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Arizona audit shows it’s easy to cheat in a US election and the Democrats are happy with that

by JoNova

Joe Biden officially won Arizona by about 10,000 votes, but 23,000 voters have moved, 10,000 potentially voted in multiple counties, 9,000 extra ballots appeared that were not officially sent. So there were at least four times as many dubious votes as Biden’s theoretical margin. Bigger and possibly quite a lot worse than this — was that the Election Management Database and files were deleted, subpoenaed equipment was withheld and some logs were not preserved. The chain of custody was broken and machines that weren’t meant to be connected to the internet, were connected. It’s not that the US doesn’t have free and fair elections, which it doesn’t, but that it’s not even trying.
No team that won 80 million real votes, and cared about public confidence would have made it so hard to audit, delayed for so long, and destroyed so much data.
The Democrat fog machine is shouting that the vote count shows Biden won “and by even more votes”. They appear to be hoping that if they say it loud enough and often enough people won’t notice the Biden won a crooked election.

The only thing we know for sure is that we’ll never know who the people of Arizona voted for.

The bottom line: The number of ballots impacted by discrepancies far exceeds Biden’s margin of victory in the state. Both sides of this debate will claim the report validates their position, but in truth, without proper vetting of the impacted ballots, we’ll never know if the election results were legitimate.
Why do these matter? Because, according to the state-certified results, Joe Biden barely won the state by a 10,457-vote margin. The tiny margin of victory in the state-certified results means that these discrepancies are very troubling. There were 42,727 impacted ballots ranked as “high” or “critical” severity—that’s four times the certified margin of victory. If you include “medium” severity discrepancies, there were 53,214 impacted ballots—more than five times the certified margin of victory. Overall, there were 57,734 impacted ballots.

These findings don’t prove fraud, but certainly demonstrate the potential for fraud. And these impacted ballots have not been vetted.
So, has Joe Biden’s victory been proven? Not in the least.

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