Beating the Corrupt Media, Romney Shows Real Promise

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After last week’s GOP debate I was pretty furious with Governor Mitt Romney over his demagoguery of Social Security at Rick Perry’s expense. But after some time to cool down (a little) and a few days to see how this approach has played out, I’m starting to think Romney might be the candidate I’ve been waiting for. Not based on his record (I’m still VERY undecided), but based on what I believe is priority number one for our GOP nominee.

You’ve heard me say this before and throughout the upcoming election season you will hear me say it again and again and again: Defeating Barack Obama is not a problem. In every respect, he’s a failed president and there’s no way he can run on his dismal record and there’s no way he alone can toxify his opponent into something unelectable. But the media can, and that’s exactly what they have planned for us. And because I’m so sure of this, one of the priority qualities I’m looking for in our nominee is that they fully comprehend that the media is their most threatening political enemy and that they have a plan in place to neutralize them.

After their resounding defeat last week in New York and Nevada they might now be retooling, but it was pretty obvious beforehand that the Left’s 2012 game plan was to haul out that great big boogeyman known as Mediscare. And judging from his positioning in last week’s debate, Romney appears to have read those tea leaves and found a way to inoculate himself.

By assuming the position of The Mighty Social Security Defender through the ruthless beating of Rick  Perry, Romney made it awfully difficult for Obama and his MSM allies to paint him as someone eager to dismantle this, yes, immoral Ponzi scheme. That was a pretty shrewd outmaneuvering of the Left on the Governor’s part and my anger at him was lessened somewhat as I imagined Democrats and the offices of Politico and the New York Times deflate just a bit as they realized a GOP front-runner might have just become bullet-proof on this particular issue.

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I am not sure about this man. His healthcare system is no different than barrys; it is just on a smaller scale. – and oh BTW is failing and causing all kinds of funding issues within the state. If I put him and barry side by side along platforms I don’t see too much difference. If someone can tell me that he is different and show me some facts, I might come around. At this time no. Who am I leaning toward? none so far. They are telling me what they think I want to hear and not what should be said. I don’t trust one of them be it democrat or republican. head shy? yup definitely.

Romney seems smug in his support by the establishment Republicans and Media cheer leading. I don’t care who’s “turn it is” I certainly wont be voting for him in the primary.

Oddly enough, watching the debates, I’m beginning to like Rick Santorum. Not sure yet if it’s quite enough to consider him. I still like Herman Cain, although I’m concerned that he may not be pro-middle class enough and may lean too far to the libertarian side. I still like Bachmann, but I don’t think she has enough experience or general support to get the nomination. She needs to get serious and think about what she’s going to say before saying it.

I’ve given up on both Perry and Paul. Paul’s foreign policy would be even more disastrous than Obama’s. Perry is not winning me over at all, and the more I listen to him the more he sounds like a sleazier, pro-illegal immigrant G-Bush moderate-progressive in conservative clothing. Newt has the smarts, but I don’t think that he would get the nomination due to a general lack of interest in him. He would be an excellent choice for VP or Secretary of State. Huntsman tries to talk a good game, but as we know he is a past supporter of progressives and is hiding his true colors.

Need more input on Gary Johnson. I understand he’s supposedly a “libertarian-republican.” His zing at Obama “my next-door neighbor’s two dogs have created more shovel-ready jobs than this current administration.” was borrowed from Rush Limbaugh, but that doesn’t necessarily make him a “ditto-head”. Continuing he said “…Republicans deserve to have a candidate who will challenge the notion of foreign intervention and unjustified, undeclared wars we cannot afford. I am gratified to offer that alternative.”