Mark Steyn @ The Orange County Register:
“We’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video,” said Hillary Clinton. No, not the person who made the video saying that voting for Barack Obama is like losing your virginity to a really cool guy. I’ll get to that in a moment. But Secretary Clinton was talking about the fellow who made the supposedly Islamophobic video that supposedly set off the sacking of the Benghazi consulate. And, indeed, she did “have that person arrested.” By happy coincidence, his bail hearing has been set for three days after the election, by which time he will have served his purpose. These two videos – the Islamophobic one and the Obamosexual one – bookend the remarkable but wholly deserved collapse of the president’s re-election campaign.
You’ll recall that a near month-long attempt to blame an obscure YouTube video for the murder of four Americans and the destruction of U.S. sovereign territory climaxed in the vice-presidential debate with Joe Biden’s bald assertion that the administration had been going on the best intelligence it had at the time. By then, it had been confirmed that there never had been any protest against the video, and that the Obama line that Benghazi had been a spontaneous movie review that just got a little out of hand was utterly false. The only remaining question was whether the administration had knowingly lied or was merely innocently stupid. The innocent-stupidity line became harder to maintain this week after Fox News obtained State Department emails revealing that shortly after 4 p.m. Eastern, less than a half-hour after the assault in Benghazi began, the White House situation room knew the exact nature of it.
We also learned that, in those first moments of the attack, a request for military back-up was made by U.S. staff on the ground but was denied by Washington. It had planes and Special Forces less than 500 miles away in southern Italy – or about the same distance as Washington to Boston. They could have been there in less than two hours. Yet the commander-in-chief declined to give the order. So Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods fought all night against overwhelming odds, and died on a rooftop in a benighted jihadist hell hole while Obama retired early to rest up before his big Vegas campaign stop. “Within minutes of the first bullet being fired, the White House knew these heroes would be slaughtered if immediate air support was denied,” said Ty Woods’ father, Charles. “In less than an hour, the perimeters could have been secured, and American lives could have been saved. After seven hours fighting numerically superior forces, my son’s life was sacrificed because of the White House’s decision.”
Why would Obama and Biden do such a thing? Because to launch a military operation against an al-Qaida affiliate on the anniversary of 9/11 would have exposed the hollowness of their boast through convention week and the days thereafter – that Osama was dead, and al-Qaida was finished. And so Ty Woods, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Chris Stevens were left to die, and a decision taken to blame an entirely irrelevant video and, as Secretary Clinton threatened, “have that person arrested.” And, in the weeks that followed, the government of the United States lied to its own citizens as thoroughly and energetically as any totalitarian state, complete with the midnight knock-on-the-door from not-so-secret policemen sent to haul the designated fall guy into custody.
This goes far beyond the instinctive secretiveness to which even democratic governments are prone. The Obama administration created a wholly fictional storyline, and devoted its full resources to maintaining it. I understand why Mitt Romney chose not to pursue this line of argument in the final debate. The voters who will determine this election are those who voted for Obama four years ago and this time round either switch to the other fellow or sit on their hands. In electoral terms, it’s probably prudent of Mitt not to rub their faces in their 2008 votes. Nevertheless, when the president and other prominent officials stand by as four Americans die and then abuse their sacrifice as contemptuously as this administration did, decency requires that they be voted out of office as an act of urgent political hygiene.
As long as I can remember the Russians, then USSR, then Russians again, have been at war against the USA.
Usually it has been a ”proxy” war.
There are some positing this whole Benghazi attack was by a Russian proxy of (perhaps) Iranians dressed as Afghanis and locals.
These theories are based on the US using our Ambassador Stevens/staff as a CIA operation getting used, but still working weapons out of Libya and into Syria.
Russia is arming Assad.
Are we arming the al Qaeda and other Islamists who oppose Assad?
Were we using our Ambassadorial staff in Libya as a CIA team?
When the White House saw the attack on our people in Benghazi were they more worried about exposing their CIA operation and earning the wrath of Russia than they were concerned about American lives?
Russia, if using Iran, is being played for a fool.
Iran’s 12th Imam ”religion,” practically requires earthwide chaos.
And Russia is helping that along.
I still think Obama privately watches the video of the attack, and likes what he sees.
@Smorgasbord: Is this comment a joke? If so, it is a sick one.
Smorg. You’re the guy who makes “well thought out reasoned decisions.” You lose all cred. if you believe the B.S. you posted in #2.
@Richard Wheeler:
Obama says you can believe what he says. Did he not say that if the political winds should change, he would side with the Muslims?
Retire 05 Page 261 Audacity Of Hope—–BHO speaking about Muslim citizens ” America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during WW II and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction”
Wanna throw up some more misquotes? How bout some outright lies?
Exit Question Are you part of that “informed” 38% of Repubs who believe Obama is a Muslim?
Steyn has it slightly wrong.
Amb. Stevens was tasked by Hussein with running guns to Al Quaeda in Syria, who were going to overthrow Assad. Hussein wants no investigation of the gun running. It would look bad. Just like Fast and Furious, which is still covered up.
Tens of thousands in Syria are dead. And we have done nothing. So we must act Presidential. The way to do this is to run guns ??? Then, win or lose, we claim victory.
Some dead diplomats is just a bump in the road. Or inconvenient, or something.
So the coverup is ordered.
It is sick, but sicker than we know.
No one died in Watergate, don’t you know!
Kind of funny (not ha ha funny, more of a funny weird) that Obama was forced to abandon his stump speech line…..”and al Qaeda is on the run,” because of the fallout from this incident in Benghazi.
Yet, still Obama’s apologists (those on the dole, those doling out the dole and unionized auto workers) stand by their meme that it is ONLY a right-wing story.
IF it were only a story because the right-wing kept it alive WHY did Obama abandon that line?
Dumb dummies!
General Carter F. Ham is leaving the Army.
This will allow him freedom to speak!
Will he speak in time?
Worth reading:
Team Obama’s dishonest narratives.
Benghazi: A Symbol of Obama’s Leadership
“According to Fox’s Jennifer Griffin, former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was part of a small team at the CIA safe house about a mile from the consulate, heard shots fired at 9:40 p.m. He urgently requested backup from the CIA and asked permission to head to the consulate to help. The request was denied three times. He and his team were told to “stand down.”
@Liberal1 (Objectivity): #3
I probably should have said that it wouldn’t surprise me if Obama watches the video, but I will still stand by my statement.
Obama bowed to the Saudi king.
He wears a ring on his ring finger that says, “There is no god but Allah.” He has worn it since his college days. He didn’t replace it with a wedding ring after he was married. The ring is more important to him than an actual wedding ring.
The more I learn of him, the more I feel he HATES America, and wants it turned into a Muslim State. Think of all the times he has defended the Muslim religion, but seldom defends any other religion.
@Richard Wheeler: #4
See my #11 comment.
@Richard Wheeler: #4
I forgot to thank you for the compliment. Thanks.