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BAM! Clarence Thomas Questions Jack Smith’s Appointment As Trump Prosecutor

by Kevin Downey Jr.

This hasn’t gotten the coverage it deserves — and it may turn out to mean nothing — but on April 25, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas asked Trump lawyer John Sauer a question people seem to be ignoring.

“Did you, in this litigation, challenge the appointment of special counsel,” Justice Thomas queried, referring to Jack Smith being appointed by Merrick Garland.

Sauer responded that his team did not “directly” question the appointment, adding that “it points to a very important issue here, because one of [the prosecution’s] arguments is, of course, that we should have this presumption of regularity.”

There are no “regularities” in any of the bogus Trump cases across the nation.

Judges are randomly assigned cases, yet in New York City, both of Trump’s cases “somehow” fell into the courtrooms of two die-hard pinkos who exude Trump Derangement Syndrome.

FACT-O-RAMA! Is it just me, or do you think it “odd” that New York Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg both ran on a campaign promise to “Get Trump” and both managed to win?

Two former Attorneys General, Edwin Meese and Michael Mukasey, filed an amicus brief that questions whether or not Jack Smith has the right to prosecute Trump. From the brief:

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