Assassination Attempt on President Trump

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Pennsylvania says that the shooter was literally a registered Republican.

He registered repo to vote against Trump in the Pennsylvania primary.

A Republican gun nut. How could anyone have foreseen something like this happening?!

Only in your Pea Sized Brain, Rosebud

Being a “registered Republican” in Pennsylvania doesn’t mean you were a Republican or supported Trump. Hundreds of thousands of young people in PA registered Republican as a operation to vote in the Republican primary and cause chaos. It’s no different than the people who voted as Democrats in 2008 to support Hillary, as a way to keep the race with Obama close and down to the wire. As they learned 8 years later, a lot of that support was bogus, and the votes didn’t materialize.
He donated to one of the more extreme Democrat left-wing organizations out there.

Gun nut? What does that mean exactly? What is your source he was a “gun nut”?
Do you have a GUN FREE ZONE sign posted outside your front door in plain view?

Gun* nut**

*Owned a gun
**Tried to assassinate the President with it

Hmm…. sounds like you described a Democrat.

So if he’d used a knife or ball bat he’d be a knife nut or bat nut?
He was taken down by gun nuts per your definition.


Trump Survives Assination Attempt should be part of Trumps Reelection Campaign

Of course. That’s why they did it!

Reacting in the immediate aftermath, Bannon, who forewarned of this, said: 

“I’ve warned about this very thing for over a year–an assassination attempt–the threat is real, very real. Thankfully, President Trump wears the Armor of God. Today, our leader showed total command presence, stood tall, and said ‘FIGHT’!”

JFK: Oswald ostensibly killed JFK. Then Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby in a “secure” hallway escorted by “FBI?”. How did that work out? Then Ruby died of natural causes. All before any serious interrogation could occur. And now, the assassin was killed by the Security detail for PDJT. Now the perp is dead. And the FBI is in charge of any investigation? Will this be the same FBI that “investigated” Mar a Lago? Just wondering. Or the same FBI that was involved in January 6? Or the FBI involved in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping? The same FBI that works for Merck Garland?

We have next to zero faith in the DOJ, garland, the FBlie and of course the rotten old bag of oatmeal, biden.

democrats are to blame, full stop.

The second one is the best likeness. So it should be for all leftist insurrectionists.

YMMV. From various sources. Can’t confirm validity of all.

BLM, ANFITA and Hamas terrorist supporters could not commit the violence and destruction they do without punishment unless the Democrats fully and wholeheartedly accepted violence as a legitimate tool.

This makes RFKjr’s comments on TV yesterday all the more disgusting.
He blamed “us all.”
He somehow forgot what he knew: that both his uncle and his father were murdered and the gov’t covered it up.
They covered up their own complicity.

It is truly sad that our own government is not above suspicion, but this is what the Democrats have created.