the end of “sanctuary campuses” that harbor illegal aliens. Milo’s address, which was canceled amid violent mob attacks, fire-setting, and wanton property destruction, had been scheduled to mark the launch of the Freedom Center’s #nosanctuarycampusforcriminals campaign.

“One thing we do know for sure: the Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down,” Yiannopoulos, tech editor at Breitbart News, said after being safely evacuated from the campus.

“This is what tolerance looks like at UC Berkeley,” Mike Wright, a Berkeley College Republicans member told SFGate as smoke bombs exploded nearby. He said paint was thrown on his person. “It’s sad.”

“The so-called ‘sanctuary movement’ is a concerted effort by left-wing administrations in major cities to thwart the purposes of the Patriot Act, undermine federal immigration law, and cripple the efforts of the Department of Homeland security to protect American citizens from terrorist threats,” David Horowitz, founder and CEO of the Freedom Center, said on Jan. 31.

“Thanks to the efforts of left-wing activists and administrators, this seditious movement has now spread to our colleges and universities.”

Backed by the Freedom Center, Yiannopoulos, an outspoken gay, Jewish, Greek-born British citizen who ardently supports President Trump, was on campus to demand that federal grants to UC Berkeley be withdrawn and that university officials like UC President Janet Napolitano and Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks who endanger their students with their illegal alien-shielding policies be prosecuted.

UC President Napolitano, formerly President Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, is under the microscope because, as head of the taxpayer-supported University of California system, she is deliberately harboring hundreds of illegal aliens attending UC system schools. She has forbidden campus police from working with immigration law enforcement and provided $5 million to aid the illegals UC is sheltering from ICE.

The University of California system even provides legal aid to illegal alien students who wish to keep breaking U.S. immigration laws.

The executive director of the University of California Undocumented Legal Services Center at the UC Davis School of Law explained to Rolling Stone in December what a sanctuary campus was.

“Basically it’s a concept that says, ‘You’re safe here, and your immigration status, we won’t ask,’” said Maria Blanco. “’We won’t turn you over. We won’t turn your records over.’”

Not all the rioters were from Berkeley.

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I thought it was ironic that the one place these babies destroyed and totally looted was the campus Starbucks.
Liberal Starbucks had come out as planning to hire 10,000 immigrants (Illegals?, not sure).
All their windows were broken and every product stolen from the store.
Even liberal protesters know that stuff is overpriced!

OTOH, Black Rifle Coffee had promised to hire 10,000 veterans.
They are now sold out on most of their coffee online!


An item of interest, from nearly half-a-century ago: Reagan Lifts Berkeley Curfew. Earlier, police had killed a protester by firing buckshot. That prompted the occupation of the park.

On a lighter note… Scroll down the page and look at some of the newspaper advertisements. The prices of consumer goods are interesting. Some things seem dirt cheap. Other things, like the $39 transistor radio, seem very expensive—especially when you consider that a dollar was worth far more back in those days.

The democrat party is the party of violence, personal property destruction and restricted speech.

Those values should be a winning mid term strategic

Fine each and every one of those stupid rioters $2000 and hold the riot instigators finanial liable im sure George Soros could afford it

FBI Allegedly Investigating Mayor of Berkeley.. For Inciting Riot And Ordering Police to Stand Down
ZeroHedge ^ | Feb 2, 2017 | ZeroPointNow

FBI Allegedly Investigating Mayor of Berkeley, CA For Inciting Riot And Ordering Police to Stand Down – CNN Doing Damage Control. ( Full title ).

Last night, domestic terrorists on the UC Berkeley campus successfully barred conservative gay Jew Milo Yinnopoulos from expressing his opinion, after Antifa-incited riots closed down a speaking engagement. CNN – by the way, is in full propaganda damage control mode over this

As fires raged and Trump supporters were assaulted with shovels and pepper spray by masked anarchists, the mayor of Berkeley, CA, Jesse Arreguin, allegedly ordered SWAT and campus police to stand down.

