James Willis:
Malik Zulu Shabazz may not be a household name, but it might be wise to get to know him. Shabazz, born Paris Lewis is an attorney, former National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party, and current National Chairman of Black Lawyers for justice. His radical views are so extreme that he was fired by Washington DC mayor Marion Berry in 1994 and so embarrassing that he was ousted from the Nation of Islam. Shabazz is one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case Attorney General Eric Holder declined to prosecute following the 2008 election, and it was Shabazz’s group that placed a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman following the Treyon Martin shooting.
On this week’s broadcast of the New Black Panther Party’s “Black Power Radio” Shabazz issued a call to action that you might want to know about. During the program Shabazz called for members to build up an “army” and to head “to the gun range”.
And Mister Malcolm X, he consistently teaches us self-defense,” Shabazz said. “The most honorable Elijah Muhammad continuously teaches us self-defense. The honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey teaches us self-defense, and we know our leader and our teacher the honorable Khalid Abdul Muhammad teaches us self-defense. What am I saying? Right now it’s time to build up that army. Right now it’s time for us to build up those corps, those troops. It’s time to get strong. It’s time for lifting weights and working out and going to the gun range and all of that.
Although Malik Shabazz is not in the mainstream of the civil rights movement, his fringe status does not make him irrelevant. Remember it was New Black Panther Party members that were arrested for trying to purchase explosives during the riots in Ferguson, so they are certainly not averse to resorting to violence. Shabazz was ousted from the Nation of Islam, but he has remained supportive of the group and certainly has supporters with the organization. We would all like to think his followers are small in number, but let’s not forget that we have radical Muslims traveling to Syria to fight with ISIS, it would be much easier for them to engage in jihad right here in America, and it is entirely likely that we have ISIS agents already here to aid in the effort. Even in small numbers, we are painfully aware that just a handful of dedicated jihadists can cause an enormous amount of damage to the country.
Obama Black PanthersWe would also like to believe that America’s first black President would be willing and able to use his influence to quell situations such as this, but that is unlikely to happen since Shabazz is not exactly golfing buds with Obama. According to an intelligence report by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Shabazz turned on Obama due to the President’s efforts to oust Libyan dictator Muammar Gadaffi, an ally of the Nation of Islam.
just ask the racist jessie jackson. he has been a black panther since the 60’s in the south side of chicago -hyde park and cottage grove area. fat boy daley supplied the panthers with monies and weapons in the 60’s-70’s and his son more than likely continued the tradition.