Barack Obama to Donors: “I’m Going to Need Another Term to Finish the Job”

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Barack Obama told a group of donors last night that he’s going to need another term to“finish the job.”

Finish the job?
Hasn’t he done enough already?

The Obama administration tripled the US deficit in a year.

The Obama deficit this past year reached $1.299 trillion. (The Captain’s Comments)

Obama is the worst jobs president since the Great Depression.

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Obama has “almost” destroyed this country, but he says he needs another term to finish the job so he can hang up HIS “MIssion Accomplished” sign.

What interesting comparisons and contrasts.

I saw another one today over at HealthCare BS: Cleaning the Augean Stables of the Health Care Debate

Our government currently tells air travelers, “Submit to our screening despite the dubious effectiveness, bodily invasion, and needless emotional distress”


In the realm of health care the federal government has adopted a new policy of discouraging routine screening tests for many cancers.

What do these opposites share?

Despite this seeming contradiction, in both cases the government is really saying, ‘We’ll decide who can do what with your body.’

@Nan G – Great points Nan G. This is exactly what happens when there is way too many Big Government ‘regulation(s)’ and “Policies” being shoved down the throats of Americans…. The contradictions are endless…

What amazes me is the ones [Left] who cry foul at anything the right does to bring about positive change that without being invasive [or contradictory], to them is considered extreme, but, I hear no cry’s from the left saying ‘this’ is Extreme, let alone a contradiction/hypocritical….I am going Bald from scratching my head over and over again….

Exactly why we need smaller Government… America Needs to Wake Up….