NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Police are investigating an unusual bias crime on Staten Island.
Muslims who gathered for prayer to celebrate the end of Ramadan in a city park found bacon scattered on the ground, CBS 2’s John Slattery reported Monday.
With Ramadan ending this past weekend, Muslims celebrated the end of fasting with prayer. On Staten Island an outdoor service was held Sunday on a New Dorp football field, attracting some 1,500 Muslims.
But before most of the faithful arrived for Morning Prayer, it was discovered that someone had scattered a quantity of raw bacon on the field.
“This has been determined to be a bias event on the part of our Hate Crimes Task Force,” NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters, including WCBS 880′s Rich Lamb.
“On a website associated with this celebration was some derogatory comments and at the site itself, three packages of raw bacon were found,” Kelly added.
So if athiests throw fliers mocking Christianity all over the inside of a Christian church, would that be a hate crime?
If the bacon was already there BEFORE the Muslims gathered, how could it be a ”hate crime?”
Sounds more like a sad accident.
But, even if it were put there, where is it IN THEIR OWN ACCEPTED ”HOLY” BOOKS that they cannot TOUCH pork?
I know they aren’t supposed to EAT it.
But TOUCH it?
Show me the verse.
Same with alcohol.
I bet there is not one Muslim in America who has not touched alcohol.
You know why?
They get innoculations and shots.
Their skin is SWABBED first with alcohol!
But some of them turn around and refuse to allow YOU to even enter their cab if you’re carrying a bottle of UNOPENED alcohol!
All the Koran says (implies Muslims can drink alcohol, btw) is that they should not be DRUNK (the result of too MUCH alcohol) when they show up for prayer.
This false history of Islam is killing Muslims!
Yes, they kill one another over things not written all the time.
Like having a store that sells alcohol.
Like not covering well before puberty.
Like having a poster art of Mohammad in their home.
These things are not written, and should not be death offenses. But they kill one another over them.
I don’t see it as a hate crime in this case. I see it as mocking.
Lobbed into a mosque, yes. Out in public, no.
What criminal ordinance was violated? Citation, please?
Littering as a hate crime.