The video of
singerautotuner Ariana Grande licking doughnuts in a store and saying “I hate America” is now a police matter.Police in Lake Elsinore, California have announced that they, along with county health inspectors, are now investigating the viral video of the “malicious lick,” in which Grande licked a series of doughnuts without paying for any of them.
The Riverside County Department of Environmental Health has already lowered Wolfee Donuts’ health rating from an ‘A’ to a ‘B.’ County officials noted that it is against regulations to leave food in place where patron could potentially contaminate the food.
If the shop owners allowed those foods to stay on the shelf and then be sold THEY should be the ones held responsible.
At the time it happened the shop could have charged her for each ruined do-nut and also removed those ruined ones from sale to someone else.
There are people with auto-immune disorders who might be killed if they ate her germs.
We have health and food safety laws for good reason.
Susan Sarandon, along with several other Hollywood scumbags, have come forth and supported this slime. So, as if anyone had any doubts, liberal Hollywood supports the hating of America and Americans.
So, if you hate Americans, you hate blacks, Hispanics, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese…. isn’t that sort of the ultimate racist?