According to Mike Cernovich, Trump’s FBI is investigating:

Civil Rights section of FBI has opened an investigation into mayor @ JesseArreguin, for inciting riots and ordering to police to stand down.

By the way:

U.S. Code 2385:

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

(Excerpt) Read more at …

@July 4th American: It is the fascists that call everyone else “fascists”.

Nobody wants to see dead college kids, the police should have quickly swept in and taken (those that are paid to travel to riot)the gypsy rioters out of the crowd and locked them up, study their social media ect, no bail.
Shame he kiddies are not allowed to hear voice of dissent someone who disagrees with the liberals.

So, we had Kristallnacht Wednesday and Kristallnacht Thursday.

There is a way to put an end to this, peacefully. It is called applying the rule of law. These are riots, not peaceful assembly.

@July 4th American, #5:

As fires raged and Trump supporters were assaulted with shovels and pepper spray by masked anarchists, the mayor of Berkeley, CA, Jesse Arreguin, allegedly ordered SWAT and campus police to stand down.

Ah. The martyrdom of the Trump supporters… A nice dramatic touch from one of the right wing nut cases writing for Zero Hedges. They also threw out this little gem:

Last night, domestic terrorists on the UC Berkeley campus successfully barred conservative gay Jew Milo Yiannopoulos from expressing his opinion, after Antifa-incited riots closed down a speaking engagement. CNN – by the way, is in full propaganda damage control mode over this.

Apparently you accept this sort of histrionic bullshit as some sort of alternative to mainstream media journalism, which you’ve been convinced is not to be trusted.

Zero Hedge, by the way, seems to have somehow failed to grasp the fact that Milo Yiannopoulos is a possibly deranged performance artist. This guy is one decidedly twisted fascist.

Of course Berkeley students object to his hate speech. It’s Berkeley. They don’t just stand by and meekly smile when a guy like this is given a spotlight in their midst.

“Freedom Center” is another one of those deceptive organizational names, like “Center for Medical Progress.” People on the left—who are generally not idiots—know perfectly well what these organizations actually are. They know a leopard by its spots, even when the ass-hat extremists behind it call it a teddy bear.

@Greg: First, what was in Yiannopoulos’ speech that was hateful? OH! That’s right… the tolerant left smashed the area before he was able to speak, so we’ll never know. I guess we should just take YOUR word for it, right?

The violence was all one sided… it usually is. It is the same tactics used by the Nazis as they rose to power, beating anyone that had an opposing point of view.

Why does the left fear alternative ideas so badly?

Did you take a look at any of the links regarding Milo Yiannopoulos? This is the right’s problem: They don’t look, and they don’t think.

The moonbat Robert b Reich said he did not recognize any of the rioters. How could he? They were wearing masks.

Then he proceeded to say it was a staged event by the right and brietbart.

The left is dying and that is a good thing.

“You are f**king a**holes!” the professor shouted at the New York Police Department (NYPD). “You’re protecting the Nazis!” The NYPD had arrived on the scene to prevent violence and escort McInnes out of the building safely. But the professor seemed to think the cops’ job was to shut down a speaker she didn’t like—by engaging in explicit violence against him. “You should kick their ass!” the professor declared, referring to McInnes and his entourage. “You should!” Note that the professor—a dead ringer for Melissa Click, by the way—considered violence to be beneath her and her owns students. “These are kids who are trying to learn about humanity!” she said. “They’re trying to learn about human rights and against racism and xenophobia, and LGBTQ rights, and you’re letting these f**king neo-nazis near here! It’s not up to these students to kick the ass of a neo-nazi! They don’t have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! F**k you!” So according to the professor, it’s college students’ job to contemplate humanity and practice tolerance, and it’s the cops’ job to beat up people with whom the left disagrees.

Now We Know: Those ‘Spontaneous’ Anti-Trump Airport Protests Weren’t Spontaneous At All

There was always something fishy about the outbreak of “spontaneous” protests at airports around the country in the immediate wake of President Trump’s executive order pausing visas and refugees from terror-prone countries.

