As Gas Prices Drop, Obama Scolds Americans to Buy Fuel Sippers

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Henry Payne:

Ever the nanny-in-chief, President Obama is lecturing Americans to ignore low gas prices and buy his preferred small cars.

“I would strongly advise American consumers to continue to think about how you save money at the pump because it is good for the environment, it’s good for family pocketbooks, and if you go back to old habits and suddenly gas is back at $3.50, you are going to not be real happy,” Obama said in an exclusive telephoneinterview with the Detroit News’ Dave Shepardson on the eve of his visit to a Detroit auto plant Wednesday.

Obama has been embarrassed by the fact that the plant — one of eleven Ford plants to split $6 billion in federal dollars to build hybrid and fuel efficient cars — has been shut down due to lack of demand.

Yet, rather than accept consumer preference for more SUVs — and help America’s oil and gas industry to produce even more oil to keep prices low — the president has turned scold. Despite the boom in oil fracking that has helped dive prices below $2 a gallon, Obama continues to tilt at his global-warming windmills and fight oil expansion.

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Obama’s bailout of the auto industry has added $441 to the cost of every car built in Detroit since!

As to buying a fuel-sipper, not unless it can get a top crash test rating.
Those things are death traps.
Here in Utah, as opposed to CA, I see people race through Red Lights every time I’m out.
In CA it was relatively rare.
The news here is almost always led by stories of some poor man, woman or family killed and/or maimed by being T-boned ….every day!
A neighbor who was T-boned recently was in a heavy SUV, the only reason she survived.

Actually, our newly empowered republicans are itching to raise gas taxes.

Obama was talking sense. More people should have listened to him:

“I would strongly advise American consumers to continue to think about how you save money at the pump because it is good for the environment, it’s good for family pocketbooks, and if you go back to old habits and suddenly gas is back at $3.50, you are going to not be real happy,”

I can’t help but notice that lying Obama continues to tool around in SUV’s and private jets. Not much walking, biking or EV’s. So, the basic socialist message, good for thee, not for me.

We are wasting time. Wind and solar are not the answers. We need affordable energy to drive the research for the replacement energy. Typically stupid of the left to cling to the first option put before them and exploit it for their own enrichment.

Old habits? like driving to work? There are people who actually need a truck full-sized truck Landscapers pull trailers with equipment you cant pull a trailer with a Prius.
Construction companies need trucks and some pretty big equipment, is the vehicle that picks up your weekly recycles and trash tiny? City and counties need gas guzzlers too do you live where it snows? All those vehicles were utilized when gas dropped to nearly a buck a gallon, when pipelines (the safest way to transport oil) were operating. Lots of companies are keeping the work from home model.
The higher the gas mileage the less safe the car is Barry doesnt care if you get squashed dead in an accident. But wow you were getting 35 MPG hwy, you might only need to travel on the city streets but….Greg and his ilk are still idiots that vote for morons thats all that counts.

Elizabeth Warren Just Blamed High Gas Prices on Corporate Greed. Here’s Why That Doesn’t Make Any Sense

‘This isn’t about inflation … this is about price-gouging,’ the senator claimed during an MSNBC interview.

Americans are feeling the impact of inflation on their wallets, especially at the pump.

The latest inflation data show a 6.2 percent year-over-year increase in consumer prices, the highest level of inflation recorded since 1990. Gas prices are seeing a particularly acute spike, rising roughly 49.6 percent over the last year. Suffice it to say consumers aren’t happy with such crushing increases in the costs of essentials, and concern over inflation is becoming a top political issue. So, it’s not surprising that politicians like Senator Elizabeth Warren are already twisting themselves in knots trying to deflect blame for rising prices.

Deflecting Blame — Those Greedy Oil Companies

In a recent MSNBC appearance, the progressive senator from Massachusetts argued that gas prices are rising not because of government-fueled inflation but simply due to corporate greed by oil companies like Chevron and Exxon.

“We know exactly what the oil companies pay attention to, what is their main number one priority: profit,” she said. “If this were just ordinary inflation, we might see prices go up. But prices at the pump have gone up, why? Well, let me give you a hint: Chevron, Exxon have doubled their profits.”

“This isn’t about inflation … this is about price-gouging for these guys,” Warren continued. “When we see prices go up we’re all concerned, and the Republicans want to come in and just try to hammer on one thing about this economy. But we’ve got to pay attention to the fact that folks like the oil companies say this is just another opportunity to make profits, and we need to call them out on that.”

Warren’s Emotional Demagoguery Makes No Sense

Senator Warren’s attempt to pin the blame for rising gas prices on corporate greed makes little sense. Are companies “greedy” in the sense that they’re focused on increasing profits? Yes, absolutely. (Although that’s not actually a bad thing.) But it does not in any way explain the current increase in gas prices that is hurting Americans.

Chevron and Exxon are no more or less greedy or profit-focused than they were last year. Or the year before that. Or 20 years ago. There’s simply no reason to believe that they suddenly became extra greedy this year, or something.

So, too, are we supposed to believe that gas companies are uniquely greedy or especially profit-obsessed? Surely the CEOs of massive companies in other sectors that haven’t seen as drastic price hikes, like food, are just as greedy. If corporate greed could really explain high gas prices, why wouldn’t all prices be skyrocketing from all corporations?

The true causes of high gas prices are complicated, and ultimately, prices are set by supply and demand — not by the whims of individual companies. (Otherwise, they’d always set them as high as they could. But other suppliers and customer demand keep companies’ prices in check.) Today’s high gas prices are influenced by international market dynamics involving OPEC, supply chain issues created by government pandemic restrictions, federal policies restricting the energy sector, and the Federal Reserve’s rampant money-printing that is fueling widespread consumer price inflation. So, too, some of the current increase represents a correction after 2020, a year of lockdowns, which saw unusually low demand for gas and even negative oil prices at one point.

Ultimately, no one can perfectly explain the complex causes of rising gas prices or offer an easy fix. But I can say with certainty that despite Elizabeth Warren’s rhetoric, “corporate greed” is not at all to blame. The senator’s emotional demagoguery against oil companies is likely just a cynical effort to deflect blame away from the federal government in which she serves.

Elizabeth Warren Just Blamed High Gas Prices on Corporate Greed. Here’s Why That Doesn’t Make Any Sense

““We know exactly what the oil companies pay attention to, what is their main number one priority: profit,” she said. ” What? Companies looking out for their profits?!? Why can’t they operate like the government, waste money, lose money and then print money to make up the difference? Wahoo Warren understands as much about the economy as idiot Biden.

Exxon-Mobile earns $.17 profit from every gallon of gasoline it sells. For refining it, transporting it, storing it, and selling it.
The Government averages over $.65 taken from every gallon sold, for doing… Ummm…
Who’s gouging us, again?
(Figure includes all taxes taken for every gallon produced, including property, income, inventory, etc. There’s a lot of them that we, the consumer, eventually pay.)

The federal government has an insatiable appetite for taxing Americans. As if they do not confiscate enough from taxing gasoline, they now propose to tax driving by the mile.
Freedom of mobility is antithetical to the ideology of the left.