Barack to Blacks: Shut Up and Get in Line

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At Saturday night’s annual Congressional Black Caucus awards dinner, Pres. Obama delivered some of the soaring oratory which is his trademark:

“Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes,” he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted. “Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.”


“The future rewards those who press on,” He said. “I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.”

Let me be clear: The One has time to complain.  Beneath the applause, Obama’s self-pitying appeals to racial solidarity are intended to stifle  criticism inside the CBC (e.g., Reps, Maxine Waters and Emanuel Cleaver) and outside the caucus in the black community (e.g., Tavis Smiley and Cornel West).

Suppressing internal dissent is just one part of “Operation Vote,” the Obama’s campaign’s aggressive new program to expand support from minorities and other parts of the progressive base to eke out a narrow reelection in 2012.  Of course, Team Obama says they have not given up on wooing independents; they cannot afford to lose them by a large margin.  But William Galston (Third Way/New Dem) explains how poorly Obama and Democrats have done on with the political center:

In mid-2005, as disaffection with the Bush administration and the Republican Party was gathering momentum, the Pew Research Center asked American to place themselves and the political parties on a standard left-right ideological continuum. At that time, average voters saw themselves as just right of center and equidistant from the two political parties. Independents considered themselves twice as far away from the Republican Party as from the Democrats, presaging their sharp shift toward the Democrats in the 2006 mid-term election.

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Eihter way however the media spins on Obama speech at the Black Caucus, it boils down to more of his passive aggressive racism. What kinda of outcry would you hear if a white president went to a “white caucus” and gave that speech? Oh! I forgot whites are the only race that can’t have special interest groups because they are the only race that exhibits discrimination according to liberals. How will racism ever be confronted in a realistic manner as long we preach “all conclusive society” but yet we remain separated by our special groups. Which have historically only increased tensions in any society between the haves and have-nots.

Obama’s words brought to mind the early criticism of him: that he was not ”black enough!”
Obama, it was pointed out, was 1/2 white by his mom and also partly of Arab blood by his dad.
So, less than, say, Herman Cain.
I think Obama’s speech reeked of flop sweat.
His desperation was showing.
There is little to nothing Obama can deliver to his black voting bloc, but he needs them.
And, yeah, @Gary G. Swenchonis: , Obama’s comments made me think back to how Ross Perot was politically destroyed by his use of the term, ”You People.”

“Barack to Blacks: Shut Up and Get in Line!”

Shouldn’t he also be sayin’ this to the law breakin’, complain’ Illegals too?

#@Gary G. – Well Put!
#2 @NanG – The voice of common sense and intelligence. – “There is little to nothing Obama can deliver to his black voting bloc, but he needs them.” Nan, You are correct Obama does need them, but, do they still “believe in him” enough to vote for him again? After all, he was suppose to pay their Mortgages, Car Insurance, and give them free gas…
Remember a few weeks ago when Maxine Waters went off on her tirade about Obama not “being down in the trenches” with his “Black Base” , while [ I believe ] Obama was off soaking up to the ‘Rich’ for ‘Campaign donations’? The same “Rich People” he has been throwing ‘under the bus’ in the guise of “Class Warfare”? You think Maxine is even happier now?

This clown keeps trying to start up all kinds of “Wars in America” War against Business, Capitalism, Jobs, Non-Union Companies, Oil Companies, The Races, Capitalism, the Rich… the list keeps getting bigger…

If I were the Richest, I would not give Obama a dime Based on Principal [throwing me under the bus then asking for Campaign Donations] and Hypocrisy… Obumbles is [Nothing more ] than “A Taker” he is absolutely “Not A Giver” …