Bachmann dispels image of Tea Partiers as “toothless hillbillies”

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GOP presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann has so far drawn larger crowds in Iowa than any other candidate, according to at least one news broadcast — and her ties to the Tea Party seem to have something to do with that (h/t Drudge and RCP).


She’s right, of course. Those who disagree with Tea Party principles will of course imply Tea Partiers are gauche and unimpressive. But ongoing attempted dismissals of the Tea Party as extreme or uneducated actually just serve to underscore how effective this organic movement of “ordinary” Americans has been — and how integral Tea Party support or opposition can be to an election or reelection effort.

As’s Kevin Glass recently wrote so eloquently:

Maybe it’s a result of not going to enough parades on the Fourth of July, but many on the Left continue to misunderstand what conservatives are all about. In one fell swoop, the Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne accuses conservatives of being anti-democratic, historically ignorant, intellectually shallow, inherently violent and possibly secret racists. …

Memo to the left: tea partiers aren’t anarchists. They’re not violent revolutionaries. They’re not premised on the idea that Barack Obama is somehow an ‘illegitimate’ president. They’re ordinary working Americans who can see the profligate spending of the federal government and want to harken back to a time when states had more power, the federal government had more checks on it, and the federal government wasn’t carrying entitlement liabilities that will bring down the economy in the near future if something’s not done.

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They’re ordinary working Americans who can see the profligate spending of the federal government and want to harken back to a time when states had more power, the federal government had more checks on it, and the federal government wasn’t carrying entitlement liabilities that will bring down the economy in the near future if something’s not done.

That is the best description of the typical TEA Party supporter that I have seen anywhere.

The leftist liberal/progressives, however, use veiled wording and innuendo to attack the people who support the TEA Party. The liberal/progressives in the GOP attack those people by attempting to marginalize them and paint them as the “extreme”. Even self-imposed outcasts, such as Ivan, attempt to paint them in a non-flattering light, but by the opposite method of portraying them as lap-dogs of the liberal/progressive GOP, or, that they are ineffectual, and thus, must be derided.

The simple fact is that most of the people who support the TEA Party are average Americans, going to work, paying their bills, and receiving from the government, for their hard work, more demands for even more of their income and wealth. Anyone who reveres the Constitution, and believes in a free-market economy, with limited government intervention, and more government power locally, should be embracing the TEA Party, no matter what their voting record has been. It’s not a Republican movement. It’s not an anti-Democrat movement. It’s an anti-big government, -socialist, -liberal/progressive movement.

I have always been an avid reader of history/ U.S/Texas, so much that it is now at the point where our small town library calls me when they get in a new history book to see if I have read it yet. So for me, this is nothing new. But I am constantly amazed at the people I know who now carry pocket copies of the U.S. Constitution with them at all times and who are asking me what to read when it comes to history books.

So while Obama’s base (the wallet voter) continues to live in ignorance, many Americans are getting madder and madder about how far the bureaucrats in D.C. have taken our nation away from its Constitutional roots. From the bastardization of the commerce clause to the meaning of “general” welfare, Americans all across this nation are waking up knowing that with each passing day, we edge closer to the very autocracy that the Founder’s worked so hard to prevent.

In the mind of the uber left, if you oppose the policies of Obama, there can be no excuse except you are a racist who simply objects to a black man (half black, actually) being president. Not accepting the policies of the left is beyond the comprehension of the left as they view themselves the smartest kids on the block. Perhaps E.J. Dionne would like to debate either Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams or even Shelby Steele? Nah, didn’t think so.


From the bastardization of the commerce clause to the meaning of “general” welfare,

Don’t you love those “loopholes”? They are so big you could float the USS Iowa, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Missouri-all abrest-through them.

Americans all across this nation are waking up knowing that with each passing day, we edge closer to the very autocracy that the Founder’s worked so hard to prevent.

I’m confused on this point. Are you saying Americans are allowing this to happen?


Good to see you catching the train before it leaves the station!


(And for Mata, the smiley face means I’m just kidding with Curt).


I’m confused on this point. Are you saying Americans are allowing this to happen?

I’m not answering for retire05, of course, but in my own opinion, the answer is yes. Some Americans are involved with the process that is taking us there, on purpose, some Americans are fighting against it, and most Americans are oblivious to it.

They’re ordinary working Americans who can see the profligate spending of the federal government and want to harken back to a time when states had more power…

Well, actually I think that many Tea Party protestors think that the states have also become too powerful and controlling of the people. Other than that, I would agree.