by Jeff Childers
Dummies! Quit reading all those conspiracy theories! Schoolmarmish NPR ran a scolding story yesterday headlined, “Politically charged rumors and conspiracy theories about Helene flourish on X.”
X! Corporate media’s bane and its newest bogeyman. Without X, without free speech, dumb citizens would have to get all their news from NPR, whose job is to ensure we don’t see or hear anything that might disturb our carefully collated thoughts.
That’s all well and good, but this laughable paragraph exposed NPR’s moronic manipulation:
The old “no evidence” gag! In other words, NPR isn’t denying the federal government is withholding aid. They just saying you can’t prove it.
NPR’s claim was a classic example of the argument from ignorance fallacy, ingloriously known as an argumentum ad ignorantiam. The statement, “there’s no evidence the federal government is withholding aid,” implies that the lack of evidence proves it is not happening. But just because there is no evidence yet does not necessarily mean something isn’t happening or couldn’t happen.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
The biggest problem with NPR’s favorite logical fallacy is that it can swing both ways. NPR could have just as easily reported, “the federal government has offered no evidence it is providing aid to affected states.”
It’s nice (for Biden) the governors of South Carolina and Georgia praised the federal response. But it doesn’t prove they got any aid; they might just be sucking up, to make sure they’re first in line for a check whenever it comes.
And, what about the governors of Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee? They didn’t praise Biden. NPR was uncurious as to why not.
Not that long ago, there was a day when NPR would have been mercilessly mocked for this kind of weak-minded reporting. Whoever is stage-managing the media these days does not do its best work under pressure.
Screw the Nazi Propaganda Radio(NPR just Boycott the whole thing and save your mind
You have no idea what happens on NPR. You’ve never listened to a second of it in your life.
Ahem. They have a website. Clue for you.
Okay. Go to the website and find a story that qualifies as “propaganda.”
I used to go to the NPR website several times a week to see the stories and read the comments. The comments section was overwhelming left. A minority of comments would come from conservatives. Those were met with derision and a your not welcome here this is our space please leave attitude. But rarely a discussion of facts presented. So what did NPR do? They closed down the comments section. Nothing for the PUBLIC. Yet Democrats fight tooth and nail to keep the PUBLICS tax dollars flowing to prop it up. Instead it should stand or fall on it’s own like other media outlets. If you can’t figure the rest out then I’m all out of spoons to feed you.
PBS and NPR two peas in a pod.
So you couldn’t even find one…?
Go play in the deep forests with monsters
The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.
Do you deny they push every liberal brain-fart?
Still think your a Know-It-All while being a total Know-Nothing
How do you know?
Its total leftists Propaganda, Moron
Share an example of the propaganda. Your fellow travelers couldn’t — there’s a story about NPR and a story about PBS.
I did.
Ronny tried tried defund it 8 straight years! “most liberal man in Congress for 50 years!” – Gore VP debate1996 – stymied him every year!
Reason #6 I did not vote for the liberal Dole.
Dole was very liberal; but i give him credit, unlike “Bush Republicans” he never helped defeat a conservative!
NPR is a leftist mouthpiece that does not deserve taxpayer funds. It should be defunded. The members of the leftist Ministry of Propaganda can fund themselves. The left relies heavily on the public remaining ignorant.
Yeah, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden made a lot of promises of aid and support. The question is, has he delivered? The answer is NO, he hasn’t.
So far, nobody has shown any of the alleged propaganda by NPR. Someone linked to a story about PBS, not NPR, and someone else shared a screenshot of part of the first paragraph of an article about NPR. What is missing an example of the “propaganda” by NPR.
I did.
Poor little Mikey doesn’t seem to dare popping his head up without Greggie to come to his rescue.
Mikey is a Social Studies teacher, he is propaganda.
So now the very job of being a history teacher is suspect for you?
Have you even read, much less taught out of a classic history book, mike?
Real history books acknowledge the bias of their authors.
Real history book writers compile their raw knowledge by reading raw historic documents:
Letters, Debates, Accounts, Diaries, Statistics, Laws, Sermons, News.
From all that raw data they create an account of how it was to live back then at that time.
New, modern history books are written by liberals who desire to propagandize their readers.
They take the narrative they want their readers to believe then “pick and choose,” from among all documents only those few that lead the reader down their particular garden path.
Like the late Howard Zinn.
Ever compare the 1st edition of “A People’s History of the United States,” with it’s most recent edition?
They are totally different works.
Not filled with explanations and footnotes about why, either.
The 1st edition was designed to get the book into our schools.
All those afterward were designed to funnel readers into a Hate America, Hate Whites, Hate Men, Hate Capitalism, Hate Family ideology.
Thanks for the info! That would all be so very informative if I hadn’t spent the past forty years studying history and reading history monographs.
So history teachers as a group are suspect for you now?