Bad news from Al Gore: “Our democracy has been hacked”

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In a wide-ranging talk about the Internet and government, Al Gore urged the techie crowd at South By Southwest to use digital tools to improve government.

The former vice president sat for a conversation with Napster co-founder and Web entrepreneur Sean Parker on Monday at SXSW. The talk drew an audience of thousands at the Austin Convention Center and more viewers via a livestream.

“Our democracy has been hacked,” said Gore, framing Washington gridlock and the effects of special interest money in digital terms.

To fix what he called a no-longer functional U.S. government, Gore urged the audience to begin a new “Occupy Democracy” movement. He pushed for the creation and implementation of digital tools and social media to “change the democratic conversation.”

Gore talked of a “Wiki-democracy” of “digital flash mobs calling out the truth” and “a government square that holds people accountable.”

Parker, who was famously portrayed by Justin Timberlake in “The Social Network,” has gotten into politics by investing in Votizen, an online network of voters that leverages social networks to campaign for their issues. He also sits on the board of NationBuilder, which also seeks to organize political change.

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“Our democracy has been hacked,” said Gore,

I actually agree with Al Gore here. Although he concentrates on the wrong people, our “democracy” has been hacked.
– It’s been hacked by “greenies” who give large sums of campaign contributions to politicians knowing they will reap the benefits. (Solyndra)
-It’s been hacked by “unionistas’ who also give large campaign contributions knowing they will have the force of government to ensure their gravy train continues(UAW, SEIU).
-It’s been hacked by “racists” who give small contributions, but reap large rewards when they are not prosecuted for crimes(NBPP).
-It’s been hacked by corporations who give large contributions, to influence legislation that prevents others from reaching their wealth level. (Warren Buffet)
It’s been hacked by the media who give large contributions in money AND media support, so that their side “wins”(NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc.).


It’s been hacked by ex-politicians who don’t need to give large contributions in terms of money, but do so in the form of spreading lies and falsehoods in order to institute another “control” mechanism on the prosperous in the world, setting himself up for massive profit when legislation based on those lies and falsehoods ever comes to fruition, who tells we, the people, to live one way while completely ignoring his own admonitions on energy usage, instead buying another massive mansion on the west coast, and jetting around the world burning up fossil fuels by the tens of thousands of gallons at the same time he tells we, the people, that we need to quit driving our big SUV’s, and essentially becoming the picture used in dictionary references to the term “hypocrite”. (Al Gore)

I have been living in a Republic since the day I was born…what country is Al talking about…certainly not America.

Dumb Lib Al needs a Civics lesson.

Al Gore urged the techie crowd at South By Southwest to use digital tools to improve government.

In a college speech Obama told students not to get their information from electronic devices.

“Our democracy has been hacked,”

The USA is not a democracy. It is a republic. But, calling it a republic will remind us of republicans, and the democrats and the propaganda media don’t want that.

One way to spread conservatism is to call the USA the republic that it is. If someone asks you why you call it a republic, tell them why you do, than ask them to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. This is also your chance to explain why the democrats and the propaganda media don’t want to call it a republic.