Associated Press Attacks Trump’s Tribute to Ryan Owens.

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John Hinderaker:

Response to President Trump’s speech last night has been overwhelmingly positive, and the high point of the speech was Trump’s emotional tribute to fallen Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens and his widow, Carryn Owens. Even many Democrats (although not Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Keith Ellison) were blown away by the moment.

So the Associated Press had to spring into action to neutralize the pro-Trump tide. AP reporter Tammy Webber authored this hit piece headlined “Was Trump tribute to fallen soldier fitting or calculated?” The AP story is already popping up in newspapers across the country, as editors join in the counterattack against the president.

Ms. Webber poses the issue this way:

President Donald Trump’s tribute to fallen Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens during Tuesday’s congressional address was seen by many as touching. But others regarded it as a calculated attempt to deflect criticism of his decision to approve a failed military operation and to turn around his administration’s shaky start with a gesture that appeared to unify a deeply divided country.

Not a lot of doubt about where Tammy stands on this one. She adds that some “…said Trump was responsible for Owens’ death and criticized the ‘exploitation of his widow for last night’s dog and pony show.’” After briefly framing the issue in that one-sided way, Webber turns to two unbiased, objective “experts”–on what?–for comment.

The first is Matthew Dallek, a professor at George Washington. Ms. Webber identifies Dallek as a former speechwriter for Richard Gephardt, so at least we know we are hearing from a Democrat:

“Whether he seems to be exploiting (Owens’) death or it seems to be heartfelt and genuine very much depends on one’s political view and whether or not you trust Trump,” Dallek said. “If you voted for him, you think he’s honoring a patriot and this is powerful. If … you don’t trust him and don’t approve of his presidency so far, I don’t think this changes very much.”

Is Matthew Dallek really a person whom a reporter should seek out to comment objectively on President Trump? This is what Dallek has said about our president:

…arguably the most retrograde major-party presidential nominee in modern times.

…the leader of such a dystopian political movement…

Trump is a fearmonger without peer…

Trump’s breathless campaign has distorted and magnified legitimate worries beyond all reason…

Dallek also refers to “Trump’s bigoted anti-Muslim ideas” and “Trump’s fearmongering.”

An objective commentator? Not exactly.

But he’s not the worst. Ms. Webber turns next to Elizabeth Sherman, who gets the last word. This is the conclusion of the AP piece:

Trump’s gesture could have been genuine and calculated at the same time, said Elizabeth Sherman, a political science professor at American University, adding that he likely knew that it would be difficult to criticize the tribute because Carryn Owens accepted his invitation and the chance for the nation to honor her husband’s sacrifice.

“I think Trump figured this was a brilliant PR move. How can you lose?” Sherman said.

But Ryan Owens “might have been alive” if there had been a deeper assessment of the raid’s risks, she said. “No one wants to say that” amid Carryn Owens’ grief.

Still, Sherman said, “questions need to be asked and answered about whether the decision was made cavalierly.”

That is a viciously anti-Trump spin. So who, exactly, is Elizabeth Sherman? Sherman, founding director of the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts Boston, is a Democratic Party loyalist and a virulent hater of the Republican Party in general, and Donald Trump in particular. She wrote this:

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And yet these same bunch of miserble little scumsuckers were shedding big fat tears for Prince and Fidel Castro the Anarcists Press is vile and the rest of these liberal journalists

As the press kept a running count of the soldiers killed while Bush was in office that type of in depth reporting vanished under Obama then headlined the first under Trump, even if the mission was planned by the Obama admin, there is word they knew our guys were coming and were well prepared. 8 years no peace, for the Pulitzer winner, now war is news again?
The AP isn’t really a news agency its a non profit organization a collection under MSM, so any reporter from the old MSM can be an “AP” reporter, not news she is playing editorial staff. If this dog flys every medal Obama hung around the neck of a hero can be said to be “calculated”.
How bout we just say the president honored this young mans sacrifice and leave it at that.
Democrats will be democrats, if they cant even give a golf clap for a young hero that made the ultimate sacrifice, it is Karma that will meet them at election time.

recall when chucky shed fake tears for illegal aliens. chucky love illegal immigrant. for years he has worked with several high profile law firms in NYC to SELL GREEN CARDS at very high prices to illegal aliens and create fake paper work. the kickback to chucky has been in the multi- millions, thus chucky had fake tears because if Trump enforces new laws chucky and his multiple law firms selling green cards to undocumented illegal immigrants is going to cut into his income told you this guy was a pig.