Not that you’d suspect anything from the way they were covered. Nearly every story published over that weekend stated without equivocation that the protests were an unplanned and visceral reaction to Trump’s executive order. Examples:

“Spontaneous Protests Hit Airports Across America Following Trump’s Executive Order”

“Protest Grows ‘Out of Nowhere’ at Kennedy Airport”

“The senseless cruelty of the executive order has led to spontaneous protests at many of America’s major airports.”

“Word of the spontaneous demonstration was spread across social media.”

But these protests weren’t spontaneous at all. They were, in fact, the result of months of careful planning by hard-core left-wing activist groups.

(Excerpt) Read more at …

@July 4th American, #12:

The moonbat Robert b Reich said he did not recognize any of the rioters. How could he? They were wearing masks.

You’re babbling about leftist moonbats when Milo Yiannopoulos—the “conservative gay Jew” they find so objectionable—demonstrates his views by taking public baths in pigs blood?

If I were still a student, I wouldn’t want this guy speaking at my college, either. Showing up at Berkeley was a calculated provocation. How do you suppose he’d be received by Jewish audiences in Israel?

Former Clinton administration Labor Secretary and diminutive commie Robert B. Reich is blaming the recent riot at U.C. Berkeley on “right wingers.” Howard Dean isn’t the only high profile leftist saying stupid things about the fascists protesting guest speakers on college campuses.

“I was there for part of last night, and I know what I saw and those people were not Berkeley students,” Reich said. “Those people were outside agitators. I have never seen them before.”

“There’s rumors that they actually were right-wingers. They were a part of a kind of group that was organized and ready to create the kind of tumult and danger you saw that forced the police to cancel the event,” Reich insisted. “So Donald Trump, when he says Berkeley doesn’t respect free speech rights, that’s a complete distortion of the truth.”

“You think it’s a strategy by [Milo Yiannopoulos] or right-wingers?” asked host Don Lemon.

“I wouldn’t bet against it,” Reich said. “I saw these people. They all looked very– almost paramilitary.


Did you take a look at any of the links regarding Milo Yiannopoulos? This is the right’s problem: They don’t look, and they don’t think.

As compared to what? Those bastions of intelligence like Madonna, Ashley Judd, Cher and the Hollyweird elite?

You’re babbling about leftist moonbats when Milo Yiannopoulos—the “conservative gay Jew” they find so objectionable—demonstrates his views by taking public baths in pigs blood?

Ah, but you have Al Franken who appeared on national TV in an oversized diaper. Now that’s a thing you left wingers can be proud of.

If I were still a student, I wouldn’t want this guy speaking at my college, either.

Of course not. The First Amendment is strictly for the left, right? But then, if we adhered to the rules of the left when it comes to free speech, you would have been banished from this site long ago.

Showing up at Berkeley was a calculated provocation.

So what? Do you fear provocation? If so, you must be scared to death of that other left wing intellectual, Lady Gaga.

How do you suppose he’d be received by Jewish audiences in Israel?

Ask the citizens of Israel. I wonder how Milo, as a gay man, would be received by Muslim audiences in Iran. Oh, that never occurred to you, did it, since you continue to be an idiot.

Milo is an idiot. He’s there for no other reason than to incite anger and to provoke a reaction on the left, which can in turn be used to incite anger on right. Why do you suppose he went to Berkeley? It sure as hell wasn’t to win anyone over there by reasoned debate. The man is a tool.

This is precisely the sort of mindless crap that’s putting the nation at risk. It’s not about coming together and working things out. It’s about creating and widening politically exploitable divisions. You’re smart enough to know that.

Who is to decide who has 1st amendment protection? Are not the colleges of academia purported to be bastions of free speech?

But, the ilk of madonna, I want to blow up the WH and the pus$y hat wearing morons are to be listened to?

This is the left in full exposure, morons all….