Assaulted Alabama detective feared being labeled a racist

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Jazz Shaw:

Was there anyone with two working brain cells to rub together who was really surprised by this story? A police detective in Alabama pulls over a motorist who is driving in an erratic fashion, calls for backup and suddenly sees the driver exiting the vehicle and coming toward him in an aggressive fashion. Under normal circumstances, the detective should have used whichever level of force (or threat thereof) was required to get the driver back in the vehicle until his backup arrived. But instead, this happens.

The two end up in a parking lot when the detective calls for back-up. It’s during this time, according to police, the suspect gets out of his car and gets aggressive with the officer.

Instead of following policy to try to get the man back in the car, the officer says he hesitates. It’s just enough time police say for 34-year-old Janard Cunningham to sucker punch the officer, knocking him unconscious. He then allegedly takes the officer’s gun and uses it to pistol whip him.

And the helpful citizens in the area were quick to assist the downed officer, right? Don’t make me laugh.

Adding insult to injury, witnesses do nothing to help. Instead, some post images of the attack on social media, bragging about it.

“Pistol whipped his ass to sleep,” One user wrote, employing the hashtag #FDAPOLICE.

Another mockingly offered the officer “milk and cookies” for his “nap time.”

The officer’s recounting of the attack tells the whole story. He had a moment of doubt where he paused because he didn’t want to be another headline. And yes, the motorist was black and the detective is white. He didn’t want to be the next feature of the day on CNN and the rest of the cable news outlets being portrayed as a hateful, out of control racist cop who is just out to kill black people. So he waited a moment too long and it nearly cost him his life.

Bob Owens at Bearing Arms sums it up nicely.

This is the world that the criminal-coddling, police-hating mainstream media hath wrought…

There’s no small amount of irony in CNN reporting this story, and the attack’s callous aftermath, which saw sick criminal supporters take mocking photos of the unconsciousl officer instead of attempting to help him. After all, they’ve done so much to fan the flames of discord that have bought us to this point, with their serially dishonest portrayal of lawful self-defense shootings by police officers and citizens alike…

Violence is a tool of last resort, but once it must be employed, no other tool will suffice. When good people are denied the use of this tool due to absurd, illogical, and extreme political correctness, civil societies fall.

We have let the radical progressives of the mainstream media control the narrative and the culture for too long.

If this story doesn’t make you angry then I simply don’t know what to say to you. We’re not talking about an isolated incident here, but simply one which managed to catch a few headlines. As we’ve discussed before, cops in Baltimore hesitate to do their jobs because they fear attacks not only from the media, but from their own Mayor and the “justice” department there.

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Black lives matter.

Let me fix that for the blm crowd:
Black lives matter = only terrible people matter.

In fact, blm can be further distilled.
Black lives matter = death to America.

Look at the blm manifesto:

They are against the improvement of terrible neighborhoods (which they call gentrification).
They are against the success of white businesses (which they decry as profit-making).
They are against the right of policemen to use necessary force (which they call brutality).
They are against the avoidance of any convicted criminals (which they call discrimination).

They’ve even given up pretending that black “victims” are hard-working and law-abiding, good for neighborhoods and children and businesses, and have decided to openly persecute every American who actually is.
Not blm, but death to America.