Be Very Afraid – Of Stupidity By the Press And Cheating By The Government

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Steven Goddard @ Real Science:

Summer’s record heat, drought point to longer-term climate issues

“I’ve never seen anything quite like it,” said Justin Pedretti, who owns a farm near the boat ramp in Bonaparte, Iowa, and first reported the fish kill.

Under the most wide-reaching drought since 1956, and torched by the hottest July on record dating from 1895, the United States has been under the kind of weather stress that climatologists say will be more common if the long-standing trend toward higher U.S. temperatures continues. Most immediately affected are the nation’s water sources and the people and crops that rely on them.

The flow of the Mississippi River has slowed — at times rivaling 40-year lows — allowing saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico to seep far up the river channel, threatening community water supplies at the river mouth.

Summer’s record heat, drought point to longer-term climate issues – The Washington Post

The only reason July was listed as record heat was because NOAA cheated to produce the numbers. July of 1936 was hotter and it was followed by plummeting temperatures. July of 1950 was the coolest on record.

If people are going to get hysterical over cyclical weather, why not just panic that summer will continue to warm through December, or that the afternoon will continue to heat until midnight? It requires about as much brainpower.

Hansen wrote this in 1999, before he completely lost his integrity

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I just got back from visiting the USS Iowa battleship.
What a treat to see her so up close.
This battleship has been mothballed before, so it could be recommissioned whenever its needed.
Oh, and the weather?
Wonderful for August.
A bit warm, but ……its AUGUST!!!
I swear these warmist alarmists drive me batty sometimes with all their crazy talk.
Sea level was right where it was way back in the 1950’s when I used to go to that very same ports of call and see Tom Hatten draw cartoons from children’s squiggles!

There is so much money allocated to those studying AGW, that the researchers can not honestly report their data. Here is a good explaination as to why so many lefties support AGW. They only read the headlines or the first paragraph. Maybe they didn’t go to a Charter School or use a voucher to go to a good school!

The only reason July was listed as record heat was because NOAA cheated to produce the numbers.

And why am I supposed to believe such a statement? Because Steve Goddard says so?

Steve Goddard is apparently the pseudonym used by some crank climate change denier whose actual identity remains a mystery. In Goddard’s case, it’s not just a matter of a person having no real credentials; you haven’t even got a real person.

The conspiracy theories and total b.s. is piling up so fast on the denier side these days that it’s impossible for legitimate scientists to keep up with it, let alone for the average person to try to sort it out. Which, of course, is exactly what is intended.

@Greg: Look at the data he used. You just take everything those AGW lefties feed you with a spoon! Look for the source documents!

@Randy: If the data you’re looking at is false, so probably will be your conclusion—unless you make a lucky guess, or something.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): The data you are quoting is false. That is why your conclusions are false!