Awful… MSNBC Contributor: Romney Is Engaged in ‘Niggerization’ of Obama (Video)

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Jim Hoft @ Gateway Pundit:

What a horrible racist thing to say.
MSNBC’s Toure said Mitt Romney is engaged in the “niggerization” of Obama.
Because Romney used the word “anger” and that implies racism.
What complete lunacy.
Via NewsBusters:

Wow. S.E. Cupp just destroyed those awful libs.

Big Journalism has the transcript:

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Liberals are racist and even they know it on some level.

I found the dismissive hostess and her “Romney’s whiteboard antics” to be the worst part of this, actually. The racial stuff is easier to sort out, but the overall attitude is what these media people use to affect public opinion. Successful businessman and governor? Who cares! He used a whiteboard. Can you believe it!!

“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for…”

These liberals are really over the top.

@Hard Right: Just about everybody over 50 years of age is racists to some extent—regardless of political persuasion—studies show.

Our job—if you believe this is a problem—is to recognize it in ourselves and do something about it.

When Juan Williams was honest for a moment on PBS tv he admitted to being viscerally affected by the presence of strange black men following him.
They fired him for admitting how he honestly felt/feels.
But, as far back as the Bible’s book of Proverbs, people knew to follow their natural instinct for survival by going in an out-of-the-way direction IF they perceived trouble was coming on the road they were on.
So, Juan W. could NOT have been ”racist,” to feel the way he felt.
Jaun W. was not even ”racist” to openly discuss how he felt.
BUT PBS was ”politically Correct,” and ruled by the fatally flawed concept of ”multiculturalism.”
To act AGAINST one’s own instincts is at the basis of both PC and multiculturalism.
It is a false meme to call such people who still allow their instincts to protect them and their own families ”racist.”

@Nan G:

Juan Williams got dumped by PBS because he said that when he saw people “in Muslim garb” he felt nervous. Fox, and conservatives, defended Williams but now he is back to being a vocal boot licker for the DNC and Obama, even though he learned the hard way how INtolerant progressives are.

Of course the Dems are going to use the “race” card during this election cycle. It’s all they have. No good numbers on the GDP, unemployment, stability in the Middle East, success in Afghanistan (that turmoil now ignored by the MSM), or the fact that since Obama took office, 1,728 U.S. soldiers have returned from Afghanistan/Iraq in a flag drapped coffin. The average of the number of U.S. military lost during the 8 years of Bush, and through the heaviest fighting in Iraq, was 50. The average number under Obama in his 43 months in office is 40. Where is the outrage? What do we get from the left and the MSM? The sound of crickets. Seen any articles from the MSM on the untick of black on white violence in the last couple of years or the high rate of unemployment in blacks or the number of attacks on white people “for Trayvon.”

And where did the racist Toure get the term “niggarization?” Why, from the Nazis, of course, and the radical Cornell West who uses it with regularity. Remind me again how only white people can be “racist.”

This is going to be a nasty campaign season and the race card will be so worn out by the end of it that perhaps it will lose any remaining value. Hopefully, even progressive Democrats will tire of it and begin to understand that the use of the race card only serves to divide this nation, not unify it.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

1) Toure is a racial hate pimp.
2) He’s not over 50
3) The thread is about the racism of the left which folks like yourself excuse/support.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): It is called: Common sense gained through experience and paying attention.

Toure ”apologized,” today.
He apologized only for muddying the discussion by using the n-word.

TOURE NEBLETT: On yesterday’s show, in a discussion about the presidential race, I used a word to make a point. In retrospect, I muddied the discussion by using the N-word. I could have made my point without that word. I shouldn’t have used it, and for that I’m sorry.